IB Math IA Complete Guide Part 2: Criterion A Presentation | Mr. Flynn IB

Mr. Flynn IB
19 Aug 202012:46

TLDRIn this video, Mr. Flynn focuses on Criterion A: Presentation for the IB Math IA, aiming to achieve a perfect score. He discusses the importance of coherence, organization, and conciseness, emphasizing that every page should be significant. Key points include a well-structured front page, a clear introduction with an aim, rationale, and plan, and a conclusion that ties back to the aim. Mr. Flynn advises on the placement of graphs, tables, and diagrams for clarity and suggests using Microsoft Word for a professional look. He also stresses the importance of correct citations and avoiding repetitive calculations. The video includes examples of well-presented IAs to illustrate the points discussed.


  • 😀 Criterion A focuses on the presentation of the Internal Assessment (IA), aiming for coherence, organization, and conciseness.
  • 📈 Achieving four out of four for presentation involves ensuring the IA is clear, well-structured, and avoids unnecessary content.
  • 📝 The IA should be between 12 to 20 pages, excluding the bibliography, with double-line spacing.
  • 🔍 Each page should be significant, contributing to the overall coherence and avoiding redundancy.
  • 📖 The introduction must include a clear aim, rationale, and plan, setting the stage for the IA.
  • 🔗 The conclusion should refer back to the aim, summarizing whether the objectives were met.
  • 📊 Graphs, tables, and diagrams should be placed appropriately, near where they are referenced in the text.
  • 📂 Large datasets should be moved to the appendices to maintain conciseness and focus.
  • ✅ Microsoft Word is recommended over Google Docs for formatting, especially for mathematical equations.
  • 🔍 Attention to detail is crucial, including correct citations, page numbering, and professional presentation.
  • 📚 The IA should be written in a way that is easy to follow for peers, using straightforward language and clear instructions.

Q & A

  • What is the first criterion for an IB Math IA that Mr. Flynn discusses in the video?

    -The first criterion for an IB Math IA that Mr. Flynn discusses is 'Presentation'.

  • What does it mean for an exploration to be 'coherent' in the context of an IB Math IA?

    -An exploration is 'coherent' when it is logical, consistent, and all parts of the investigation are connected and make sense together.

  • What is the significance of an exploration being 'well organized' in an IB Math IA?

    -An exploration is 'well organized' when it has a clear structure, with sections and ideas presented in a logical order, making it easy to follow.

  • Why is 'conciseness' important in an IB Math IA, and how does it differ from having a short IA?

    -In an IB Math IA, 'conciseness' is important because it means that every page contributes to the investigation without unnecessary repetition or irrelevant information. It differs from having a short IA in that an IA can be concise and still be within the recommended page range of 12 to 20 pages, focusing on quality over quantity.

  • What is the recommended page length for an IB Math IA, and what should be excluded from this count?

    -The recommended page length for an IB Math IA is 12 to 20 pages, excluding the bibliography. The count should also exclude any appendices.

  • What are the three key components that should be included in the introduction of an IB Math IA?

    -The three key components that should be included in the introduction of an IB Math IA are the aim, the rationale, and the plan of the investigation.

  • What is an example of a focused aim for an IB Math IA?

    -An example of a focused aim for an IB Math IA is 'What is the probability of me winning the 100-meter sprint in the Olympic Games in four years?'

  • How should the conclusion of an IB Math IA relate to the introduction?

    -The conclusion of an IB Math IA should refer back to the aim, discussing whether the aim was achieved and summarizing the findings without introducing new information.

  • Why is it important to use clear and simple language in an IB Math IA?

    -Using clear and simple language in an IB Math IA is important because it ensures that the investigation is accessible to peers, regardless of whether they are at standard or higher level, and it makes the exploration easy to follow.

  • What is the advice given by Mr. Flynn regarding the placement of graphs, tables, and diagrams in an IB Math IA?

    -Mr. Flynn advises that graphs, tables, and diagrams should be placed in the appropriate location within the IA, near where they are referenced, to ensure the exploration is well organized and easy to follow.

  • Why should large tables of data be placed in the appendices of an IB Math IA?

    -Large tables of data should be placed in the appendices of an IB Math IA to maintain conciseness and prevent the main body of the investigation from becoming overwhelming or difficult to navigate.

  • What is the recommendation for using Microsoft Word over Google Docs when writing an IB Math IA?

    -Mr. Flynn recommends using Microsoft Word over Google Docs for an IB Math IA because it provides a more professional appearance, particularly with the equation editor, which looks better and is more suitable for the formal academic presentation required.



📝 Achieving High Scores in Presentation

This paragraph focuses on achieving a top score in the presentation criterion of an exploration assignment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of coherence, organization, and conciseness in the presentation. They suggest that at a minimum, students should aim for a score of three out of four, with four being the ideal. The speaker explains the meaning of these terms and provides guidance on how to meet the criterion's requirements. They discuss the need for every page to be important and not just filled with unnecessary content. The paragraph also covers the importance of having a clear front page with a title and page count, a bibliography, and page numbering. The speaker stresses the necessity of an introduction with a focused aim, rationale, and plan, and a conclusion that refers back to the aim. They also touch on the importance of writing in a clear, straightforward manner that is easy for peers to follow.


🔍 Enhancing Coherence and Organization in Reports

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of making a report coherent and well-organized. The speaker illustrates how to structure the report so that it flows logically from one section to the next, using examples to demonstrate effective sequencing. They highlight the importance of placing graphs, tables, and diagrams close to the text that references them to avoid confusion. The speaker advises against including large tables of data within the main body of the report, suggesting instead to place them in appendices. They also stress the importance of ensuring that every page contributes to the report's overall coherence and conciseness, avoiding unnecessary repetition. The speaker recommends using Microsoft Word over Google Docs for a more professional appearance, especially in formatting equations. Attention to detail, such as margins and page layout, is also emphasized to ensure a polished final product. The paragraph concludes with advice on avoiding repetitive calculations and ensuring correct citations for a well-presented report.


🏅 Examples of Excellent Presentation in IA

In this paragraph, the speaker presents two examples of excellent presentation in Internal Assessment (IA) reports. The first example features a student's exploration aimed at finding the probability of qualifying for a significant competitive race. The speaker praises the clarity of the aim, rationale, and plan outlined in the introduction. They also appreciate the inclusion of relevant pictures that enhance the report's visual appeal and help explain the data collection process. The report's structure is highlighted as a model of coherence, with each section logically leading to the next, making it easy to follow the student's thought process and methodology. The second example showcases a high-level IA report focusing on the surface area of a chocolate egg compared to its aluminum foil wrapper. The speaker commends the student's clear aim, rationale, and plan, as well as the effective use of pictures to illustrate the mathematical concepts and findings. Both examples are lauded for their professional presentation, organization, and conciseness, serving as benchmarks for high-quality IA reports.




In the context of the video, 'Presentation' refers to the first criterion for an IB Math Internal Assessment (IA), which is about how the exploration is delivered. To achieve a high score, the presentation must be coherent, well-organized, and concise. The video emphasizes that every page should be important, avoiding unnecessary repetition or 'waffle,' and that the exploration should be easy to follow for a student in the class, indicating clarity and simplicity in language and structure.


Coherence in the video script means that the IA should have a logical flow and consistency throughout. It should be clear and understandable, ensuring that each part of the exploration contributes to the overall argument or investigation. The video suggests that an incoherent IA would lack these qualities, making it difficult for readers to follow the exploration's purpose or conclusions.


Well-organized pertains to the structure and layout of the IA. The video explains that an organized IA has a clear beginning (introduction), middle (methodology, results), and end (conclusion). It should guide the reader through the exploration in a logical sequence, making it easy to understand how each section connects to the next. The video gives an example of an organized IA by showing how one flows from creating a model to taking a video, performing calculations, and reflecting on the findings.


Conciseness is about being succinct and to the point in the IA. The video script mentions that while the IA should be between 12 to 20 pages, it's possible to have a longer IA that is still concise if every page contributes meaningfully to the exploration. Conversely, a shorter IA can be filled with unnecessary information, making it less concise. The video advises against including large tables of data that aren't directly relevant to the reader's understanding of the investigation.

💡Front page

The 'front page' of an IA is its title page, which should include the title of the exploration and the number of pages. The video script specifies that this page sets the stage for the reader's expectations and should be formatted correctly, adhering to the guidelines of having a title and indicating the total number of pages in the IA.


The 'introduction' is the first section of the IA, which should clearly state the aim, rationale, and plan of the exploration. The video script explains that the introduction is crucial for setting the context and should include a focused aim, a rationale for why the investigation is being conducted, and a plan outlining the methods to be used. An example from the script is an aim to find the probability of winning a 100-meter sprint in the Olympic Games.


The 'conclusion' is the final section of the IA where the student reflects on the aim and summarizes the findings. The video script emphasizes that the conclusion should refer back to the aim and discuss whether the investigation was successful in achieving the set goals. It should be a concise summary that ties up the exploration and provides closure for the reader.

💡Microsoft Word

The video script suggests using Microsoft Word over Google Docs for creating the IA due to its superior formatting capabilities, particularly for equations and overall professional appearance. It implies that the choice of software can impact the presentation quality of the IA, with Microsoft Word being more suitable for achieving a polished and professional look.


The 'appendices' are additional sections at the end of the IA where supplementary information can be included, such as large tables of data or repetitive calculations. The video script advises moving non-essential information to the appendices to maintain conciseness in the main body of the IA, ensuring that each page in the main exploration is important and contributes to the overall coherence.


Citations in the context of the video refer to the proper attribution of sources when referencing external material or data. The video script stresses the importance of correct citations to maintain academic integrity and to provide readers with the ability to trace the origins of the information used in the IA.


The first criterion for an IB Math IA is Presentation, aiming for a score of four out of four.

To achieve a score of four, the IA should be coherent, well-organized, and concise.

A score of two out of four indicates a lack of coherence and organization, which is not acceptable.

A concise IA avoids unnecessary pages filled with irrelevant data or repetition.

The IA should be between 12 to 20 pages, excluding the bibliography, with double-line spacing.

Every page should be important, contributing to the overall coherence and conciseness of the IA.

The front page must include a title and the number of pages.

An introduction with a clear aim, rationale, and plan is essential for a well-presented IA.

The aim should be focused and answerable, such as calculating the probability of a specific event.

The rationale explains why the topic was chosen and the aim was set.

The plan outlines the steps to achieve the aim, including data collection and analysis methods.

A conclusion that refers back to the aim and summarizes findings is mandatory.

The IA should be easy to follow for a student in the same class, using clear and straightforward language.

Microsoft Word is recommended over Google Docs for a more professional presentation.

Attention to small details such as margins and page numbering is crucial for a polished look.

Avoid repetitive calculations; instead, summarize or move them to the appendices.

Correct citations are necessary if the IA includes references to external sources.

Including relevant pictures can enhance the IA's presentation and help explain the methodology.

The IA should flow logically from one section to the next, with clear headings and subheadings.

Graphs, tables, and diagrams should be placed appropriately near their references in the text.

Large tables of data should be moved to the appendices to maintain conciseness.

Examples of well-presented IAs are provided, demonstrating clear aims, rationales, and plans.