How To Start An AI Automation Agency QnA (Answering ALL Your Business & Personal Questions)

Yiannis Demetriou
15 Sept 202438:51

TLDRIn this Q&A session, the host celebrates reaching 1,000 YouTube subscribers by answering a variety of personal and business-related questions. He discusses his flexible daily routine, emphasizing the importance of actual work over rigid schedules. The host shares his belief in the minimalism of needs, focusing on work as his top priority and the challenges of giving up certain habits like coffee. He reflects on his journey to success, highlighting the years of hard work and learning rather than quick wins. The conversation also touches on his thoughts about being your own boss, the potential of AI in business, and strategies for starting an AI automation agency with limited resources. The host candidly addresses the reality of partnerships in business and the importance of self-investment for beginners. He concludes with advice on niching down in AI automation and managing the overwhelming amount of available content.


  • πŸ˜€ The speaker emphasizes that there's no fixed routine for success; it's more about doing the work that moves your business forward.
  • 🚫 He dismisses the idea of 'need', stating that beyond basic necessities like oxygen, water, and food, everything else is a matter of desire, not necessity.
  • πŸ’ͺ Success isn't quick and doesn't come with secrets; it's the result of years of hard work, learning, and dedication.
  • πŸ•’ The speaker recounts starting his first business at 15 and the extreme efforts he made, including working overnight to respond to clients in different time zones.
  • πŸ’Ό Being your own boss offers significant freedom, which the speaker highly values over a traditional 9-to-5 job.
  • πŸ“ˆ The speaker admires Iman Oubou, a successful young YouTuber, for his accomplishments but criticizes him for fabricating a rags-to-riches story.
  • πŸ’° The best investment for beginners is in themselves, through learning, self-improvement, and health.
  • πŸ” To stay focused, the speaker curates his social circle and eliminates distractions that don't align with his work objectives.
  • 🏑 The speaker sees real estate as a promising niche for AI automation, suggesting an AI caller service as a valuable offering.
  • 🀝 When proposing a partnership, be upfront about the benefits and have a clear agreement on how profits will be shared.
  • πŸ“± AI callers have high potential and are expected to become mainstream in the next 10-15 years, offering significant advantages to businesses that adopt them early.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker's daily routine like?

    -The speaker doesn't follow a strict daily routine. He wakes up around 8:30 a.m. or later if he doesn't have a gym session, works out, drinks coffee, and then works intensively on his computer, sending DMs, answering calls, doing outreach, and making videos.

  • What does the speaker consider as his essentials in life?

    -The speaker believes that the word 'need' is very powerful and should not be used lightly. He asserts that he doesn't need much beyond the basics like oxygen, water, and food. He desires more but doesn't need luxuries or material possessions.

  • What is the speaker's view on the concept of 'secrets to success'?

    -The speaker dismisses the idea of quick success and 'secrets'. He emphasizes that what seems like quick success is often the outcome of years of hard work and dedication, as he himself started his first business at 15 and has been working tirelessly since then.

  • Why does the speaker prefer being his own boss?

    -The speaker values freedom and autonomy. He recounts a negative experience from a part-time job at KFC that solidified his decision to never have a boss and to be self-employed, where he can make his own decisions and control his time.

  • What are the speaker's thoughts on Iman Ouji and his success?

    -While the speaker acknowledges Iman Ouji's success and ability to build a large following on YouTube, he criticizes the narrative Ouji created about his background, suggesting it was exaggerated for success, and discusses the importance of authenticity.

  • How should a beginner invest their money according to the speaker?

    -The speaker advises investing in oneself as the best initial investment, especially when starting with limited funds. He suggests improving physical fitness, learning, and self-improvement as more valuable than small financial investments at the beginning.

  • What is the potential of AI callers according to the speaker?

    -The speaker believes AI callers will dominate the market within the next 10 to 15 years, as they offer a competitive advantage by reducing costs and increasing efficiency for businesses.

  • How does the speaker feel about starting a school or community for his followers?

    -While the speaker has received requests to start a school or community, he currently prioritizes growing his agency and capturing market share in AI. He does not rule out the possibility for the future but it's not his immediate focus.

  • What is the best way to pitch a partnership with a friend's digital marketing agency?

    -The speaker suggests being straightforward, proposing a trial period where you provide AI solutions and receive a commission for the clients you bring in. He also advises being prepared to end the partnership if it's not beneficial for both parties.

  • How can a beginner agency owner build a portfolio to gain trust?

    -The speaker recommends two approaches: either collaborate with a developer to leverage their portfolio and testimonials or offer free work initially to build a portfolio and testimonials before monetizing.



πŸŽ‰ Q&A Session Post 1,000 YouTube Subs

The speaker celebrates reaching 1,000 subscribers on YouTube and decides to hold a Q&A session to engage with the audience. They mention receiving over 20 questions covering personal and business topics. A cousin assists by reading out the questions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of work over rigid daily routines, sharing their flexible schedule and work ethic. They discuss their minimal needs, highlighting that they prioritize work over material possessions and personal vices, with the exception of coffee which they find hard to give up.


πŸš€ Success Through Hard Work, Not Secrets

The speaker refutes the idea of quick success, attributing their achievements to years of hard work rather than any secret formula. They recount starting their first business at 15 and the many hours spent developing skills in sales and communication. The speaker stresses that success is a gradual process that requires commitment and learning, not just luck or shortcuts.


πŸ’Ό The Freedom of Being Your Own Boss

The speaker contrasts the experience of having a boss to being self-employed, sharing a story from a teenage job at KFC that solidified their dislike for traditional employment. They express a strong preference for the autonomy and freedom that comes with being their own boss, highlighting the ability to make one's own decisions and the motivation it provides to work hard.


πŸ€” Authenticity and the Role of Image in Success

The speaker discusses the authenticity in their online persona, emphasizing honesty with their audience. They touch upon the role of image manipulation online, using the example of Iman Gaji, a successful YouTuber. They critique the narrative of rags-to-riches stories that some influencers promote, which they believe can be misleading.


πŸ’Ό Investing in Yourself as a Priority

The speaker advises investing in personal development as the best initial investment for those starting out, especially when funds are limited. They argue that self-improvement in areas like health, communication, and knowledge provides a higher return than small financial investments. The speaker also addresses the concept of passive income, advocating for active income generation first.


🎯 Staying Focused Amidst Distractions

The speaker shares strategies for maintaining focus on work by eliminating distractions. They discuss the importance of curating a positive social circle and the value they place on work over social activities. They emphasize the fulfillment derived from disciplined work and the deliberate choice to minimize non-essential engagements.


🏫 Considering the Creation of an Educational Community

The speaker contemplates the idea of starting an educational community, noting the interest and financial potential it presents. However, they prioritize growing their AI agency over launching such a community, citing the significant time investment required and their current focus on capturing market share in the AI industry.


πŸ’Ό Starting an Agency with a Limited Budget

The speaker addresses the challenge of starting an agency with a small budget, suggesting starting with free outreach methods like social media or leveraging personal networks. They emphasize the importance of commitment and determination over financial resources, advocating for a bootstrapping approach to business growth.

🏑 Real Estate as a Niche for AI Automation

The speaker identifies real estate as a promising niche for AI automation, highlighting the potential for AI callers to assist real estate agents during property showcases. They suggest that AI can help manage inbound calls and appointments, improving efficiency in this sector.

🀝 Pitching Partnerships with Friends in Business

The speaker advises on how to propose a business partnership to a friend, recommending a direct and transparent approach. They discuss the potential complications of mixing friendship with business and the importance of complementary skills in a partnership.

πŸ“ˆ Building a Portfolio for a Beginner Agency Owner

The speaker suggests strategies for new agency owners to build a portfolio, including collaborating with developers for testimonials or offering free services to build a client list. They emphasize the importance of showcasing capability and experience to gain client trust.

πŸ’¬ Crafting Effective Outreach Scripts

The speaker discusses the importance of crafting outreach scripts that provide value upfront, suggesting that this approach is more effective than a hard sales pitch. They recommend understanding the target market's pain points and offering solutions that address those issues.

🎯 Identifying the Best Niches for AI Automation

The speaker advises identifying niches where one has prior experience or knowledge as the best approach to entering the AI automation market. They argue that deep understanding of a niche is crucial for successful monetization and that targeting familiar niches is more effective initially.

πŸ“ž The Growing Dominance of AI Callers

The speaker predicts that AI callers will become ubiquitous in businesses within the next decade, driven by the need to reduce costs and increase competitiveness. They discuss the advantages of AI callers over human ones and the inevitability of their adoption across various industries.

🀝 Targeting Familiar and Unfamiliar Niches

The speaker encourages targeting niches familiar with AI automation but also not ignoring those new to the concept. They suggest that as AI becomes more mainstream, even niches resistant to change now will eventually adopt it, presenting opportunities for those prepared to serve them.

πŸ’Ό Easier Sales with AI Automation

The speaker finds selling AI automation easier than social media marketing due to less competition and a fresher approach. They note that businesses have become wary of social media marketing agencies, making AI automation a more attractive proposition.

🐟 Being a Big Fish in a Small Pond

The speaker prefers to be a big fish in a small pond, highlighting the benefits of dominating a niche market. They suggest that focusing on specific sub-niches can lead to greater financial success and market control.

πŸ’‘ Successful Email Marketing Strategies

The speaker shares their email marketing strategy, emphasizing the importance of capturing the recipient's attention and offering value. They discuss the use of guarantees to build trust, suggesting that exceptional service can outweigh minor service shortcomings.

πŸ” Optimizing Costs for AI Agents

The speaker provides tips on optimizing costs for AI agents, including adding call-ending features, using markdown language for knowledge bases, and limiting unnecessary integrations. They stress the balance between effectiveness and affordability.

πŸ“š Focusing on One Source of Content

The speaker recommends focusing on one influential source of content rather than spreading attention across many. They advise deep study of a single source to gain comprehensive understanding and form actionable strategies.



πŸ’‘AI Automation Agency

An AI Automation Agency is a business entity that specializes in providing artificial intelligence-based automation solutions to clients. These agencies help streamline and automate various business processes, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing operational costs. In the video, the speaker discusses the process of starting such an agency, emphasizing the importance of commitment and focus.

πŸ’‘Daily Routine

A daily routine refers to the regular sequence of activities that a person performs each day. The speaker in the video shares their personal daily routine, highlighting the flexibility and the importance of focusing on work that moves the business forward. They mention waking up, exercising, and consuming coffee as part of their day, but also stress that having a rigid routine is not essential for success.


Essentials are the basic or necessary things required for a given purpose or for survival. The speaker discusses their minimalist approach to life, stating that they only truly need basic necessities like oxygen, water, and food. They differentiate between 'needs' and 'wants', suggesting that beyond the essentials, desires are optional and not crucial for their well-being.


Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In the context of the video, the speaker reflects on their path to success, dispelling the notion of quick success. They emphasize the years of hard work and dedication that are often unseen, underscoring that success is typically the result of consistent effort and skill development over time.


Freedom, in this video, refers to the independence and autonomy one experiences when being one's own boss. The speaker contrasts their current state of freedom with their past experience working a traditional job. They highlight the benefits of being able to make one's own decisions and having control over one's time and location.


Investment, in the financial sense, is the placement of money in an asset with the expectation of generating income or achieving appreciation. However, in the video, the speaker encourages investing in oneself as the best return on investment, especially when starting out. This could include education, health, and personal development.


A distraction is something that diverts attention or focus away from a goal or task. The speaker discusses strategies for maintaining focus amidst distractions. They mention curating their social circle and eliminating non-essential activities to concentrate on their work and business objectives.


Outreach, in a business context, refers to the act of engaging with potential customers or partners. The speaker talks about the importance of outreach in growing a business, sharing insights on how to craft effective outreach messages that provide value and resonate with the target audience.


A niche is a specialized segment of a market. The video discusses the strategy of targeting specific niches with AI automation services. The speaker advises starting with niches where one has prior experience or knowledge, which can provide a competitive edge in understanding and serving that market.

πŸ’‘AI Caller

An AI caller is an automated system that can make or receive phone calls, handling tasks such as customer service or appointment scheduling. The speaker is optimistic about the future of AI callers, predicting that they will become ubiquitous in businesses due to their potential to increase efficiency and reduce costs.


Optimization refers to the process of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource. In the video, the speaker discusses optimizing the cost of AI agents, suggesting ways to improve their efficiency and effectiveness while minimizing expenses, such as by using markdown language and limiting unnecessary integrations.


YouTube channel surpasses 1,000 subscribers, prompting a Q&A session to answer a variety of questions.

Personal daily routine is flexible, focusing on productivity rather than strict schedules.

Essentials for daily life are minimal, emphasizing the importance of work over material possessions.

Success is attributed to years of hard work and skill development, not quick fixes or secrets.

The value of being one's own boss and the freedom it provides, including time and location independence.

Opinion on Iman Gaji's success on YouTube, highlighting both positive achievements and critical views on authenticity.

Advice for beginners on where to invest money, emphasizing self-investment as the most valuable.

Strategies for staying focused amidst distractions, including curating a positive social circle.

Thoughts on creating an educational community, weighing the decision against current business priorities.

How to start an agency with a limited budget, suggesting free outreach methods and leveraging personal networks.

Real estate as a viable niche for AI automation, proposing AI callers as a solution for agents' needs.

Approach to pitching partnerships, especially with friends, balancing friendship with business interests.

Building a portfolio for an agency without prior work, suggesting free work or collaborating with developers.

Customizing outreach scripts across platforms to engage potential clients effectively.

Identifying the best niches for AI automation, recommending starting with industries one is familiar with.

The growing potential of AI callers and their anticipated dominance in the market.

Targeting niches familiar with AI versus those new to the technology, assessing market readiness.

Comparing the ease of closing deals with AI automation to social media marketing, noting the less competitive landscape.

Preference for being a big fish in a small pond versus a small fish in a big pond, discussing market dominance.

Most successful strategy for cold emails in AI automation, focusing on lead generation and guarantees.

Ways to optimize costs for AI agents, including efficient call endings and knowledge base management.

Advice on focusing within AI automation by selecting one influencer to study deeply rather than spreading attention thin.