Use AI to Answer Your Research Questions or Learn Your Research Field with Teach Anything

Science Grad School Coach
22 Feb 202305:11

TLDRThe video introduces 'Teach Anything,' an AI-based educational software powered by the GPT model, similar to Chat GPT. It allows users to ask questions with varying difficulty levels, from easy to professional, providing tailored answers. Unlike Chat GPT, which is knowledge-limited to 2021, 'Teach Anything' is internet-connected for updated information. The software can answer simple and complex questions, offering solutions like using EDTA to remove OTC polymer from tissues without affecting lipids. It also generates novel research questions, though users should verify the novelty and validity of the suggestions before applying them in their research.


  • 🀖 Teach Anything is an AI-based tool that uses the GPT-3 model to help answer research questions in various fields.
  • 🧠 Users can ask questions in their research field and select the difficulty level, ranging from easy to professional.
  • 🌐 Unlike ChatGPT, which is limited to knowledge up to 2021, Teach Anything is connected to the internet and provides updated information.
  • 🔍 The software provides both simple and detailed professional answers depending on the user's needs.
  • ⚖ An example provided shows how Teach Anything explains obesity at different levels of complexity, from a basic definition to a more detailed professional analysis.
  • 🔬 The tool can assist with specific research challenges, like removing OCT polymer from tissues without affecting lipids, by providing practical solutions.
  • 💡 Teach Anything also suggests novel research questions, though users are encouraged to verify the novelty and validity of these suggestions.
  • 📊 The tool is designed to help researchers access more current information and generate ideas, but results should be validated before application.
  • 🌍 The software appears to offer insights that may be region-specific, as some examples are focused on the UK.
  • 📚 The video emphasizes the importance of not solely relying on AI-generated answers for research but using them as a starting point for further investigation.

Q & A

  • What is Teach Anything and how does it differ from ChatGPT?

    -Teach Anything is a software based on the GPT-3 language model, similar to ChatGPT, but with the key difference that it is connected to the internet. This allows it to provide more up-to-date information, whereas ChatGPT's knowledge is limited to information available until 2021.

  • How can Teach Anything assist in learning about broad topics like obesity?

    -Teach Anything allows users to input broad questions, such as 'What is obesity?' and select a difficulty level for the answer. The 'easy' level provides a simple explanation, while the 'profession' level offers a more detailed and technical answer suitable for someone within the field.

  • What advantage does the 'profession' difficulty level provide when asking questions on Teach Anything?

    -The 'profession' difficulty level gives more detailed and technical answers, making it suitable for professionals or researchers who need a deeper understanding of a topic.

  • Can Teach Anything provide answers to advanced research questions?

    -Yes, Teach Anything can answer more advanced research questions, such as those related to specific methods in fields like biology. For example, it can provide suggestions on how to remove OTC polymer from tissues without losing lipids, including specific techniques like using a chelating agent.

  • What should researchers consider before applying AI-generated answers to their work?

    -Researchers should validate AI-generated answers through further research and experimentation before applying them, especially in formal writings or experiments. AI suggestions should be tested for accuracy and relevance to ensure reliability.

  • How does Teach Anything suggest novel research questions, and what should you be cautious about?

    -Teach Anything can suggest novel research questions by providing principles and applications related to a field. However, users should verify whether these questions are truly novel by checking existing literature, as the AI might not always generate entirely original ideas.

  • Is Teach Anything's content specific to certain regions, and why?

    -Some content generated by Teach Anything may be region-specific, like in the UK, because the software might incorporate region-specific data and examples.

  • What are the key benefits of using Teach Anything over ChatGPT for research purposes?

    -Teach Anything provides more current information due to its internet connectivity, making it more useful for obtaining up-to-date research insights, unlike ChatGPT, which is limited to pre-2021 information.

  • Can Teach Anything replace traditional literature research entirely?

    -No, Teach Anything should not replace traditional literature research. It is a helpful tool for generating ideas and getting quick answers, but researchers still need to verify and cross-reference information with established literature.

  • How does the connection to the internet enhance Teach Anything's functionality?

    -The internet connection allows Teach Anything to access the most recent information and developments in various fields, providing more accurate and up-to-date answers compared to AI models like ChatGPT, which lack real-time information access.



🀖 Exploring AI Tools for Research Assistance

The paragraph discusses the potential of AI in aiding research, particularly focusing on the software 'Teach Anything,' which is based on the GPT-3 language model. Unlike ChatGPT, which is limited by its knowledge cutoff in 2021, 'Teach Anything' is connected to the internet and provides up-to-date information. The software allows users to ask questions in various languages and select the difficulty level of the answers. For researchers, the 'professional' difficulty level provides more detailed, field-specific responses. The paragraph highlights how the software gives quick, basic answers, such as defining obesity, and contrasts this with more detailed responses that researchers might require.


🧪 AI for Advanced Research Queries

The paragraph illustrates how 'Teach Anything' can handle more complex and specific research questions. The example given involves a biological method where the user is trying to remove OTC polymer from tissue samples without affecting lipids. The software suggests using a chelating agent like EDTA to bind the OTC polymer and then washing the tissue with a buffer to remove the agent. The paragraph advises caution when using AI-generated answers, stressing the importance of validating the information through experiments or further research before relying on it in academic writing or practical applications.

📝 AI-Generated Research Questions

This paragraph explores the AI's ability to suggest novel research questions, using maternal obesity and placental health as an example. The software provides a general overview of the topic, followed by three specific research questions. However, the paragraph cautions against blindly using these AI-generated questions without verifying their novelty and relevance in the field. The UK-specific nature of the content is noted, and the paragraph concludes with a reminder that AI tools should be used as a supplement to, not a replacement for, thorough research and critical thinking.

👍 Final Thoughts and Further Learning

The final paragraph encourages viewers to like the video and subscribe to the channel for more tips on enhancing research efficiency. It mentions links to additional videos on using ChatGPT for scientific research and 'Elicit' for brainstorming research ideas. The closing statement expresses a hope that viewers found the content helpful and invites them to return for future videos.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to facilitate learning and research by answering questions and providing explanations in various fields, including specialized areas like obesity research.


GPT stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer,' a type of AI language model that is capable of generating human-like text based on the input it receives. The video mentions 'tech GPT' and 'chat GPT,' which are applications based on the GPT model, used for asking questions and receiving information.

💡Teach Anything

Teach Anything is a software mentioned in the video that is powered by the GPT3 language model. It allows users to ask questions and receive answers tailored to their language preference and difficulty level, making it a versatile tool for learning and research.


Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excessive body fat. It is defined by a high body mass index (BMI), with a BMI over 30 indicating obesity. The video uses obesity as an example to demonstrate how AI can provide both simple and professional explanations of complex topics.


BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a value derived from an individual's height and weight, commonly used to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height. The script explains that a BMI over 30 indicates obesity, while 25 to 29.9 indicates being overweight.

💡OTC Polymer

OTC Polymer, or Optimal Cutting Temperature compound, is used in biological research to preserve tissues for sectioning. The video script mentions a scenario where a researcher is trying to remove OTC polymer from tissues without losing lipids, illustrating a practical application of AI in solving research problems.

💡Chelating Agent

A chelating agent is a chemical that can form multiple bonds with a single central atom, typically a metal ion. In the context of the video, EDTA is suggested as a chelating agent to bind with OTC polymer, facilitating its removal from tissues.


A buffer in chemistry is a solution that resists changes in pH when small amounts of an acid or a base are added to it. In the script, a buffer is recommended for washing tissues to remove any residual chelating agents after the removal of OTC polymer.

💡Downstream Application

Downstream application refers to the subsequent uses or processes that a substance or material can be put through after an initial treatment or procedure. In the video, tissues cleaned of OTC polymer and chelating agents can be used for downstream applications in research.

💡Maternal Obesity

Maternal obesity refers to the condition of being obese during pregnancy. The video script discusses the link between maternal obesity and adverse placental health outcomes, highlighting the importance of this topic in research.

💡Research Questions

Research questions are the inquiries or problems that a study aims to address. The video demonstrates how AI can suggest novel research questions in a field, such as maternal obesity and placental health, to aid researchers in identifying new areas of investigation.


Teach Anything is a new software based on the GPT-3 language model, similar to ChatGPT.

Teach Anything allows users to ask questions in their research field and provides answers based on difficulty level, from easy to professional.

Unlike ChatGPT, Teach Anything is connected to the internet, offering more updated information.

Teach Anything provides principle and application-based answers, giving a broad definition and a more detailed explanation.

For example, when asked about obesity, the software provided a professional-level answer explaining BMI and its implications.

Teach Anything can be used to ask more advanced, field-specific questions, such as how to remove OTC polymer from tissues without losing lipids.

The software suggested using a chelating agent like EDTA, followed by washing the tissue with a buffer.

While Teach Anything provides useful suggestions, it's essential to validate the information before applying it to research.

The software can also suggest novel research questions, as demonstrated in the field of maternal obesity and placental health.

Teach Anything's research questions are tailored to specific regions, such as the UK.

Despite its capabilities, users should still verify the novelty of suggested research questions through further checks.

Teach Anything offers more updated information than ChatGPT, making it a valuable tool for researchers.

Users are encouraged to cross-check the AI-generated suggestions with existing literature before integrating them into their work.

The video highlights the importance of not blindly trusting AI-generated content, especially in scientific research.

The video provides additional resources on using ChatGPT and Illicit for scientific research.