How to use the Algebra Solver on the TI-84 Plus

Andrew Borne
20 Jul 201311:41

TLDRIn this educational video, Mr. Bourne, a math teacher from Minnesota, demonstrates how to use the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus calculator. He explains the process of solving multi-step equations, highlights the limitations of the solver, and addresses the differences in using the solver on older, non-color TI-84 Plus models. The video is supported by a PDF with examples for easy reference. Mr. Bourne also cautions viewers about potential roundoff errors and the importance of setting bounds correctly to find all solutions.


  • 📚 Mr. Bourne is a math teacher from Minnesota who teaches how to use the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus calculator.
  • 🔍 The video focuses on solving algebra equations, understanding the limitations of the solver, and how to use it on older TI-84 Plus models.
  • 📘 A PDF document is available at Andy Bourne's website for reference, eliminating the need for note-taking during the video.
  • 🔢 The algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus does not show the step-by-step process but directly provides the solution for equations.
  • 💡 To use the solver, input the equation and press the 'solve' function; the calculator will attempt to find the value of the variable.
  • ⚠️ The solver may sometimes give a roundoff error, so the solution might need to be mentally rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • 🚫 The solver has limitations, such as not being able to handle equations with multiple correct answers or no solutions at all.
  • 🔍 For quadratic equations, the solver might only find one solution even if there are two possible answers.
  • 📝 To work around limitations, users can set bounds for the solver to check within a specific range for potential solutions.
  • 🆚 There are differences in using the solver between the color and non-color versions of the TI-84 Plus calculators.
  • 📱 For non-color TI-84 Plus calculators, equations must be set to equal zero before using the solver function.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is how to use the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus calculator.

  • Who is the presenter of the video?

    -The presenter of the video is Mr. Bourne, a math teacher from Minnesota.

  • What are the three main points covered by Mr. Bourne in the video?

    -The three main points covered are: how to use the solver to solve algebra equations, the limitations of the solver, and how to use the solver on older TI-84 Plus calculators that are not color.

  • Where can viewers find a PDF with examples from the video?

    -Viewers can find a PDF with examples at Andy Bourne's website, under the math section.

  • What is an example of a multi-step equation that Mr. Bourne uses in the video?

    -An example of a multi-step equation used in the video is one that requires the distributive property and combining like terms, resulting in the solution X = -1.

  • How does the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus handle equations?

    -The algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus allows you to input the left and right sides of the equation, and it will provide the solution for the variable when you hit the solve function.

  • What is the limitation of the calculator when solving quadratic equations?

    -The limitation is that the calculator might only find one solution for a quadratic equation, even though there could be two correct answers.

  • How can you adjust the solver settings to find a specific solution range for a quadratic equation?

    -You can adjust the lower and upper bounds in the solver settings to focus on a specific range of numbers, such as only positive numbers.

  • What are some limitations of the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus?

    -Some limitations include potential roundoff errors, not finding all solutions for quadratic equations, and providing incorrect solutions for equations with no solution, like absolute value equations or equations where the variable is equal to itself plus a constant.

  • How does the process of using the algebra solver differ on older TI-84 Plus calculators without a color screen?

    -On older TI-84 Plus calculators without a color screen, you need to ensure the equation is in terms of zero before solving, and the process of accessing and using the solver is slightly different.

  • What should you do if the calculator provides an incorrect solution for an equation with no solution?

    -You should be aware of the limitations of the calculator and understand that it may provide an incorrect solution due to its algorithmic processes, and verify the solutions manually.



📚 Introduction to Using the TI-84 Plus Algebra Solver

Mr. Bourne introduces himself as a math teacher from Minnesota and sets the stage for a tutorial on using the algebra solver feature of the TI-84 Plus calculator. He assures viewers that the tutorial will be concise and focused on solving algebra equations using the solver, touching upon its limitations and providing guidance on its use in older models of the calculator. The video is supported by a PDF available on Andy Bourne's website, which includes all the examples shown in the video, eliminating the need for note-taking.


🔍 Exploring the Solver's Capabilities and Limitations

This section delves into the practical application of the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus, starting with solving a multi-step equation. Mr. Bourne demonstrates how to input the equation into the calculator and retrieve the solution, highlighting the solver's efficiency in simplifying complex algebraic processes. However, he also points out the limitations of the calculator, such as round-off errors and the solver's inability to show the step-by-step process. The tutorial then moves on to discuss how the solver handles quadratic equations, absolute value equations, and equations with no solutions, emphasizing the importance of understanding these limitations when using the calculator for algebraic problem-solving.


📘 Adjusting Equations for the Older TI-84 Plus Models

The final paragraph addresses the use of the algebra solver on older, non-color screen models of the TI-84 Plus. Mr. Bourne explains the necessity of adjusting equations to be in terms of zero before solving them on these older calculators. He provides a step-by-step guide on how to input and solve the equations, ensuring that viewers who use the older models are not left out. The video concludes with a reminder to visit Andy Bourne's website for additional resources and a thank you note to the viewers for their attention.



💡Algebra Solver

The Algebra Solver is a function on the TI-84 Plus calculator designed to solve algebraic equations. In the video, Mr. Bourne demonstrates how to use this feature to find the solution for 'X' in a multi-step equation, emphasizing its utility for simplifying the process of solving equations that would otherwise require manual steps such as distribution and combination of like terms.

💡TI-84 Plus

The TI-84 Plus is a graphing calculator produced by Texas Instruments, widely used in educational settings for various mathematical computations. The video specifically addresses the use of the Algebra Solver feature on this calculator, highlighting its capabilities on both color and non-color editions of the device.


The term 'Solver' in the context of the video refers to the specific function within the TI-84 Plus calculator used for solving algebraic equations. Mr. Bourne explains that the Solver can be accessed through the 'MATH' menu and is used to input and solve equations, providing a step-by-step guide on its operation.

💡Multi-step Equation

A multi-step equation is an algebraic expression that requires several steps to solve, often involving operations such as distribution, combining like terms, and simplification. The video script uses an example of a multi-step equation to illustrate the process of solving for 'X' using the Algebra Solver on the TI-84 Plus.

💡Distributive Property

The Distributive Property is a fundamental algebraic principle that allows for the simplification of expressions by distributing multiplication over addition or subtraction. In the script, Mr. Bourne mentions this property as one of the steps that would typically be required to solve a multi-step equation manually before using the Solver.

💡Roundoff Error

Roundoff error refers to the discrepancy between the true value and the approximated value obtained due to the limitations of the calculator's internal digital circuitry. The video mentions this concept when discussing the limitations of the Solver, noting that it may produce results with slight inaccuracies, such as 'negative one point zero zero zero zero one' instead of '-1'.

💡Quadratic Equation

A quadratic equation is a polynomial equation of degree two, which may have up to two solutions. The video script discusses the limitations of the Solver when dealing with quadratic equations, as it may not always identify both potential solutions, necessitating user intervention to specify bounds for the search.

💡Absolute Value

The absolute value of a number is the non-negative value of the number without regard to its sign. In the context of the video, an absolute value equation is presented, which the Solver cannot solve because it results in no solution, highlighting a limitation of the calculator's algebraic solving capabilities.

💡No Solution

The term 'No Solution' is used in the video to describe equations that do not have a value for 'X' that satisfies the equation. Mr. Bourne provides examples of such equations, including one with an absolute value and another where 'X' is set equal to 'X plus one', to illustrate cases where the Solver might not operate as expected.


In the context of using the Solver on the TI-84 Plus, 'Bounds' refers to the range of values within which the calculator searches for a solution. The video explains how to set bounds to direct the Solver to look for solutions within a specific range, such as only positive numbers, to address the limitations when solving quadratic equations.

💡Digital Circuitry

Digital circuitry refers to the electronic components and pathways within a calculator that perform computational tasks. The video script mentions the limitations of the calculator's digital circuitry as a reason for potential inaccuracies or incorrect solutions when using the Algebra Solver, such as when comparing 'X' to 'X plus 1'.


Introduction to using the algebra solver on the TI-84 Plus by Mr. Bourne.

Quick tutorial on solving algebra equations with the solver.

Understanding the limitations of the algebra solver.

Instructions for using the solver on older, non-color TI-84 Plus calculators.

Accessing the solver feature on the TI-84 Plus color edition.

Entering equations into the solver and solving for X.

How to input variables like X using the specific keypad key.

Using the graph key to check for potential solutions.

Method to identify the solution for X using the cursor and alpha key.

Explanation of roundoff errors and how to interpret them.

Demonstration of solving a quadratic equation and its potential limitations.

How to set bounds for the solver to find specific solutions.

Challenges with absolute value equations and no solution scenarios.

Guidance on handling equations with no solutions using the solver.

Tips for using the solver on non-color TI-84 Plus calculators.

Necessity of setting equations to zero terms for the older calculator models.

Final thoughts and where to find additional resources on using the TI-84 Plus.