Google AI dominates the Math Olympiad. But there's a catch

28 Jul 202408:18

TLDRGoogle's AI has made significant strides, scoring 28 points on the International Math Olympiad (IMO) by solving complex problems. Despite the impressive feat, the AI's performance was aided by extra time and human translation of questions into a formal language for verification. The AI's solutions, including a novel approach to a geometry problem, highlight its potential as a tool for understanding and learning mathematical proofs, though it does not replace the need for human mathematicians.


  • 🧠 AI's current capabilities in general math problem-solving are limited despite their wide range of applications.
  • 🏆 Google has developed AI models that scored 28 points in the International Math Olympiad (IMO), which is comparable to a silver medal.
  • 📚 The IMO is an annual contest for pre-college students that has grown from 7 countries to over 100 since its inception in 1959.
  • 🕒 The average time for students to solve each question in the IMO is 1.5 hours, while Google's AI had three days to solve one problem.
  • 🔢 The AI models were trained on past Olympiad problems, giving them an advantage over students who had to interpret and solve within a strict time limit.
  • 📈 AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry are the AI models that tackled algebra, number theory, and geometry problems respectively.
  • 🕒 AlphaGeometry solved a geometry question in just 19 seconds, showcasing the speed of AI computation.
  • 🀖 The AI models did not translate the questions themselves; humans manually translated the questions into the formal language Lean.
  • 📝 Lean is a proof assistant that allows for the verification of proofs for correctness, which is used to train the AI models.
  • 💡 The AI came up with a novel solution to a geometry problem, demonstrating its ability to think outside the box.
  • 🎓 While it's not fair to say the AI 'earned' a silver medal due to the different conditions, solving 4 out of 6 problems is still an impressive feat.
  • 🔮 The potential for AI to assist in understanding mathematical ideas and proofs is exciting and could greatly benefit the learning process.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of Google's AI models scoring 28 points in the International Math Olympiad (IMO)?

    -Google's AI models scoring 28 points in the IMO is significant as it demonstrates the models' ability to solve extraordinarily challenging math problems, which is a remarkable achievement in the field of AI and computational mathematics.

  • What is the International Math Olympiad (IMO) and how has it evolved over time?

    -The International Math Olympiad (IMO) is an annual contest for pre-college students that began with 7 countries in 1959 and has expanded to over 100 countries, each sending teams of 6 students. It is known for its challenging questions and is considered a great test for AI math ability.

  • What is the average mean score of participants in the IMO and why is it so low?

    -The average mean score in the IMO is about 16 out of a possible 42 total points. This low average score reflects the high difficulty level of the problems, even for the top pre-college students from around the world.

  • How did Google's AI models approach solving the IMO problems?

    -Google's AI models, AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry, tackled different types of problems in the IMO. They were trained on past Olympiads and similar questions, and then used a formal language called Lean to translate and solve the problems.

  • What is Lean and how does it relate to the AI models' approach to solving IMO problems?

    -Lean is a proof assistant language used to translate regular questions into a formal language that can be verified for correctness. Google's AI models used Lean to ensure the proofs they generated were accurate.

  • Why did the AI models not translate the IMO questions themselves?

    -The AI models did not translate the IMO questions themselves due to the risk of mistranslation. Instead, humans manually translated the questions into Lean to ensure accuracy.

  • How long did it take for Google's AlphaGeometry to solve the geometry question in the IMO?

    -Google's AlphaGeometry solved the geometry question in the IMO in just 19 seconds, which is significantly faster than the average time students have to solve each question.

  • What is the main difference between how the AI models and human students approached the IMO problems?

    -The main difference is that the AI models were given extra time and had the questions translated into a formal language by humans, whereas human students had to interpret and solve the questions within a strict time limit without such assistance.

  • What was the unique solution proposed by Google's AI for one of the IMO problems?

    -For one of the IMO problems, Google's AI proposed a novel solution that involved constructing an additional point and using it to create a circle and several similar triangles, leading to the conclusion.

  • What does the future hold for AI in the context of mathematical problem-solving and proofs?

    -The future of AI in mathematical problem-solving and proofs looks promising, with the potential for AI to assist in understanding complex ideas and learning proofs, much like calculators are used for intricate calculations today.

  • What is the role of the human community in the development and understanding of Google's AI models' achievements in the IMO?

    -The human community plays a crucial role in interpreting, translating, and verifying the AI models' solutions. Additionally, the community provides context and perspective on the achievements, helping to understand the significance and limitations of the AI models' performance in the IMO.



🀖 AI's Breakthrough in Solving Math Olympiad Problems

Presh Talwalkar discusses the recent advancements in AI's ability to tackle complex math problems, specifically those from the International Math Olympiad (IMO). Google's AI models, AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry, have scored a significant 28 points out of 42, which is comparable to winning a silver medal. The models were trained on past Olympiad problems and were manually given the translated questions into the formal language Lean, which allows for proof verification. While the AI's performance was impressive, especially AlphaGeometry's 19-second solution to a geometry problem, it's important to note that the AI did not face the same time constraints and challenges as human contestants.


📊 The Limitations and Potential of AI in Mathematical Problem Solving

This paragraph delves into the nuances of AI's performance in the IMO context. It points out that the comparison between AI and human contestants is not entirely fair due to the AI's extended time and the advantage of question translation. The AI's methodology, which includes proposing and verifying proofs, is contrasted with the human approach of interpreting and sketching problems. The AI's novel solution to a geometry problem is highlighted as an example of its creative problem-solving capabilities. The paragraph concludes by acknowledging the AI's achievement in solving Olympiad-level questions and expresses optimism for the future use of AI as a tool to assist with mathematical proofs and enhance understanding.



💡Google AI

Google AI refers to the artificial intelligence technologies developed by Google. In the context of the video, Google AI is highlighted for its breakthrough in solving complex math problems, particularly those from the International Math Olympiad (IMO). The video discusses how Google's AI models scored significantly, which is a notable achievement in the field of AI and mathematics.

💡Math Olympiad

The Math Olympiad, specifically the International Math Olympiad (IMO), is an annual contest for pre-college students that tests their mathematical skills through challenging problems. The video emphasizes the difficulty of these problems, noting that even the average score is relatively low, which underscores the impressiveness of Google AI's performance.

💡AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry

AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry are AI models developed by Google that were used to tackle different types of math problems in the IMO. AlphaProof focused on algebra and number theory problems, while AlphaGeometry addressed the geometry question. The video script mentions how these models performed, particularly AlphaGeometry's rapid solution to a geometry problem.

💡Proof assistant

A proof assistant is a software tool used to assist in the creation and verification of mathematical proofs. In the video, Lean, a proof assistant, is mentioned as the formal language into which the math problems were translated for the AI models to solve. This is significant as it shows how AI can interact with formalized mathematical languages.

💡Translation of questions

The process of translating the plain language questions of the IMO into a formal language like Lean is a key step mentioned in the video. It's noted that this translation was done manually by humans to ensure accuracy, which is a crucial distinction from the students' experience who must interpret and solve the problems themselves.


Lean is a formal language used for writing and verifying mathematical proofs. In the context of the video, Google's AI models used Lean to solve the IMO problems after the questions were translated into this language by humans. The video script provides an example of what the Lean code might look like for one of the geometry problems.

💡Time limits

Time limits are a critical aspect of the IMO, where students have a set amount of time to solve each problem. The video points out that Google's AI models were given more time to solve the problems compared to the students, which is an important factor when comparing the AI's performance to human participants.


Mistranslation refers to the potential error that can occur when converting the natural language of a math problem into a formal language like Lean. The video script discusses this risk and how it can affect the AI's ability to understand and solve the problems correctly.

💡Formal language

A formal language, in the context of the video, is a precise and structured language used in mathematics and computer science to express concepts unambiguously. Lean is an example of a formal language used in the video to describe the process of how Google's AI models approached the IMO problems.

💡Reverse proof

A reverse proof is a method of proving a statement by starting with the conclusion and working backward to the initial assumptions. The video script mentions that Google's AI provided a reverse proof for one of the IMO problems, which is an unconventional approach compared to the more traditional methods used by human mathematicians.

💡Novel solution

A novel solution refers to a new or innovative method of solving a problem. The video describes how Google's AI came up with a novel solution to one of the geometry problems by constructing additional points and using different geometric properties, which is an interesting development in the field of AI and mathematics.


Google AI has made a breakthrough in solving complex math problems from the International Math Olympiad (IMO).

AI models are traditionally not very good at solving general math problems.

Google's AI scored 28 points, equivalent to a silver medal in the IMO.

AlphaProof and AlphaGeometry are the AI models that tackled algebra, number theory, and geometry problems.

AlphaGeometry solved a geometry question in just 19 seconds.

The comparison between AI and human mathematicians is not straightforward due to different conditions.

AI models were given more time to solve the problems compared to human contestants.

Google's AI models were trained on past Olympiad problems, similar to how students prepare.

The Gemini AI translates questions into a formal language called Lean for verification.

The translation of questions into Lean is currently a manual process due to inaccuracies.

Humans manually translated the IMO questions into Lean for the AI to solve.

The AI's approach to solving the geometry question was novel and different from human methods.

The AI's solution involved constructing a new point and using similar triangles to reach the conclusion.

It's not fair to say the AI 'earned' a silver medal due to the advantages it had.

Solving 4 out of 6 IMO problems is an incredible achievement for AI.

The potential for AI to assist in understanding mathematical ideas and proofs is promising.

The development of AI in math problem-solving could lead to new tools for learning and verification.

The future may include using computers to assist with mathematical proofs, similar to calculators.

Congratulations to Google DeepMind for creating a tool capable of solving Olympiad-level math problems.