Art of Problem Solving: Introducing Ratios

Art of Problem Solving
26 Dec 201105:56

TLDRThis educational video script introduces the concept of ratios through relatable scenarios, such as kids to adults at a party. It explains the meaning of a ratio, using the example of a party with a 5:2 kids to adults ratio, and demonstrates how to calculate the number of kids when given the number of adults. The script also explores another ratio problem with a 3:5 kids to adults ratio and shows how to determine the number of kids when there are 26 more adults. The video uses both direct multiplication of the ratio and algebraic methods to solve the problems, reinforcing the concept of equivalent ratios.


  • ๐ŸŽ‰ The concept of ratios is introduced as a way to compare quantities, specifically kids to adults at a party.
  • ๐Ÿ” A ratio is expressed as '5 to 2', meaning for every 5 kids, there are 2 adults, without specifying the total number of people.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ถ The ratio can be scaled up by multiplying both parts by the same number to find an equivalent ratio that fits a given scenario.
  • ๐Ÿงฎ If 14 adults are at a party with a '5 to 2' kids to adult ratio, there would be 35 kids, found by multiplying both parts of the ratio by 7.
  • ๐Ÿค” The ratio helps to determine the number of kids when the number of adults is known, by maintaining the proportionality.
  • ๐ŸŽˆ Another example ratio, '3 to 5' kids to adults, suggests a different party composition, implying fewer kids relative to adults.
  • ๐Ÿง The problem-solving approach involves creating groups based on the ratio and scaling these groups to match given conditions.
  • ๐Ÿ”ข For a '3 to 5' ratio with 26 more adults than kids, 13 groups are needed, leading to 39 kids and 65 adults.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The script illustrates two methods to solve ratio problems: direct multiplication of the ratio and using variables (x) to represent groups.
  • ๐ŸŽ“ Understanding ratios is crucial for determining the number of individuals in one category based on the number in another, given their ratio.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก The script emphasizes the importance of ratios in real-life situations like parties, where the balance between different groups can affect the outcome.

Q & A

  • What is the primary concern for a child when considering whether to attend a party?

    -The primary concern for a child is to determine if there will be more kids than adults at the party, as this would indicate whether it's a kids party or an adults party.

  • What does the ratio of kids to adults represent in the context of the party?

    -The ratio of kids to adults represents the proportion of kids to adults at the party. For example, a ratio of 5 to 2 means for every 5 kids, there are 2 adults.

  • How does the ratio help in determining the number of kids at a party if the number of adults is known?

    -The ratio helps by setting up a proportional relationship between the number of kids and adults. If the ratio is known and the number of adults is given, you can scale the ratio to match the given number of adults and then calculate the number of kids accordingly.

  • What is the ratio of kids to adults at the first party problem described in the transcript?

    -The ratio of kids to adults at the first party problem is 5 to 2.

  • If there are 14 adults at the party with a ratio of 5 kids to 2 adults, how many kids are there?

    -With a ratio of 5 kids to 2 adults, and 14 adults at the party, there would be 35 kids at the party.

  • How can you scale a ratio to match a given number of adults?

    -You can scale a ratio to match a given number of adults by multiplying both parts of the ratio by the same number until the number of adults in the scaled ratio matches the given number.

  • What is an equivalent ratio and how is it used in solving the party problem?

    -An equivalent ratio is a ratio that has the same relationship between its parts as the original ratio but with different numbers. It is used in solving the party problem by scaling the original ratio to match the given number of adults, thus allowing the calculation of the number of kids.

  • In the second party problem, what is the ratio of kids to adults and what does it imply about the party?

    -In the second party problem, the ratio of kids to adults is 3 to 5, which implies that for every 3 kids, there are 5 adults, suggesting it might be a less kid-friendly party.

  • How can you determine the number of kids at a party if there are 26 more adults than kids and the ratio is 3 kids to 5 adults?

    -If there are 26 more adults than kids and the ratio is 3 kids to 5 adults, you can determine the number of kids by setting up an equation where 5x (the number of adults) is 26 more than 3x (the number of kids), solving for x, and then calculating 3x.

  • What is the significance of the number 13 in the second party problem?

    -In the second party problem, the number 13 represents the number of groups of 3 kids and 5 adults needed to have a total of 26 more adults than kids at the party.



๐ŸŽ‰ Understanding Party Ratios

This paragraph introduces the concept of ratios in the context of children's parties. It explains that children are more interested in the ratio of kids to adults at a party rather than the total number of attendees. The script uses a problem-solving approach to teach ratios, starting with a 5:2 kids to adults ratio at a party. It clarifies that this ratio does not indicate the total number of people but the proportion of kids to adults. The paragraph then solves a problem where, given 14 adults, it calculates the number of kids at the party by scaling the ratio to match the given number of adults. Two methods are presented: directly multiplying the ratio parts by a number that aligns with the given adults, and using a variable 'x' to represent the number of groups, leading to the same conclusion that there are 35 kids at the party.


๐Ÿงฎ Exploring Different Ratio Scenarios

The second paragraph delves into another ratio problem, this time with a 3:5 kids to adults ratio, suggesting a less child-friendly party. The paragraph poses a scenario where there are 26 more adults than kids and uses both direct multiplication and algebraic methods to find the number of kids. The direct method involves multiplying the ratio by a number that results in 26 more adults than kids, concluding with 13 groups that yield 39 kids. The algebraic method sets up an equation based on the ratio and the given difference, solving for 'x' to find the same result of 39 kids. The paragraph emphasizes the importance of understanding ratios and demonstrates that different methods can be used to arrive at the same solution.




A ratio is a way of comparing two quantities. In the context of the video, the ratio of kids to adults at a party is used to determine the number of kids and adults when given certain conditions. For example, a ratio of '5 to 2' means that for every 5 kids, there are 2 adults. The video uses this concept to solve problems by scaling the ratio to match given numbers of adults, thereby finding the corresponding number of kids.


In the video, the term 'colon' is used to describe the separator between the two parts of a ratio, such as '5 colon 2'. However, the speaker humorously prefers to say '5 to 2' instead to avoid the repetition of the word 'colon'. This term is crucial for understanding how ratios are expressed and read.


The concept of 'groups' is used in the video to illustrate how ratios can be visualized and calculated. By grouping the attendees of a party into sets that match the ratio, such as groups of 5 kids and 2 adults, the speaker can then multiply these groups to scale up to the total number of people at the party, given the total number of adults.


Multiplication is a mathematical operation used in the video to scale ratios. When the ratio of kids to adults is known, and the total number of adults is given, the video demonstrates how multiplying both parts of the ratio by the same number can help find the total number of kids. For instance, if the ratio is '5 to 2' and there are 14 adults, multiplying both 5 and 2 by 7 gives '35 to 14', indicating 35 kids.

๐Ÿ’กEquivalent Ratio

An equivalent ratio is a ratio that has the same value as another ratio but with different terms. In the video, the speaker finds equivalent ratios by multiplying both parts of the original ratio by the same number. This is done to match the given total number of adults to the ratio's terms, thereby solving for the unknown quantity, such as the number of kids.

๐Ÿ’กProblem Solving

Problem solving is the process of finding solutions to given problems, which is the main theme of the video. The video demonstrates how to use ratios to solve problems related to the number of kids and adults at a party. It shows step-by-step methods, including using groups and equivalent ratios, to arrive at the solution.


Scaling in the context of the video refers to the process of adjusting the terms of a ratio to match a given condition. For example, if the ratio of kids to adults is '5 to 2' and there are 14 adults, the video shows how to scale this ratio up by multiplying both terms by 7 to get '35 to 14', which corresponds to the given number of adults.


Variables are used in the video to represent unknown quantities. The speaker introduces 'x' as a variable to represent the number of groups in a ratio. By setting up equations with variables, the video demonstrates how to find the number of kids when the ratio and the difference between adults and kids are known.


Equations are mathematical statements that assert the equality of two expressions. In the video, equations are used to represent the relationship between the number of kids and adults based on the given ratio and conditions. Solving these equations helps to find the unknown number of kids or adults at the party.


The term 'difference' is used in the video to describe the disparity between the number of adults and kids at a party. For example, if there are 26 more adults than kids, the video shows how to use this information along with the ratio to determine the total number of kids.


Understanding the concept of ratios through the context of a kids' party.

The ratio of kids to adults at a party is described as '5 to 2'.

A ratio does not specify the total number of people, only the relationship between two groups.

Groups at a party can be formed based on the ratio, with each group containing 5 kids and 2 adults.

Multiplying the components of a ratio by the same number results in an equivalent ratio.

Using the ratio to determine the number of kids when given the number of adults.

If there are 14 adults at the party, there must be 35 kids, maintaining the 5:2 ratio.

Exploring another ratio problem with a 3 to 5 kids to adults ratio.

A party with a 3:5 ratio suggests a higher number of adults, potentially making it less exciting for kids.

Determining the number of kids when there are 26 more adults than kids.

Using the ratio to calculate that there are 39 kids when there are 13 groups of 3 kids and 5 adults.

Verifying the solution by checking that 65 adults are indeed 26 more than 39 kids.

Introducing the variable 'x' to represent the number of groups in the ratio.

Solving the problem algebraically by setting up the equation 5x - 3x = 26.

Finding that x equals 13, which confirms the earlier conclusion of 39 kids at the party.

Emphasizing the importance of understanding ratios in problem-solving.

Highlighting that the same problem can be solved in multiple ways, ensuring the solution's validity.