AI Just Solved a 53-Year-Old Problem! | AlphaTensor, Explained

4 Nov 202208:17

TLDRAlphaTensor, a breakthrough by DeepMind, has potentially revolutionized matrix multiplication, a fundamental operation in machine learning. By transforming the process into a 'tensor game', the AI discovered new algorithms that outperform existing methods, even optimizing for specific hardware. This not only accelerates matrix operations but also opens up the possibility for AI to discover new algorithms across various fields.


  • 🌟 AlphaTensor is a breakthrough in optimizing matrix multiplication, a fundamental operation in machine learning and deep learning systems.
  • 🔢 The script introduces the concept of reducing multiplication operations for efficiency, starting with a simple algebraic equation and extending to matrix operations.
  • 🤖 DeepMind's AlphaZero demonstrated AI's capability to master complex games like chess, shogi, and go, inspiring the application of similar AI techniques to other problems.
  • 🧠 AlphaTensor was trained to play a 'tensor game' where it discovered new algorithms for matrix multiplication, showcasing AI's ability to innovate in mathematical optimization.
  • 📉 The traditional method of matrix multiplication, taught in schools, involves a cubic number of operations relative to the matrix size, which is not optimal.
  • 🎓 Volker Strassen's algorithm from 1969 improved upon the traditional method by reducing the number of multiplications needed for 2x2 matrix multiplication.
  • 🚀 AlphaTensor not only matches or improves upon existing human-created algorithms but also optimizes matrix multiplication for specific hardware, tailoring the algorithm to the computational environment.
  • 📚 The paper by AlphaTensor includes a table comparing its results with state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its ability to find more efficient algorithms.
  • 🛠️ The potential applications of AlphaTensor's discoveries are vast, as matrix multiplication is a cornerstone of machine learning, and improvements can significantly impact performance.
  • 🔮 The ability of a single AI system to discover new algorithms opens up unprecedented possibilities for innovation in various fields beyond gaming and mathematics.
  • 🤔 The script concludes with a provocative question about the future implications and potential next steps for AI in algorithm discovery and optimization.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the breakthrough with AlphaTensor?

    -AlphaTensor represents a significant breakthrough because it has the potential to optimize matrix multiplication, a fundamental operation in deep learning and machine learning, which could lead to faster and more efficient algorithms.

  • Why is matrix multiplication considered expensive in terms of computational resources?

    -Matrix multiplication is considered expensive because it involves a large number of multiplication operations, which can slow down the process, especially when dealing with large matrices.

  • What is the traditional method of multiplying two matrices as taught in schools?

    -The traditional method involves computing each element of the resulting matrix by multiplying rows of the first matrix with columns of the second matrix, which results in a number of operations equal to the size of the matrix cubed.

  • Who is Volker Strassen and what did he contribute to matrix multiplication?

    -Volker Strassen is a German mathematician who, in 1969, introduced an algorithm that reduced the number of multiplication operations needed to multiply two matrices, making it more efficient than the traditional method.

  • How does Strassen's algorithm improve upon the traditional matrix multiplication method?

    -Strassen's algorithm reduces the number of multiplication operations required by using a set of equations that compute the final result with fewer operations, especially beneficial for larger matrices.

  • What is the 'tensor game' that DeepMind introduced, and how does it relate to AlphaTensor?

    -The 'tensor game' is a single-player game created by DeepMind where the system teaches itself to find new, previously unknown algorithms for matrix multiplication. AlphaTensor is an outcome of this approach, using AI to discover more efficient methods.

  • How did AlphaZero's success in games like chess and go inspire DeepMind to tackle matrix multiplication?

    -AlphaZero's ability to teach itself and excel in complex games demonstrated the potential of DeepMind's AI systems to solve complex problems. This inspired them to apply similar principles to the challenge of optimizing matrix multiplication.

  • What does it mean for AlphaTensor to have found an algorithm that 'matches or improves' on human-created methods?

    -It means that AlphaTensor has either discovered new algorithms that perform as well as or better than existing methods in terms of reducing the number of multiplication operations required for matrix multiplication.

  • How did DeepMind adjust AlphaTensor's reward to focus on time efficiency?

    -DeepMind adjusted AlphaTensor's reward mechanism to prioritize finding algorithms that not only reduce the number of multiplication operations but also minimize the overall computation time for matrix multiplication.

  • What are the implications of AlphaTensor's ability to find optimal matrix multiplication algorithms for different hardware?

    -The implications are significant as it means that matrix multiplication can be optimized for specific hardware, potentially leading to more efficient use of computational resources and faster processing times across various platforms.

  • What is the potential impact of AlphaTensor's discoveries on the field of machine learning?

    -The potential impact is vast, as matrix multiplication is a foundational operation in machine learning. Any improvements in its efficiency can accelerate the training of models, leading to faster development and deployment of machine learning applications.



🚀 Revolutionary Matrix Multiplication with AlphaTensor

The script introduces AlphaTensor, a breakthrough in optimizing matrix multiplication, which is fundamental to deep learning. It starts by illustrating the concept of reducing multiplications in algebra to enhance problem-solving speed, drawing a parallel to deep learning's reliance on matrix multiplications. The speaker then delves into the history of matrix multiplication, highlighting Volker Strassen's algorithm that reduced the number of operations needed. The script emphasizes the complexity and the computational intensity of matrix multiplication, especially for larger matrices, and introduces the concept of using AI to find more efficient methods. It mentions AlphaZero, DeepMind's AI that mastered games like chess and go, setting the stage for AlphaTensor's capabilities in self-teaching and discovering new algorithms for matrix multiplication.


🎲 AlphaTensor's Impact on Matrix Multiplication and Beyond

This paragraph discusses the application of DeepMind's AI technology to the 'tensor game,' where the system learns to find new algorithms for matrix multiplication, a task more complex than mastering games like Go due to the vast number of possibilities. The script presents AlphaTensor's achievements, showing how it has improved upon human-designed algorithms by reducing the number of required multiplication operations. It also explains how DeepMind adjusted AlphaTensor's objectives to focus not just on reducing operations but also on minimizing computation time, tailoring the optimal multiplication method to specific hardware. The potential implications of AI discovering new algorithms are highlighted, suggesting a significant impact on machine learning and the broader field of computational research, and ending with a contemplation of future possibilities opened by such advancements.




AlphaTensor is an artificial intelligence system developed by DeepMind that focuses on optimizing matrix multiplication, a fundamental operation in computer science and machine learning. In the video, it is presented as a breakthrough that has the potential to revolutionize the field by finding more efficient ways to perform these operations, which is crucial for improving the speed and efficiency of deep learning algorithms.

💡Matrix Multiplication

Matrix multiplication is a mathematical operation that takes two matrices (arrays of numbers arranged in rows and columns) and produces a new matrix by combining the values in a specific way. It is a core component of linear algebra and is extensively used in deep learning for operations such as transforming data. The script discusses the inefficiency of traditional methods and how AlphaTensor aims to improve upon them.

💡Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to learn and make decisions based on data. It is foundational in AI for tasks like image recognition, natural language processing, and game playing. The video script emphasizes that deep learning systems rely heavily on matrix multiplications, making the efficiency of these operations critical.

💡Volker Strassen

Volker Strassen is a German mathematician known for his work on matrix multiplication algorithms. In 1969, he introduced an algorithm that reduced the number of multiplications needed to multiply two matrices, which was a significant advancement at the time. The script mentions Strassen as the initiator of the quest for more efficient matrix multiplication methods.


AlphaZero is another AI system created by DeepMind that has mastered games like chess, shogi, and go by learning to play them from scratch. The script uses AlphaZero as an example of DeepMind's capability to create AI systems that can teach themselves complex tasks, setting the stage for AlphaTensor's approach to learning matrix multiplication algorithms.

💡Tensor Game

In the context of the video, the 'Tensor Game' refers to the concept of treating the problem of matrix multiplication as a single-player game where the AI system, AlphaTensor, is tasked with finding the most efficient algorithms. This game analogy helps to illustrate the AI's process of learning and optimization in a more relatable way.


Optimization in this video refers to the process of making something as effective, efficient, or functional as possible. AlphaTensor's goal is to optimize matrix multiplication by finding algorithms that reduce the number of operations needed or that execute more quickly on specific hardware.


Hardware in the context of the video refers to the physical components of a computer system, such as CPUs, GPUs, and memory, which can affect the speed and efficiency of matrix multiplication operations. AlphaTensor's ability to tailor algorithms to specific hardware configurations is highlighted as a significant advancement.


An algorithm is a set of rules or steps used to solve a problem. In the video, algorithms are the methods by which matrix multiplication is performed. AlphaTensor's innovation lies in its ability to discover new algorithms that can perform these operations more efficiently than existing methods.

💡Machine Learning

Machine learning is a field of AI that enables computers to learn from and make decisions based on data. The script mentions matrix multiplication as a foundational building block of machine learning, emphasizing the importance of AlphaTensor's work in potentially improving the performance of machine learning models.

💡Digital Superintelligence

Digital superintelligence refers to the concept of creating AI systems that surpass human intelligence in various domains. DeepMind's focus on this goal is mentioned in the script to highlight the ambitious nature of their work, including the development of AlphaTensor.


AlphaTensor is a breakthrough in matrix multiplication with unlimited potential.

Traditional matrix multiplication methods are not optimal and can be improved.

High school algebra trick: Simplify equations by reducing the number of multiplications.

Deep Learning systems rely heavily on matrix multiplications, which can be slow.

Volker Strassen's algorithm in 1969 was a significant step towards optimizing matrix multiplication.

Strassen's algorithm reduces the number of multiplications needed for matrix multiplication.

AI has the potential to discover new, more efficient algorithms for matrix multiplication.

DeepMind's AlphaZero taught itself to play and win at complex games like chess, shogi, and go.

AlphaTensor is a 'single-player game' where the AI learns to find new matrix multiplication algorithms.

Matrix multiplication is exponentially more complex than games like Go in terms of possibilities.

AlphaTensor's results show improvements over human-created algorithms for specific matrix sizes.

AlphaTensor can optimize matrix multiplication for different hardware, tailoring algorithms to specific GPUs.

Matrix multiplication is a fundamental operation in Machine Learning with widespread impact.

The ability of AI to discover new algorithms is a game-changer for computational efficiency.

The implications of AlphaTensor extend beyond matrix multiplication to the potential for AI to solve complex computational problems.

The question remains: What other complex problems can AI solve next?