STOP Using Algebra Calculators! …. it’s messing you up!

TabletClass Math
25 Jan 202218:18

TLDRJohn, the founder of TabletClass Math and a middle high school math teacher, warns against the overreliance on online algebra calculators as they can impede the learning process. He emphasizes the importance of understanding mathematical concepts through traditional methods like note-taking and paper-pencil work. While calculators are useful tools, they should not replace the learning process. John shares a personal anecdote about the pitfalls of taking shortcuts and encourages students to focus on learning the actual subject rather than relying on technology for answers.


  • 📚 Online algebra calculators can be detrimental to learning math for many people, as they may rely too heavily on the tool instead of understanding the concepts.
  • 🛠 While calculators are excellent tools, they can be misused, particularly when it comes to learning and understanding mathematics.
  • 👨‍🏫 The speaker, John, is a math teacher and founder of TabletClass Math, offering various math courses and test preparation programs.
  • 🔍 John emphasizes the importance of taking good math notes as a key factor in achieving excellent math grades.
  • 📝 Focus and the ability to concentrate are crucial not only for math but for success in life, with note-taking being a reflection of this focus.
  • 📱 Distractions such as cell phones can greatly impair the learning process, so it's important to minimize these when studying.
  • 🔢 The different types of calculators—from basic to scientific to graphing—are tools that should be used appropriately at different educational levels.
  • 🚫 John advises against using online algebra calculators for learning purposes, as they can lead to a lack of understanding and reliance on quick answers.
  • 🙅‍♂️ A personal anecdote from John illustrates the pitfalls of taking shortcuts with technology, which can backfire and lead to embarrassment.
  • 🤖 Even though online calculators can provide answers, they should not replace the learning process or the development of mathematical skills.
  • 📈 High-level math, such as calculus or engineering problems, may require the use of sophisticated math software, but only after understanding the underlying math.
  • 👍 John encourages viewers to learn the actual subject of mathematics rather than relying on technology, and to use tools like calculators correctly when necessary.

Q & A

  • Why should one avoid using online algebra calculators according to the speaker?

    -The speaker argues that online algebra calculators can be detrimental to learning mathematics or algebra for the majority of people because they might rely on the calculator for answers without understanding the process, which is essential for true learning.

  • What is the role of the speaker in the educational field?

    -The speaker, John, is the founder of TabletClass Math and a middle high school math teacher. He has developed an online math program with over 100 different math courses and offers test preparation for various exams.

  • What is the importance of taking good math notes according to the speaker?

    -Good math notes are a clear indication of a student's focus and attention during lessons. Students who take great notes almost always have excellent math grades, while those who are distracted tend to struggle.

  • What types of calculators are discussed in the script?

    -The script discusses basic calculators, scientific calculators, and graphing calculators, each serving different levels of mathematical complexity and educational needs.

  • Why did the speaker share a personal story about using a Spanish translator software in college?

    -The speaker shared the story to illustrate the pitfalls of taking shortcuts and relying on technology instead of learning, which resulted in embarrassment when the translated essay made no sense.

  • What is the main issue with using online algebra calculators for learning?

    -The main issue is that students may not learn the actual concepts and procedures of algebra if they only use online calculators for answers, leading to a lack of understanding and poor retention of knowledge.

  • When should one use calculators according to the speaker?

    -Calculators should be used as a resource when one already understands the mathematical concepts and procedures, especially for complex calculations in higher-level courses like engineering or advanced mathematics.

  • What is the speaker's advice regarding the use of online algebra calculators during the learning process?

    -The speaker advises against using online algebra calculators as a primary learning tool. Instead, students should focus on understanding the concepts and practicing with paper and pencil to enhance retention.

  • How does the speaker suggest students should approach learning mathematics?

    -The speaker suggests that students should learn the actual subject by focusing on the process and concepts, using technology as a supplementary tool rather than a replacement for understanding.

  • What is the potential consequence of relying solely on online calculators for math problems?

    -The potential consequence is that students may not develop a deep understanding of the subject, which could lead to poor performance on tests and an inability to solve problems independently.



📚 The Risks of Online Algebra Calculators

The speaker, John, founder of TabletClass Math and a middle/high school math teacher, introduces the topic of the potential negative impacts of online algebra calculators on learning mathematics. He emphasizes that while these tools are excellent, they can be detrimental if misused. John also mentions his extensive online math program, which includes over 100 courses and test preparation for various exams, and stresses the importance of taking good notes as a key to success in math.


🔢 The Evolution of Calculators and Their Proper Use

John discusses the progression from basic calculators to scientific and graphing calculators, noting their increased complexity and utility for different educational levels. He differentiates between physical calculators, which are valuable tools for learning, and online algebra calculators, which he argues can be harmful to the learning process if relied upon too heavily. He shares a personal anecdote from college about relying on a Spanish translation software, which resulted in embarrassment due to its poor output, illustrating the dangers of taking shortcuts in learning.


🚫 The Dangers of Relying on Online Algebra Calculators

The speaker warns against the misuse of online algebra calculators, explaining that they can lead to a lack of understanding and learning in mathematics. He shares his experience as a teacher observing students who plug problems into online calculators without truly learning the underlying concepts. John advises against using these online tools during study, advocating instead for traditional problem-solving methods that enhance retention and understanding. He also points out that calculators can sometimes provide incorrect answers, reinforcing the importance of knowing the subject matter.


🛠 Embracing Technology as a Supplement, Not a Substitute

John concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding when to use technology as a resource rather than a crutch. He advises high school students to learn the actual math rather than taking shortcuts with online tools. The speaker encourages the proper use of scientific and graphing calculators, which are essential in higher education for fields like engineering and computer science. He wraps up by reiterating the value of learning and understanding math over merely getting answers from online sources and invites viewers to engage with his YouTube channel for more math resources.



💡Algebra Calculators

Algebra calculators refer to online tools or software that solve algebraic problems by inputting equations or expressions. In the video, the speaker argues that while these tools can be helpful, they can also be detrimental to the learning process if students rely on them instead of understanding the underlying mathematical concepts. The speaker uses the term to highlight the potential misuse of such calculators and to emphasize the importance of learning algebra through traditional methods.

💡Online Algebra Calculators

Online Algebra Calculators are web-based tools that allow users to input algebraic expressions and receive immediate solutions. The video script warns against the over-reliance on these calculators, stating that they can lead to a superficial understanding of algebra and discourage the development of problem-solving skills. The speaker shares personal anecdotes and professional observations to illustrate the negative impact of using these calculators without proper understanding.

💡Mathematics Learning

Mathematics learning is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills in mathematical concepts and problem-solving. The video emphasizes that true learning in mathematics comes from understanding the concepts rather than merely getting the right answers from calculators. The script suggests that learning should involve active engagement with the material, such as taking good notes and practicing problems, to develop a deep understanding of algebra.


Note-taking is the act of recording information during a lecture or while studying. In the context of the video, the speaker asserts that students who take good notes tend to have better math grades. Note-taking is presented as an essential skill for focusing and retaining information, which is crucial for success in mathematics. The speaker suggests that the quality of a student's notes can be an indicator of their level of focus and understanding.


A calculator is a device used to perform mathematical calculations. The video script differentiates between basic, scientific, and graphing calculators, explaining that each type serves different needs depending on the level of mathematical complexity. The speaker advises that while calculators are useful tools, they should not replace the learning process but rather supplement it.

💡Scientific Calculators

Scientific calculators are more advanced than basic calculators, featuring functions such as trigonometric calculations and logarithms. The video mentions that students in middle school and above may need to use scientific calculators as they encounter more complex mathematical problems. However, the speaker cautions against relying on calculators for learning and emphasizes the importance of understanding the mathematical processes.

💡Graphing Calculators

Graphing calculators are high-level devices that can plot graphs and solve complex mathematical problems. The video script positions these calculators as tools for high school and college students, particularly in fields like engineering and advanced mathematics. The speaker advises that while these calculators are powerful, they should be used with a solid understanding of the underlying math to avoid misuse.

💡Mistakes in Math Textbooks

The video script acknowledges that even math textbooks, which are considered authoritative sources, can contain errors. This point is made to caution students against assuming that online calculators or any technological tool is infallible. The speaker suggests that students should verify their work and understand the process to ensure accuracy.


Shortcuts refer to methods or techniques that aim to reduce the effort required to achieve a goal. In the video, the speaker uses the term to describe the temptation to use online algebra calculators to quickly get answers without fully understanding the problems. The speaker warns that taking shortcuts can lead to a lack of learning and poor performance in mathematics.

💡Technology as a Resource

Technology as a resource is the use of technological tools to aid learning or problem-solving. The video script discusses the appropriate use of technology, such as calculators and software, in the context of advanced mathematical studies. The speaker emphasizes that while technology can be a valuable resource, it should not be the primary means of learning but rather a supplementary tool.

💡Understanding Mathematics

Understanding mathematics means having a deep knowledge of mathematical concepts, procedures, and the ability to apply them to solve problems. The video's main message is that students should strive to understand mathematics rather than just getting answers from calculators. The speaker provides examples from the script to illustrate the importance of comprehension over mere problem-solving.


John, the founder of TabletClass Math, warns against the over-reliance on online algebra calculators for learning mathematics.

While online calculators are excellent tools, they can be detrimental to understanding if misused.

John emphasizes the importance of learning the process and concepts in mathematics rather than just seeking answers.

He shares his personal experience in college where relying on a Spanish translator led to embarrassment.

Online algebra calculators can lead to a false sense of correctness and hinder true learning.

Calculators should be used as a resource for those who already understand the mathematical concepts.

John explains the difference between basic, scientific, and graphing calculators and their appropriate uses.

He advises against using online calculators for learning and instead focuses on traditional paper and pencil methods.

Good note-taking is identified as a key factor in achieving excellent math grades.

John offers comprehensive math courses and test preparation programs for various exams.

He provides detailed math notes for different levels, including pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.

The video discusses the proper use of calculators as supplemental tools in higher-level mathematics.

John warns that even calculators can make mistakes, and students should not solely rely on them for correctness.

He suggests that students should learn to use scientific and graphing calculators effectively for future studies.

John concludes by encouraging students to focus on understanding mathematics rather than just getting the answer.