AI Can Do Maths Now, and it's Wild

Another Roof
17 Mar 202431:18

TLDRThe video discusses the capabilities of Alpha Geometry, an AI developed by Deep Mind that can solve Olympiad-level geometry problems. It delves into the AI's problem-solving process, comparing it to human approaches and questioning whether its solutions represent a leap in reasoning or a brute-force method. The speaker also contemplates the implications of AI in mathematics, the value of beauty in proofs, and the potential cultural impact of AI-generated proofs on the field of mathematics.


  • 😲 AI has made significant strides in solving complex problems beyond games, as demonstrated by Alpha Geometry's ability to solve Olympiad-level geometry problems.
  • πŸ€– Alpha Geometry consists of two systems: a language model for suggesting ideas and a symbolic deduction engine for making logical deductions based on geometrical theorems.
  • πŸ“š The script provides a detailed explanation of how Alpha Geometry tackles a specific geometry problem from the 2008 International Mathematical Olympiad.
  • πŸ” The process involves a step-by-step approach, where the AI makes suggestions and deductions until the problem is solved, similar to a human's trial-and-error method.
  • 🧠 The script compares Alpha Geometry's problem-solving approach to the human brain, likening the language model to the creative right brain and the deduction engine to the analytical left brain.
  • πŸ“‰ Despite Alpha Geometry's success, the script questions whether its solutions are truly a step forward in reasoning, given their meandering and sometimes redundant nature.
  • 🎨 The author expresses concern that AI-generated proofs might lack the beauty and elegance often found in human-created mathematical proofs, which are valued for their creativity and insight.
  • 🀝 AI's role in mathematics is still developing, with the potential to assist in proofs and problem-solving, but also a risk of overshadowing the creative and cultural aspects of math.
  • πŸš€ The video script suggests that while AI like Alpha Geometry can solve problems, it may not yet be capable of solving them beautifully or contributing to the broader cultural impact of mathematics.
  • 🌐 The discussion highlights the broader implications of AI in mathematics, including the potential for AI to discover new theorems and the ethical considerations of AI's role in creative problem-solving.
  • πŸ”‘ The script concludes by emphasizing the importance of beauty in mathematics and the need for AI to not only solve problems but to do so in a way that is enlightening and inspiring.

Q & A

  • What significant event in 1997 was mentioned in the script that demonstrated a milestone in AI development?

    -In 1997, the computer Deep Blue beat the highest-rated player at chess, which was a significant milestone in AI development.

  • What AI system was introduced to solve Olympiad level geometry problems and how does it compare to human performance?

    -Alpha Geometry, developed by Deep Mind, was introduced to solve Olympiad level geometry problems and it outperforms the average human participant.

  • How does Alpha Geometry's problem-solving approach differ from traditional human reasoning in geometry?

    -Alpha Geometry uses a combination of a language model for generating ideas and a symbolic deduction engine for logical analysis, which is likened to a right brain generating ideas and a left brain analyzing facts.

  • What is the significance of the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in the context of Alpha Geometry's capabilities?

    -The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is one of the world's toughest mathematics papers for high school students. Alpha Geometry's ability to solve problems from the IMO demonstrates its advanced problem-solving skills in geometry.

  • What is the role of the language model component in Alpha Geometry's system?

    -The language model component in Alpha Geometry suggests ideas for solving geometry problems, such as plotting midpoints or drawing diameters, which are then analyzed by the symbolic deduction engine.

  • What is the symbolic deduction engine in Alpha Geometry and how does it interact with the language model?

    -The symbolic deduction engine in Alpha Geometry is responsible for making logical deductions based on geometrical theorems. It works in tandem with the language model, which generates suggestions for problem-solving steps.

  • Can you explain the process Alpha Geometry uses to solve a geometry problem, using the example of the Olympiad problem from the 2008 paper?

    -Alpha Geometry solves the Olympiad problem by first defining points and relationships, then using a series of logical deductions based on geometrical theorems to establish angles and parallel lines. It continues this process, adding lines and making inferences until the problem is solved.

  • What are some criticisms or concerns raised in the script about the way Alpha Geometry solves problems?

    -The script raises concerns that Alpha Geometry's solutions are meandering and lack a clear direction, often restating things already deduced. It also suggests that the solutions do not always provide a clear understanding of why the result holds true.

  • What is the intersecting secant theorem mentioned in the script, and how is it related to the Olympiad problem?

    -The intersecting secant theorem states that if two non-parallel secant lines meet at a point and cross a circle at distinct points, the products of the segments of the secants are equal. The script suggests that this theorem could provide a more elegant and insightful solution to the Olympiad problem.

  • What broader implications does the script discuss regarding AI's role in mathematics and problem-solving?

    -The script discusses the potential of AI to assist in proofs and solve problems, but also raises concerns about the loss of creativity and the cultural impact of mathematical beauty. It questions whether AI-generated proofs can capture the elegance and insight that human mathematicians bring to their work.

  • What is the author's perspective on the future of AI in mathematics and the importance of beauty in mathematical proofs?

    -The author acknowledges the potential of AI to solve mathematical problems but expresses concern that AI-generated proofs might lack the beauty and elegance found in human-created proofs. They argue that the cultural and aesthetic value of mathematics is as important as its practical applications.



πŸ€– AI's Advancement in Solving Olympiad-Level Geometry Problems

This paragraph introduces Alpha Geometry, an AI developed by Deep Mind that can solve Olympiad-level geometry problems, outperforming the average human participant. It raises questions about whether this represents a significant leap in AI reasoning and its implications for artificial general intelligence. The script discusses the AI's methodology, which involves a language model and a symbolic deduction engine working in tandem. The explanation includes a demonstration of how Alpha Geometry tackles a problem, using geometrical theorems and logical deductions to arrive at solutions.


πŸ“š Dissecting Alpha Geometry's Solution to an Olympiad Problem

The script provides an in-depth analysis of Alpha Geometry's solution to a problem from the 2008 International Mathematical Olympiad. It describes the AI's step-by-step approach, which involves defining points, drawing circles, and using various geometrical properties to prove that certain points lie on a circle. The explanation includes a brief overview of triangle properties and the significance of the circumcircle and orthocenter. The paragraph also critiques the AI's solution, noting that while it successfully solved the problem, the proof was not as enlightening or elegant as one might hope.


πŸ” Reflecting on the Nature of AI Problem Solving in Geometry

This section delves into the broader implications of Alpha Geometry's problem-solving abilities. It contrasts the AI's method with human approaches to geometry, suggesting that while AI may not have a more radical approach, its haphazard and directionless solutions are still impressive. The script also discusses the potential for AI to develop new synthetic theorems and the possibility of AI discovering overlooked results in geometry due to its lack of bias towards symmetry or aesthetics.


🎯 The Future of AI in Mathematics and the Pursuit of Beauty

The final paragraph contemplates the future role of AI in mathematics, particularly in solving unsolved problems and the cultural impact of AI-generated proofs. It raises concerns about the potential loss of creativity and the aesthetic value of mathematical proofs if AI were to replace human mathematicians. The script emphasizes the importance of beauty in mathematics, suggesting that AI may struggle to capture the elegance and inspiration found in human-created proofs, and that this cultural aspect is as important as the practical applications of mathematical solutions.



πŸ’‘Deep Blue

Deep Blue is a chess-playing computer developed by IBM. It is historically significant for being the first computer system to defeat a reigning world chess champion in a match, specifically Garry Kasparov in 1997. In the context of the video, Deep Blue's victory is used as a benchmark to illustrate the evolution of AI capabilities beyond games to practical problem-solving.


Watson refers to IBM's AI system that competed on the quiz show 'Jeopardy!' in 2011, beating the game's champion players. It symbolizes a milestone in AI's ability to understand natural language and apply knowledge, which is a key theme in the video when discussing the progression of AI.


AlphaGo is an AI developed by DeepMind that made headlines by defeating a world champion Go player in 2016. The video uses AlphaGo's success to transition into discussing AlphaGeometry, another AI developed by DeepMind, emphasizing the advancement of AI in complex problem-solving domains beyond games.


AlphaGeometry is an AI system developed by DeepMind, designed to solve Olympiad-level geometry problems, often outperforming the average human participant. The video explores its capabilities and implications for AI reasoning and the future of artificial general intelligence.

πŸ’‘Olympiad level geometry problems

Olympiad level geometry problems refer to complex and challenging geometrical questions typically found in mathematics competitions for high school students, such as the International Mathematical Olympiad. The video uses AlphaGeometry's ability to solve these problems to discuss the sophistication of AI in reasoning and understanding geometrical concepts.

πŸ’‘Language model

A language model in the context of the video refers to the first system within AlphaGeometry, which is akin to a refined and specific use of a chatbot like GPT. It suggests ideas for solving geometry problems, working in tandem with the symbolic deduction engine to solve complex problems.

πŸ’‘Symbolic deduction engine

The symbolic deduction engine is the second system within AlphaGeometry, which applies geometrical theorems to deduce solutions. It works alongside the language model to analyze and solve geometry problems, demonstrating a dual-system approach to AI problem-solving.


The circumcircle of a triangle is a unique circle that passes through all three vertices of the triangle. The video explains this concept as part of the background knowledge needed to understand one of the Olympiad problems that AlphaGeometry solves.


The orthocenter is the point where the three altitudes of a triangle intersect. It is a key concept in the video as it is used in the explanation of the Olympiad problem that AlphaGeometry addresses, highlighting the complexity of geometrical relationships in problem-solving.

πŸ’‘Cyclic quadrilateral

A cyclic quadrilateral is a four-sided figure where all vertices lie on a single circle. The video mentions this concept as part of the proof process in one of the Olympiad problems, illustrating the use of geometrical properties in AI's problem-solving approach.

πŸ’‘Intersecting secant theorem

The intersecting secant theorem is a principle in geometry that relates the lengths of segments created by two intersecting secant lines to a circle. The video alludes to this theorem as a potential alternative method for proving the cyclic nature of certain points in a geometry problem, emphasizing the creative use of theorems in mathematical proofs.

πŸ’‘AI-generated proofs

AI-generated proofs refer to the process where an AI system, like AlphaGeometry, creates a proof for a mathematical problem. The video discusses the implications of AI-generated proofs on the future of mathematics, questioning whether they can capture the beauty and creativity inherent in human-generated proofs.

πŸ’‘Beauty in mathematics

The concept of beauty in mathematics refers to the aesthetic appeal and elegance of mathematical proofs and solutions. The video emphasizes the importance of beauty in mathematics, suggesting that AI-generated proofs may lack the intuitive and inspiring qualities that human mathematicians often strive for.


AI named Alpha Geometry developed by Deep Mind can solve Olympiad level geometry problems outperforming the average human participant.

Alpha Geometry is composed of two systems: a language model for suggestions and a symbolic deduction engine for geometrical theorems.

The AI's problem-solving process involves a combination of creative suggestions and logical deductions.

Alpha Geometry's solutions are not always the most efficient, often taking more steps than necessary to reach a conclusion.

The AI has been compared to having a 'right brain' for idea generation and a 'left brain' for analysis.

Alpha Geometry's approach to solving the 2008 International Mathematical Olympiad problem is examined in detail.

The AI's solution to the Olympiad problem involved proving that certain points lie on a circle using geometric properties and theorems.

The proof provided by Alpha Geometry was found to be lacking in elegance and did not clearly demonstrate why the result holds true.

The video discusses the potential impact of AI on mathematics, including the possibility of AI solving currently unsolved problems.

The speaker expresses concerns about AI-generated proofs potentially lacking in creativity and the beauty of mathematical reasoning.

AI's current capabilities in mathematics are compared to its achievements in games like chess and Go, noting that solving mathematical problems is a different challenge.

The video questions whether AI's problem-solving can be considered 'solving' if it resembles a brute force approach.

The importance of the beauty and creativity in mathematical proofs is emphasized, suggesting that AI may not capture this aspect.

The potential cultural impact of AI on mathematics is discussed, with a comparison to the effects on other creative fields like art and music.

The video concludes with a call for tempered excitement about AI's role in mathematics, highlighting the need for beauty and creativity in problem-solving.