GPT-4 Prompt Engineering: Solving Hard Riddles, Puzzles and Math Problems - WOW!!

All About AI
15 Mar 202310:19

TLDRIn a test of GPT-4's capabilities, the AI is challenged with solving complex riddles, puzzles, and math problems. GPT-4 demonstrates its reasoning and logic skills by providing correct solutions to enigmas such as identifying a cartoon character's nationality, figuring out the number of animals on a farm, and solving a murder mystery. The video showcases GPT-4's impressive performance, surpassing previous versions like Chat GPT and GPT 3.5, and invites viewers to suggest more challenges for future content.


  • ๐Ÿง  The video tests GPT-4's ability to solve riddles, puzzles, and math problems, emphasizing its reasoning capabilities.
  • ๐ŸŽญ A persona for GPT-4 is created to focus on solving these complex problems with logic and simplicity.
  • ๐Ÿ› The first riddle involves identifying the country of origin of an item associated with a famous painting and a cartoon character, which GPT-4 solves correctly.
  • ๐Ÿ A farmer's riddle about the number of animals he has is tackled next, with GPT-4 providing a logical and correct solution.
  • ๐Ÿƒ GPT-4 solves a math problem involving a deck of cards with missing cards, using complex calculations to find the correct number of cards.
  • ๐Ÿ” In a murder mystery riddle, GPT-4 deduces that a man's death was a murder, not a suicide, based on the position of a tape recorder's stop button.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฆ๐Ÿ‘ถ A math problem about the ages of two brothers is solved by GPT-4 using equations, providing the current ages of both brothers.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ธ A riddle about a princess and three boxes is solved by GPT-4 using logical reasoning, identifying the correct box without calculations.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š GPT-4's performance is compared to previous versions, showing significant improvement in solving complex problems with context retention.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The video demonstrates the potential of prompt engineering in guiding AI to perform specific tasks effectively.
  • ๐Ÿ“ข The creator invites viewers to suggest more challenges for GPT-4, indicating an ongoing interest in testing AI capabilities.

Q & A

  • What was the purpose of the video?

    -The purpose of the video was to test GPT-4's capabilities in solving hard riddles, puzzles, and math problems.

  • What role was created for GPT-4 in the video?

    -A persona or role focused on solving riddles, math problems, and puzzles was created for GPT-4.

  • Which famous painting and artist did Michael think of at the museum?

    -Michael thought of the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

  • What cartoon character does Michael associate with Leonardo da Vinci?

    -Michael associates Leonardo da Vinci with Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

  • What is the country of origin of the item the cartoon character usually holds in his hand?

    -The item, a katana, originates from Japan.

  • How did GPT-4 approach the farmer's riddle about the animals on his farm?

    -GPT-4 used logical reasoning to deduce that the farmer has three sheep, two goats, and one horse.

  • What was the math problem involving a pack of cards that GPT-4 solved?

    -The problem involved determining the number of cards in a pack when dealt among different numbers of people with certain cards remaining.

  • How many cards were in the pack according to GPT-4's solution to the card problem?

    -GPT-4 concluded that there were 47 cards in the pack.

  • What was the riddle about the man found dead in his study?

    -The riddle involved a man with a gun in his hand and a tape recording, and the detective needed to determine if it was a murder or suicide.

  • Why did the detective know the man was murdered and not committed suicide?

    -The detective knew it was murder because someone else must have stopped the tape recording after the gunshot, as the play button was pressed by the police.

  • What was the riddle about the princess named Anna and her suitors?

    -The riddle was about determining which of three boxes contained Anna's picture based on contradictory messages and the king's clue about only one message being correct.

  • Which box did GPT-4 determine contained Anna's picture and why?

    -GPT-4 determined the silver box contained Anna's picture because if the gold box's message were true, the bronze box's message would also have to be true, which is not possible.

  • What was the final riddle involving the brothers' ages?

    -The riddle was about determining the current ages of two brothers based on their age relationship two years ago and in three years.

  • How old are the brothers now according to GPT-4's solution?

    -According to GPT-4, the older brother is 17 years old, and the younger brother is 7 years old.



๐Ÿงฉ Testing GPT4 with Riddles and Math Puzzles

The video script introduces a session where GPT4 is put to the test by solving a series of riddles, puzzles, and math problems. The presenter creates a persona for GPT4, focusing on its ability to solve complex problems logically. The first riddle involves identifying a famous painting and a cartoon character, leading to the correct answer of Japan as the country of origin for the object held by the cartoon character. GPT4 impresses by providing a correct and well-reasoned answer, unlike previous versions of the AI which struggled with similar tasks.


๐ŸŽ“ Solving Logic Puzzles and Mathematical Problems

This paragraph details GPT4's performance on a variety of challenges, including a farm riddle about the number of animals, a math problem involving a deck of cards, and a murder mystery riddle. GPT4 successfully solves each problem, demonstrating its advanced reasoning capabilities. The farm riddle is solved using logical deduction, the card problem is cracked with complex calculations, and the murder mystery is unraveled by identifying the impossibility of the victim stopping the tape recording themselves. The presenter is impressed by GPT4's consistent accuracy and ability to maintain context throughout the challenges.


๐Ÿค” Advanced Reasoning in Riddles and Age Problems

The script continues with GPT4 tackling a riddle about a man's recorded suicide message and an age-related problem involving two brothers. GPT4 correctly deduces that the man's death was a murder based on the presence of the tape recording, and it solves the brothers' age problem by setting up and solving linear equations, determining the older brother to be 17 and the younger one to be 7. The presenter expresses excitement and satisfaction with GPT4's performance, highlighting its ability to handle complex equations and logical reasoning quickly and accurately.

๐Ÿ‘‘ The Princess and the Suitor Riddle

In the final part of the script, GPT4 is presented with a riddle about a king who wants to ensure his daughter marries an intelligent man. The king hides a picture in one of three boxes, each with a contradictory message. GPT4 uses logical reasoning to determine that the picture is in the silver box, as it is the only box with a message that could be true if the other two were false. The presenter reveals the correct answer and commends GPT4 for its reasoning skills, wraps up the video, and invites viewers to suggest more challenges for GPT4.




GPT-4 refers to a hypothetical advanced version of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) language model, which is designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the context of the video, GPT-4 is portrayed as a superior solver of complex riddles, puzzles, and math problems, showcasing its reasoning capabilities.


A persona in this video script represents a specific role or character that GPT-4 is asked to adopt for the purpose of the test. The persona created is that of a 'smart puzzle, riddle, and math problem solver,' which emphasizes the need for logical and reasoned responses to the challenges presented.


Riddles are a form of puzzle that require reasoning to solve. They often involve a question or statement that is not meant to be taken literally but instead requires interpretation to find the answer. In the video, riddles are used to test GPT-4's ability to think logically and come up with solutions.


Puzzles are problems or enigmas that่€ƒ้ชŒ the solver's ingenuity and creativity to find a solution. The video presents puzzles alongside riddles and math problems to challenge GPT-4's problem-solving skills in a variety of contexts.

๐Ÿ’กMath Problems

Math problems in the video are complex numerical or algebraic challenges that require analytical thinking and mathematical knowledge to solve. They are used to demonstrate GPT-4's capacity for logical reasoning and calculation.


Logic is the systematic method of reasoning that is fundamental to solving the riddles and puzzles in the video. It involves the use of valid reasoning to arrive at sound conclusions, which is a key aspect of how GPT-4 approaches the problems presented.


Reasoning is the cognitive process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from known or assumed facts. The video emphasizes GPT-4's ability to use reasoning to solve the complex problems it encounters, showcasing its advanced analytical capabilities.

๐Ÿ’กMona Lisa

Mona Lisa is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, which is mentioned in the script as a clue to solve one of the riddles. It serves as an example of how GPT-4 uses context and known information to deduce the correct answer.


A katana is a traditional Japanese sword, which is relevant to the video as it is used in a riddle to determine the country of origin of an object associated with a cartoon character. It illustrates the type of cultural knowledge GPT-4 can draw upon to solve riddles.


In the context of the video, a detective represents a figure who uses deductive reasoning to solve a mystery or crime. The script includes a riddle involving a detective to test GPT-4's ability to make logical inferences from given information.

๐Ÿ’กLinear Equations

Linear equations are algebraic equations in which the highest power of the variable is one. The video script mentions GPT-4's use of linear equations to solve a math problem involving ages, demonstrating its capacity to handle mathematical modeling.

๐Ÿ’กPrompt Engineering

Prompt engineering in the video refers to the process of carefully crafting the questions or scenarios presented to GPT-4 to elicit the desired responses. It is a technique used to test and showcase the capabilities of the language model.


Introduction of a persona focused on solving riddles, puzzles, and math problems using logic and reasoning.

Selection of GPT-4 for its high reasoning scale to outperform previous models in problem-solving.

First riddle involves identifying the country of origin of an object held by a cartoon character, solved by associating famous paintings and artists.

Correct solution to the cartoon character riddle, revealing the character's favorite object's origin as Japan.

Second riddle about a farmer's animals, solved using logical reasoning to deduce the number of each animal.

Correct answer to the farmer's riddle, confirming GPT-4's logical approach to solving complex problems.

A math problem involving a pack of cards with specific remainders when dealt among different numbers of people.

GPT-4's impressive calculation to determine the number of cards in the pack, showcasing its advanced reasoning capabilities.

Correct solution to the card problem, with GPT-4 identifying there are 47 cards in the pack.

A murder riddle where the detective deduces the presence of another person in the room based on the tape recorder's state.

Correct reasoning for the murder riddle, indicating the man was murdered rather than committing suicide.

A math problem involving the ages of two brothers, solved using algebraic equations.

GPT-4's solution to the brothers' age problem, determining they are 17 and 7 years old respectively.

A riddle about a king, a princess, and three boxes with contradictory messages.

GPT-4's logical deduction that the silver box contains Anna's picture, based on the given messages.

Invitation for viewers to suggest more riddles and puzzles to test GPT-4's capabilities.

Conclusion of the video with a promise of more content exploring GPT-4 and prompt engineering.