Computing a theory of everything | Stephen Wolfram

27 Apr 201020:29

TLDRStephen Wolfram discusses the profound impact of computation, suggesting it's the defining concept of the past century. He shares his journey from physicist to creator of Mathematica, and his exploration of the computational universe, particularly cellular automata. Wolfram introduces Wolfram Alpha, a knowledge engine that computes answers to questions using built-in knowledge, aiming to democratize information. He envisions a future where computation not only shapes technology but also our understanding of the universe, potentially uncovering a 'theory of everything' through simple computational rules.


  • 💡 Computation is a fundamental idea that has shaped technology and has deep implications beyond its practical applications.
  • 🔬 Stephen Wolfram spent 30 years on large projects to explore computation, starting from his early work as a physicist to developing Mathematica.
  • 🌌 Wolfram's work led to the creation of Mathematica, a symbolic programming tool that has significantly impacted R&D and education.
  • 🔍 He explored the computational universe by examining simple programs, like cellular automata, which can produce complex and intricate patterns.
  • 📊 Rule 30 in cellular automata was a pivotal discovery, challenging traditional intuitions and leading to the development of a new kind of science.
  • 🧠 This new science is distinct from traditional mathematics-based science, offering insights into the complexity observed in nature.
  • 🀖 Computational irreducibility and the principle of computational equivalence were introduced, suggesting that simple systems can perform sophisticated computations.
  • 🌐 Wolfram Alpha was created to compute answers to questions using built-in knowledge, aiming to democratize access to information.
  • 🔑 The project of Wolfram Alpha is vast, involving the curation of massive amounts of data and the implementation of complex algorithms.
  • 🌟 Wolfram envisions a future where computation is the defining idea, influencing science, technology, and our understanding of the universe.
  • 🚀 The ultimate ambition is to find a simple rule or program that governs our universe, potentially unifying physics and computation.

Q & A

  • What is the central idea of Stephen Wolfram's talk?

    -The central idea of Stephen Wolfram's talk is the concept of computation as a fundamental theory that underlies not only computer technology but also the universe itself. He suggests that computation is a powerful and deep idea that has broad implications across various fields.

  • What are the three large projects Stephen Wolfram has worked on over the past 30 years?

    -Stephen Wolfram has worked on three large projects: 1) His early work as a physicist using computers as tools, 2) The creation of a structure based on symbolic programming that led to the development of Mathematica, and 3) The exploration of the computational universe, particularly through the study of cellular automata.

  • What is the significance of Rule 30 in cellular automata?

    -Rule 30 in cellular automata is significant because it demonstrates the emergence of complex and intricate patterns from a very simple rule. It challenges traditional intuitions about complexity and simplicity, and it was a key discovery that led Wolfram to develop a new kind of science based on computation.

  • What is computational irreducibility, as mentioned by Stephen Wolfram?

    -Computational irreducibility refers to the concept that certain computational processes cannot be predicted or simplified; one must effectively watch them evolve to understand their outcome. This idea challenges traditional scientific predictability and has implications for the understanding of complex systems in nature.

  • How does the principle of computational equivalence relate to simple systems?

    -The principle of computational equivalence states that even incredibly simple systems can perform computations as sophisticated as any other system. This means that complexity is not necessarily a product of complexity in the system's components but can emerge from simple rules.

  • What is Wolfram Alpha, and what is its purpose?

    -Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine designed to compute answers to questions using built-in knowledge rather than searching the web. Its purpose is to provide authoritative, computed answers to specific questions across a broad range of topics.

  • How does Wolfram Alpha handle questions posed in natural human language?

    -Wolfram Alpha uses a combination of natural language processing and its underlying computable knowledge base to interpret and understand questions posed in natural human language. It then computes answers to these questions in real-time.

  • What is the potential impact of Wolfram Alpha on the democratization of programming?

    -The potential impact of Wolfram Alpha on the democratization of programming is that it allows users to express their needs in plain language, and the system can then translate these into precise computational tasks. This could enable more people to engage with programming without needing formal programming knowledge.

  • What is the 'killer app' that Stephen Wolfram envisions for his computational science?

    -The 'killer app' Stephen Wolfram envisions is the systematic computation and organization of the world's knowledge, making it computable and accessible. This is exemplified by Wolfram Alpha, which aims to answer questions and provide insights by computing from a vast knowledge base.

  • How does Stephen Wolfram's work on computation relate to the search for a theory of everything in physics?

    -Stephen Wolfram's work on computation, particularly his exploration of simple programs that can generate complex behavior, suggests a potential new approach to finding a theory of everything. He posits that the universe might be governed by simple computational rules, and that understanding these could provide a fundamental theory that unifies physics.



💡 The Power of Computation and Its Broader Implications

The speaker begins by emphasizing the transformative impact of the concept of computation, which he considers one of the most significant ideas of the past century. He recounts his journey from a physicist using computers as tools to developing the symbolic programming foundation for Mathematica. The speaker delves into the exploration of the computational universe, challenging traditional views on the nature of programs. He introduces cellular automata as a simple model for complex systems, highlighting the unexpected complexity and regularity that can arise from simple rules, such as Rule 30. This leads to a discussion on the new kind of science that emerged from these findings, one that differs from traditional mathematics-based science. The speaker suggests that nature's complexity might be a result of simple computational rules, hinting at the principle of computational equivalence and computational irreducibility, which have profound implications for science, predictability, and the nature of intelligence.


🌐 Democratizing Knowledge with Wolfram Alpha

The speaker transitions to discussing his ambitious project, Wolfram Alpha, which aims to make the world's knowledge computable. He shares his initial skepticism and the complexity of the task, which involved curating vast sources of data and facts. Despite the challenges, Wolfram Alpha has been successfully developed into a knowledge engine that computes answers to questions using natural language input. The speaker demonstrates its capabilities with various queries, from simple calculations to complex real-world data, showcasing its ability to provide fresh, computed answers rather than mere search results. He highlights the co-evolution of Wolfram Alpha with its users and the technology's potential to appear in more places, handling both public and private data. The speaker introduces the concept of knowledge-based computing, which leverages built-in knowledge to change the economics of computational services.


🔄 Integrating Wolfram Alpha with Mathematica for Enhanced Computing

The speaker explores the synergy between Mathematica, with its precise formal language and capabilities, and Wolfram Alpha, which incorporates the complexities of the real world and human language. He envisions a future where anyone can use plain language to instruct computers, with Wolfram Alpha translating these instructions into precise code. This integration is expected to democratize programming, allowing users to build complex programs through simple interactions. The speaker illustrates how Wolfram Alpha can be used within Mathematica to access real-world data and provide examples for users to construct their programs. He also discusses the potential for Wolfram Alpha to enable mass customized creativity and to perform invention and discovery on demand.


🌌 The Search for the Universe's Computational Rule

In the final paragraph, the speaker ponders the possibility of finding a simple computational rule that governs our physical universe, suggesting that the universe might be a complex system arising from simple rules. He shares his findings of candidate universes within the computational universe that reproduce aspects of known physics, including relativity and hints of quantum mechanics. The speaker expresses his commitment to further this research, with the ultimate goal of discovering the fundamental rule of our universe and making it accessible through Wolfram Alpha. He concludes by reiterating the vast potential of computation to shape the future, from scientific foundations to technological advancements and our understanding of humanity.




Computation refers to the process of performing mathematical calculations or processing data. In the context of Stephen Wolfram's talk, computation is elevated from a mere technical process to a fundamental concept that underlies the workings of the universe. Wolfram suggests that computation is not just about computers but is a deep, powerful idea that can explain complex phenomena. An example from the script is Wolfram's exploration of the 'computational universe,' where he examines the behavior of simple programs, like cellular automata, to understand complex patterns and processes.

💡Cellular Automata

Cellular automata are mathematical models that consist of a grid of cells, each of which can be in a particular state, developing according to a set of rules. In Wolfram's discussion, cellular automata are used to explore how simple rules can lead to complex and diverse outcomes. Rule 30, mentioned in the script, is an example of a cellular automaton that exhibits surprisingly intricate behavior, challenging traditional intuitions about simplicity and complexity.

💡Computational Universe

The computational universe, as introduced by Wolfram, is the concept of considering all possible computations as a space to explore. It is the theoretical realm of all possible programs and their outcomes. In the talk, Wolfram describes how this universe can be sampled to find patterns and behaviors that are not only complex but also fundamental to understanding nature, suggesting that natural processes might be sampling from this computational universe.

💡Computational Irreducibility

Computational irreducibility is the concept that to understand the outcome of certain computational processes, one must effectively watch them evolve, as they cannot be simplified or predicted from a higher perspective. Wolfram discusses this in relation to the complexity of systems like Rule 30, where the only way to know the outcome is to observe the computation unfold over time, challenging traditional scientific predictability.

💡Principle of Computational Equivalence

The principle of computational equivalence posits that even the simplest computational systems can exhibit a level of complexity equivalent to the most sophisticated computations. Wolfram uses this principle to argue that complex computations are not necessarily the result of advanced technology or evolution but are inherent in simple systems following basic rules.

💡Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that answers factual queries by computing the answer from built-in knowledge and algorithms, rather than searching the web. In the script, Wolfram describes Wolfram Alpha as a 'serious knowledge engine' that aims to make systematic knowledge computable, allowing users to ask questions in natural language and receive computed answers.

💡Knowledge-based Computing

Knowledge-based computing is a concept where computation is not starting from scratch but is based on a vast amount of pre-existing knowledge. Wolfram discusses how Wolfram Alpha embodies this concept by utilizing built-in knowledge to provide answers to questions, thus changing the approach to delivering computational results and democratizing access to information.


Mathematica is a computational software program used in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields. In the talk, Wolfram mentions Mathematica as the platform that enabled the creation of Wolfram Alpha. It is a tool that has been integral to Wolfram's exploration of computation and the development of algorithms and models that are now part of the knowledge engine.

💡Theory of Everything

The theory of everything, in the context of Wolfram's talk, refers to the pursuit of a unifying, fundamental principle that explains all physical phenomena. Wolfram suggests that the idea of computation might be the key to such a theory, potentially allowing us to understand and describe the universe through simple computational rules, echoing the quest for a grand unified theory in physics.

💡Curating Knowledge

Curating knowledge involves organizing and managing information to make it accessible and useful. In the script, Wolfram discusses the challenge of curating facts and data from various sources to build the knowledge base of Wolfram Alpha, which requires both automation and input from human experts to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information.


Computation is proposed as the biggest idea of the past century.

Stephen Wolfram's 30-year journey from physicist to computational explorer.

The creation of Mathematica, a symbolic programming environment.

The computational universe and its vast space of all possible programs.

Cellular automata as a simple program with complex outcomes.

Rule 30 in cellular automata demonstrates surprising complexity.

The necessity to create a new science to understand computational phenomena.

Nature's complexity might be due to sampling from the computational universe.

Computational irreducibility challenges traditional scientific predictability.

The principle of computational equivalence suggests simple systems can perform complex computations.

Implications for the limits of science, predictability, and controllability in various fields.

Wolfram Alpha as a knowledge engine that computes answers to questions.

The democratization of knowledge through Wolfram Alpha's computable and authoritative source.

Wolfram Alpha's ability to understand natural human language for querying.

The coevolution of Wolfram Alpha with its human users.

The potential for Wolfram Alpha to appear in more places, both public and private.

Knowledge-based computing as a new paradigm in technology.

The computational universe as a source for mass customized creativity.

The search for a simple program that could describe our physical universe.

The possibility of integrating computational science with existing theories like string theory.

The relationship between Wolfram's work and Benoit Mandelbrot's contributions to complexity.

The future of computation as the defining idea shaping science, technology, and humanity.