Summarize Articles with AI - Taskade

16 Sept 202415:18

TLDRThis video tutorial demonstrates how to create an automation using Taskade, an AI-powered task and project management app, to summarize news articles from various websites. By utilizing RSS feeds and AI capabilities, users can consolidate news updates into one platform, saving time and staying informed. The video guides viewers through the process of setting up RSS feeds from news sites, creating an AI agent for summarization, and building automations to update a project with article titles and summaries.


  • 😀 The video demonstrates how to automate the process of getting summaries of news articles from different websites using Taskade.
  • 🌐 It utilizes RSS feeds to aggregate news from various sources, such as CBS Sports and Fox Sports, into one place.
  • 🔧 Taskade is an AI-powered task and project management app that can be used to create workflows and automate tasks.
  • 📢 The video specifically focuses on creating an automation for summarizing NFL-related news articles to stay updated without spending too much time browsing.
  • 🔗 RSS feeds are explained as tools that provide automatic updates from websites, delivering the latest content without needing to visit each site directly.
  • 🔍 The process involves finding the RSS feed URLs for the desired news websites, which can be done by searching online or looking for the RSS icon on the site.
  • 🀖 An AI agent is created within Taskade to read and summarize news articles, providing a concise 500-character summary for quick consumption.
  • 🛠 The video walks through the steps of setting up the AI agent, including naming it, defining its tasks, and enabling necessary tools for web crawling and article reading.
  • 📝 A project is created in Taskade to serve as the destination for the summarized news articles, organized under different blocks for each news source.
  • 🔄 The automation process is detailed, starting with the RSS feed trigger, followed by the AI agent command to summarize the articles, and finally adding the summarized content to the Taskade project.
  • ⏰ The video also includes a live demonstration of the automation in action, showing how new articles are automatically summarized and added to the Taskade project.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate how to use RSS feeds and AI capabilities within Taskade to get summaries of news articles from different news sites in one place.

  • What is the role of RSS feeds in this process?

    -RSS feeds are used to automatically get updates from favorite websites like news sites or blogs without having to visit them directly. They deliver the latest content to a feed reader, which in this case is Taskade.

  • How can one find the RSS feed for a specific website?

    -To find the RSS feed for a specific website, one can either Google it or look for the RSS symbol on the website itself.

  • What is Taskade and how is it used in this context?

    -Taskade is an AI-powered task and project management app that is used as the feed reader to display news updates, including titles and summaries, in a project management environment.

  • How does the AI agent function within Taskade?

    -The AI agent, or 'newsbot', is a virtual employee that can be trained to perform tasks using AI. In this context, it scrapes and reads news articles from URLs and provides summaries of up to 500 characters.

  • What is the benefit of using an AI agent to summarize news articles?

    -Using an AI agent to summarize news articles allows for a quick understanding of the content without having to read the entire article, thus saving time and helping to stay updated efficiently.

  • Can the process demonstrated in the video be applied to other types of content besides news articles?

    -Yes, the basics of building this automation can be used to build other workflows within Taskade for different types of content or purposes.

  • How often does the automation refresh to show new articles?

    -The video does not specify an exact refresh rate, but it implies that the automation will update whenever there are new articles posted on the RSS feeds.

  • What is the maximum length of the summary provided by the AI agent?

    -The AI agent is programmed to provide a summary of the news article that is 500 characters or less in length.

  • How can one customize the automation to include only the title and link of the news articles?

    -One can skip the AI agent summarization step and go directly from the 'new item in feed' trigger to the 'add task' step, using the title and link provided by the RSS feed.



📰 Automating News Summaries with RSS and AI

The speaker introduces a method to automate the process of getting news updates by using RSS feeds and AI capabilities within Taskade. The goal is to consolidate news summaries from various websites into one place, saving time and effort. The example used is staying updated with NFL news by using RSS feeds from CBS Sports and Fox Sports. The speaker explains how to find RSS URLs for specific news websites and emphasizes the convenience of using Taskade as a 'fit reader' for these feeds.


🀖 Creating an AI Agent for News Summarization

The video demonstrates how to create an AI agent within Taskade to automate the task of reading news articles and providing summaries. The AI agent, referred to as a 'virtual employee,' is trained to perform specific tasks using AI capabilities. In this case, the AI agent is programmed to scrape news articles from URLs and provide a 500-character summary. The speaker guides viewers through the process of setting up the AI agent, including enabling necessary tools and configuring commands for summarizing news articles.


🔗 Building Automation with RSS, AI, and Taskade

The speaker proceeds to explain how to build an automation workflow in Taskade that utilizes the previously created AI agent. This workflow is designed to fetch news articles from RSS feeds, summarize them using the AI agent, and then add the title and summary to a Taskade project. The process involves setting up triggers, adding steps to run the AI agent, and configuring the output to be added as tasks in a designated project. The speaker also shows how to duplicate and modify the automation for different news sources, such as CBS Sports and Fox Sports.


🎬 Conclusion and Engagement Invitation

In the final paragraph, the speaker concludes the tutorial by inviting viewers to share their thoughts on the video, ask questions, or discuss how they might use similar automations in Taskade for purposes other than news summarization. The speaker encourages engagement in the comments section and hints at future content by acknowledging the potential for diverse applications of the demonstrated automation techniques.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is utilized to create an 'AI agent' within Taskade, which automates the process of reading and summarizing news articles. The AI agent is described as a 'virtual employee' that can be trained to perform specific tasks, such as scraping and summarizing news content from URLs.


Taskade is an AI-powered task and project management tool mentioned in the video. It is used to create workflows and automate tasks, such as summarizing news articles from various websites. The video demonstrates how to integrate RSS feeds with Taskade to keep up with news updates efficiently. Taskade acts as a centralized platform where users can manage and view summarized news articles.

💡RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are a technology that allows users to get updates from their favorite websites automatically. In the video, RSS feeds are used to fetch the latest news articles from specific websites like CBS Sports and Fox Sports. The RSS URLs are then integrated into Taskade to pull in news updates, which can then be summarized by the AI agent.

💡News Article Summaries

News Article Summaries are brief versions of longer news articles, providing the essential points in a condensed format. The video focuses on creating an automation that uses AI to generate summaries of news articles from RSS feeds. These summaries are then displayed in Taskade, allowing users to quickly grasp the key points of various news articles without having to read each one in full.


Automation in the video refers to the process of creating a workflow that automates the task of fetching, summarizing, and displaying news articles. It involves using AI within Taskade to create an 'AI agent' that can read news articles from RSS feeds and provide summaries. The automation is set up in Taskade using triggers and steps, which define the actions to be taken when new articles are available.

💡AI Agent

An AI Agent, as discussed in the video, is a virtual entity created within Taskade that performs automated tasks using AI. In this case, the AI agent is trained to scrape news articles from URLs and provide summaries. The agent is configured with specific commands and tools, such as web search and site reader, to accomplish its tasks.

💡Project Management

Project Management in the context of the video refers to the use of Taskade as a platform for organizing and managing tasks, including the automation of news article summaries. Taskade allows users to create projects, add tasks, and view summaries, making it easier to stay updated on news without spending excessive time browsing.


NFL (National Football League) is used in the video as an example of a news category that the user might be interested in following. The video demonstrates how to set up an automation to fetch and summarize NFL-related news articles from websites like CBS Sports and Fox Sports, showing how Taskade can be used to keep up with specific sports news.


XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language much like HTML, but it is designed to carry data rather than display it. In the video, XML is mentioned in the context of RSS feeds, where the feed's output is in XML format. This XML data contains information about news articles, including titles and links, which can be parsed by Taskade's AI agent to extract and summarize the content.


A Workflow in the video is the sequence of steps that define how the automation process works within Taskade. It involves setting up triggers, such as new articles in an RSS feed, and then defining the steps that follow, like summarizing the article with an AI agent and adding the summary to a project. Workflows help automate repetitive tasks, making it easier to manage and stay updated with news articles.


Creating an automation to summarize news articles using Taskade and AI.

Using RSS feeds to gather news from various websites.

Taskade as a platform for building AI-powered task and project management workflows.

RSS technology allows automatic updates from favorite websites.

How to find the RSS feed for a specific website.

Example of getting the RSS feed for CBS Sports.

Creating a project in Taskade to display news updates.

Building an AI agent in Taskade to summarize news articles.

Configuring the AI agent to read and analyze news articles.

Setting up a project to receive outputs from the automation.

Creating an automation in Taskade using the RSS feed URL as a trigger.

Using the AI agent to summarize articles and add tasks to the project.

The process of building the automation step-by-step in Taskade.

Adding the task to the project with the article title and summary.

Duplicating the automation for different news sources like CBS.

Customizing the automation to include only the title and link if desired.

Final result of the automation displaying summarized news articles in Taskade.