Algebra Basics: Solving 2-Step Equations - Math Antics

23 Oct 201510:29

TLDRIn this Math Antics video, Rob teaches viewers how to solve two-step algebraic equations, which involve both addition/subtraction and multiplication/division. The key to solving these equations is to reverse the Order of Operations: first undo addition/subtraction, then multiplication/division. Rob demonstrates this with examples, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and handling groups within equations, such as those created by parentheses or implied by fraction lines. The video simplifies the process, making it accessible for learners to tackle more complex algebraic problems.


  • πŸ“š Solving two-step equations involves reversing the Order of Operations to 'undo' addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • πŸ”„ The reverse Order of Operations dictates that you should undo addition and subtraction before multiplication and division.
  • πŸ€” The order in which you undo operations can significantly affect the outcome of solving an equation.
  • πŸ‘‰ When parentheses are used, they create a group that should be the last operation to undo during the equation-solving process.
  • πŸ“‰ In equations, subtraction and division are often the first operations to undo, as they are typically performed last in standard operations.
  • πŸ”’ Multiplication and division by the same number cancel each other out, simplifying the equation and isolating the variable.
  • πŸ“ Paying attention to implied groups, such as those created by a fraction line in algebra, is crucial for correctly solving equations.
  • πŸ”„ When an equation includes a group, undo the operations outside the group before addressing the operations within the group.
  • πŸ“˜ The fraction line in algebra automatically creates groups for the terms above and below it, which should be treated as a single unit during solving.
  • πŸ’‘ Practice is essential for mastering the technique of solving two-step equations, as there are many variations and combinations to consider.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the Math Antics video titled 'Algebra Basics: Solving 2-Step Equations'?

    -The main focus of the video is to teach viewers how to solve algebraic equations that involve two arithmetic operations, typically one addition or subtraction and one multiplication or division.

  • Why are two-step equations considered more complicated than single-step equations?

    -Two-step equations are more complicated because they involve more possible combinations of operations and require deciding the order in which to undo those operations, which can be trickier than with single-step equations.

  • What is the significance of the Order of Operations in solving two-step equations?

    -The Order of Operations is significant in solving two-step equations because it provides a guideline on the order in which to undo operations. By reversing the Order of Operations, we can systematically isolate the unknown variable.

  • How does the presence of parentheses affect the order in which operations are undone in an equation?

    -Parentheses indicate a group in an equation, and according to the Order of Operations, operations inside groups should be undone last. This means that when parentheses are present, the operations within them are addressed after other operations have been undone.

  • What is an implied group in algebra, and how does it influence the solving process?

    -An implied group in algebra refers to terms that are grouped together by their position relative to a fraction line or other mathematical operation, even without explicit parentheses. This grouping influences the solving process by indicating which operations should be undone last.

  • Can you provide an example of a two-step equation from the video and explain the steps to solve it?

    -Sure, one example is the equation 2x + 2 = 8. To solve it, first, undo the addition by subtracting 2 from both sides to get 2x = 6. Then, undo the multiplication by dividing both sides by 2 to find x = 3.

  • What is the role of the reverse Order of Operations in solving equations?

    -The reverse Order of Operations is used to undo the operations in the correct order when solving equations. It helps to isolate the variable by reversing the sequence of operations that were originally applied to it.

  • Why is it important to practice solving various types of two-step equations?

    -Practicing various types of two-step equations is important because it helps to solidify the understanding of different operation combinations and grouping methods, ultimately improving problem-solving skills and confidence in algebra.

  • How does the video address the concept of 'implied' groups in algebra?

    -The video explains that in algebra, certain structures like fraction lines automatically create groups without the need for parentheses. These 'implied' groups are treated as if they were enclosed in parentheses when solving equations.

  • What is the strategy suggested in the video for solving equations with multiple operations?

    -The video suggests using the reverse Order of Operations as a strategy for solving equations with multiple operations. This involves undoing addition before multiplication, and addressing operations within parentheses or implied groups last.

  • Can you explain the difference between 'doing' and 'undoing' operations in the context of the video?

    -In the context of the video, 'doing' operations refers to performing calculations as per the Order of Operations when setting up or simplifying equations. 'Undoing' operations, on the other hand, involves reversing those calculations to isolate the variable and solve for it.



πŸ”’ Introduction to Solving Two-Step Equations

Rob from Math Antics introduces the concept of solving two-step equations, which involve two different arithmetic operations. He explains that these equations require two steps to isolate the variable and that the order in which operations are undone is crucial. The video aims to teach viewers how to reverse the order of operations to solve these equations effectively. Rob uses the example of 2x + 2 = 8 to demonstrate the process, highlighting the need to reverse the addition and multiplication operations. He emphasizes the importance of following the reverse Order of Operations, which is a key strategy for solving multi-step equations.


🧩 The Role of Groups in Equations

This section delves into the impact of 'groups' on the solving process of two-step equations. Rob explains that parentheses and implied groups, such as those formed by fraction lines, change the order in which operations should be undone. Using the equation (x + 2) * 2 = 8 as an example, he demonstrates how to first undo the multiplication and then the addition, respecting the grouping. The video also contrasts this with an equation where the subtraction is not part of the group, showing how the solution changes when the subtraction is applied to the entire group versus just the variable. Rob stresses the importance of recognizing and correctly handling implied groups in algebraic expressions.


πŸ“š Conclusion and Further Learning

In the concluding part, Rob summarizes the importance of practicing two-step equations to become proficient in solving them. He reminds viewers to pay attention to how operations are grouped and to be mindful of implied groups, especially in fractions. The video wraps up with an invitation to learn more at Math Antics' website, encouraging continuous learning and practice. This section serves as a gentle reminder of the complexity of two-step equations and the value of applying the reverse Order of Operations methodically.




Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses symbols and the rules of arithmetic to understand and solve problems. In the context of the video, algebra is used to solve equations that involve unknown values, represented by variables like 'x'. The video focuses on solving two-step equations, which are algebraic problems that require performing two operations to isolate the variable.

πŸ’‘Two-Step Equations

Two-step equations are algebraic equations that involve two different arithmetic operations to solve for the unknown variable. The video explains how to solve these equations by reversing the order of operations. For instance, if the equation involves addition and multiplication, you would first subtract and then divide to isolate the variable.

πŸ’‘Order of Operations

The Order of Operations, often remembered by the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), is a set of rules that dictate the sequence in which mathematical operations should be performed. The video emphasizes that to solve equations, these operations should be undone in reverse order, starting with the last operation performed in the equation.

πŸ’‘Undoing Operations

Undoing operations in algebra involves performing the inverse of the operation that was initially used on the variable. For example, if an operation added a number to both sides of an equation, 'undoing' it would mean subtracting that number from both sides to isolate the variable. The video uses this concept to demonstrate how to solve two-step equations.

πŸ’‘Multiplication and Division

Multiplication and division are inverse operations in arithmetic. In algebra, they are used to scale variables or expressions. The video explains that to solve equations involving these operations, one must perform division and multiplication in reverse order to isolate the variable.

πŸ’‘Addition and Subtraction

Addition and subtraction are also inverse operations. They are used in equations to increase or decrease the value of a variable. The video demonstrates that when solving equations, these operations should be undone by performing the opposite operation in reverse order, starting with subtraction.


Parentheses are used in mathematics to group expressions or operations, indicating that the operations inside should be performed before those outside. In the video, it's explained that when solving equations, operations within parentheses should be undone last, as they were the first to be done according to the Order of Operations.

πŸ’‘Implied Groups

In algebra, certain structures like fraction lines can create 'implied groups' where operations are performed on the entire group. The video clarifies that when solving equations, these implied groups should be treated with the same priority as explicitly grouped operations, and undone last.

πŸ’‘Fraction Line

A fraction line in algebra is used to denote division between two expressions. It also serves to group the numerator (top expression) and the denominator (bottom expression). The video explains that operations involving a fraction line should be approached with care, as the entire numerator or denominator can be considered a group.


A variable in algebra represents an unknown value that can change. It is often denoted by letters such as 'x' or 'y'. The video's main focus is on solving equations to determine the value of these variables by isolating them through a series of algebraic steps.


Learn to solve equations with two arithmetic operations, a combination of addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.

Two-step equations require reversing the Order of Operations to isolate the unknown variable.

The order in which operations are undone can affect the solution, emphasizing the importance of following the correct sequence.

The video demonstrates solving the equation 2x + 2 = 8 by reversing the addition and multiplication operations.

Subtracting 2 from both sides of an equation is shown as the first step to undo addition.

Dividing both sides by 2 is used to isolate x after subtraction, undoing the multiplication.

The solution x = 3 is reached by following the reverse Order of Operations.

Equation x/2 - 1 = 4 is solved by reversing subtraction and division in the correct order.

Adding 1 to both sides is shown as the method to undo the subtraction in the equation.

Multiplying both sides by 2 is used to undo the division by 2 in the equation.

The video explains the importance of recognizing and handling 'implied' groups in equations.

Parentheses and fraction lines are used to group variables and constants, affecting the order of operations.

An example is given where parentheses change the operation from 2x to 2(x + 2), altering the solution process.

The video illustrates solving equations with groups by undoing operations outside the group first.

The final solution x = 2 is obtained after correctly undoing operations in a grouped equation.

The video concludes with advice on practicing a variety of two-step equations to solidify understanding.