Math Problem Statement

Givena relation R on N defined by aRb if 2a+3b is a multiple of 5 Reflexivity: For aRa, check 2a+3a=5a, which is a multiple of 5. Thus, R is reflexive. Symmetry: If aRb (i.e, 2a+3b=5α), then to check bRa, consider 2b+3a=2b+((5α-2a)/3)⋅3=5((3α-b)/2) 1/2=1/2 Simplifying shows that 2b+3a is also a multiple of 5, so R is symmetric Transitivity: If aRb and bRc hold, meaning 2a+3b=5α and 2b+3c=5β, then: 2a+5b+3c=5(α+β) Rearranging gives 2a+3c=5(α+β-b), showing aRc, so R is transitive. Since R is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive, it is an equivalence relation. based on the above method solve below question Q-1. Let R be a relation defined on the sef of integers Z as a R b if and only if a2+b2 is even, where a b e Z Then R is A. Reflexive but not synmetric B. Symmetric but not Transitive C. Not Reflexive D. an Equivalerce Relation
