Teach yourself algebra using a scientific calculator

Hen Simmonds
31 Dec 201603:13

TLDRThis video tutorial teaches viewers how to use a scientific calculator to create and solve algebra equations. It starts with generating a random 'mystery number' stored as 'X', then forming simple equations like '18 + x = 23'. The process involves using the calculator to check solutions and gradually building up to more complex equations. The video emphasizes learning algebraic rules through practice and persistence.


  • 📚 Learn to use a scientific calculator for algebra by creating and solving your own equations.
  • 🔢 Start with a simple equation that has one unknown number, represented by a letter.
  • 🎰 Use the calculator's random integer function to generate a mystery number for your equation.
  • 🔑 Press 'alpha' and 'ran#' to access the random number generator and set your limits for the random number.
  • 🗂 Store the mystery number in the calculator's memory by using 'shift' and 'store X'.
  • 📝 Write down the algebra equation using the stored mystery number, for example, '18 + x = 23'.
  • 🧐 Solve the equation on paper using your understanding of algebra, guessing and checking with the calculator.
  • 🔄 Repeat the process with different equations to practice and reinforce your algebra skills.
  • 🔢 Experiment with more complex equations involving operations like subtraction, division, or decimals.
  • 📉 Use the calculator to check your answers and learn from any mistakes you make.
  • 💪 Persistence and practice are key to mastering algebra and becoming self-sufficient in solving equations.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is teaching algebra using a scientific calculator.

  • What is the first step in using the calculator for algebra as described in the video?

    -The first step is to create an equation with one unknown number, represented by a letter.

  • How does the video suggest generating a random number for an unknown variable?

    -The video suggests using the 'rand' function on the calculator to generate a random number between specified upper and lower limits.

  • What does the 'rand' function on the calculator stand for?

    -The 'rand' function stands for 'random integer'.

  • How do you store the generated random number as an unknown variable in the calculator?

    -You store the random number by pressing 'Shift' and then 'Store X', which stores the number in the calculator's memory as the letter X.

  • What is an example of a simple algebra equation created in the video?

    -An example of a simple algebra equation given in the video is '18 plus alpha x equals 23'.

  • How can you check your solution to the algebra equation on the calculator?

    -You can check your solution by entering the answer and pressing 'alpha' and 'equals' on the calculator.

  • What does the video suggest for creating more complex algebra equations?

    -The video suggests that you can make equations as complicated as you like, including operations like subtraction, division, and even providing answers as decimals.

  • What is the purpose of using a calculator in learning algebra according to the video?

    -The purpose is to help you create, solve, and check your own algebra equations, teaching you the rules of algebra without needing someone else to tell you the answer.

  • What qualities does the video emphasize for learning algebra effectively?

    -The video emphasizes persistence and practice as key qualities for effectively learning algebra.

  • How does the video suggest building up your understanding of algebra?

    -The video suggests building up understanding by creating equations bit by bit and gradually increasing their complexity.



📚 Algebra with a Scientific Calculator

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on using a scientific calculator to create and solve algebraic equations. It explains the concept of representing an unknown number with a letter and suggests creating a random integer to serve as the unknown. The process of generating a mystery number using the calculator's random integer function is detailed, including setting limits and storing the result as a variable (X). The paragraph concludes with the idea of building up to more complex equations and emphasizes the importance of learning algebraic rules through practice and persistence.




Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols. It is a unifying thread of almost all of higher mathematics and includes everything from solving elementary equations to studying abstractions such as groups, rings, and fields. In the context of the video, algebra is being taught through the creation and solving of equations involving an unknown variable, which is fundamental to understanding algebraic principles.

💡Scientific Calculator

A scientific calculator is an electronic device used to perform more complex calculations than a basic calculator, including exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and other advanced functions. In the video, the scientific calculator is used to generate random numbers and solve algebraic equations, demonstrating its utility in learning algebra.

💡Unknown Number

In algebra, an unknown number is a value that is not known in advance and is represented by a variable, often a letter. The video script uses the concept of an unknown number to create algebraic equations, where the viewer is encouraged to solve for the variable represented by the letter 'X'.


A variable is a symbol used to represent an unknown or changeable element in mathematics, often a letter like 'x', 'y', or 'z'. In the script, the variable 'X' is used to denote the unknown number in the algebraic equations, which is a key concept in learning how to solve algebraic problems.


An equation is a statement that asserts the equality of two expressions, which are connected by the equals sign '='. In algebra, equations are used to find the value of the unknown variable that makes the equation true. The video demonstrates creating and solving simple equations like '18 + x = 23'.

💡Random Integer

A random integer is a whole number that is chosen by chance from a specified range. In the video, the scientific calculator's 'rand' function is used to generate random integers between two limits, which serves as the unknown number for the algebraic equation.


In the context of a calculator, memory refers to the storage function where numbers or expressions can be saved for later use. The script describes storing a randomly generated number as 'X' in the calculator's memory to be used in creating an algebraic equation.

💡Solving Equations

Solving equations involves finding the value of the variable that makes the equation true. The video script illustrates the process of solving for 'X' in the equation '18 + x = 23' by using pen and paper, and then checking the answer with the calculator.


Persistence is the continued effort to achieve a goal despite difficulties or challenges. The video encourages viewers to be persistent in learning algebra, emphasizing that practice and repetition are key to mastering the subject.


Practice is the act of repeatedly performing an activity or set of activities to improve or master a skill. In the video, the importance of practice is highlighted as a means to learn and understand algebra better, by creating and solving various equations.


The video teaches algebra using a scientific calculator.

A scientific calculator is used to create and solve algebra equations.

Algebra involves using letters to represent unknown numbers.

The 'rand' function generates random integers within a specified range.

The 'Shift' and 'Store X' functions store a mystery number in the calculator's memory.

Algebra equations can be created using the calculator's memory function.

An example equation is '18 plus alpha x equals 23'.

Solving equations involves using pen and paper to work out the unknown number.

The calculator can check the solution to the algebra equation.

Complicated equations can be made using various operations.

Equations can involve division and decimal answers.

Building equations step by step helps in learning algebra rules.

The calculator provides immediate feedback on the correctness of the answer.

Learning algebra requires persistence and practice.

The video offers a self-teaching method for algebra using a calculator.

Good luck is wished for those learning algebra through this method.