ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha will change your life!

Coding with GPT
21 May 202309:05

TLDRThe video transcript highlights the synergy between ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha, positioning them as transformative tools. While ChatGPT excels at answering internet-data-based questions up to 2021, it lacks real-time lookup capabilities. Wolfram Alpha complements this by offering verified statistical data and calculation prowess. The speaker demonstrates the plugins' utility in career advice, real-time statistical analysis, mathematical concept understanding, and solving complex mathematical problems, showcasing the potential of this AI duo to enhance learning and problem-solving.


  • 😲 ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha can be powerful tools when combined, addressing the limitations of ChatGPT by providing real-time data and complex calculations.
  • 📊 Wolfram Alpha excels in providing verified statistics and performing calculations, which complements ChatGPT's capabilities.
  • 💌 The 'ask your PDF' plugin can analyze resumes and suggest top job titles and average salaries based on the individual's qualifications.
  • 💹 Career advice from the combination of these tools can be insightful, suggesting that software developers are among the highest-paid jobs.
  • 📈 Wolfram Alpha can perform real-time statistical analysis, which can be mind-blowing when integrated with ChatGPT's conversational abilities.
  • 💡 For educational purposes, the combination can provide deep insights and conclusions that may exceed expectations.
  • 💰 It can also answer financial questions, like how salary growth compares to inflation, providing practical career advice.
  • 📊 The tools can explain and visualize complex mathematical concepts, like the Collatz conjecture, with Python code for further exploration.
  • 🐜 They can solve intricate problems, such as calculating the emergence of cicadas with different life cycles and predict future occurrences.
  • 🌐 Detailed demographic data, like population statistics of Australian cities, can be accessed, showcasing the breadth of information available.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the Wolfram Alpha plugin mentioned in the transcript?

    -The Wolfram Alpha plugin is significant because it complements the limitations of ChatGPT by providing access to verified, published statistics and a system for doing calculations, which allows for real-time statistical analysis and enhances the capabilities of ChatGPT.

  • Why is the data from ChatGPT up to September 2021 considered a limitation?

    -The data from ChatGPT up to September 2021 is a limitation because it cannot provide information or perform lookups on more recent data, such as updated statistics, which is where Wolfram Alpha's strengths come into play.

  • What career advice was given based on the resume analysis using the 'ask your PDF' plugin?

    -The career advice given was to consider job titles such as cybersecurity analyst, software developer, project manager, data scientist, and IT consultant, with the software developer being the highest paid on average.

  • How does the combination of ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha enhance the ability to answer complex questions?

    -The combination of ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha enhances the ability to answer complex questions by providing a comprehensive approach that includes both explanation and visualization, along with the capability to perform mathematical calculations and reasoning.

  • What is the Collatz conjecture, and how was it explained and visualized using the plugins?

    -The Collatz conjecture is a mathematical problem where you take any positive integer, and if it's even, you divide it by two, and if it's odd, you multiply it by three and add one. The conjecture states that no matter what number you start with, you will eventually reach one. The plugins provided an explanation, a visualization, and Python code to demonstrate this conjecture.

  • What was the question about cicadas and their emergence cycles, and how was it answered?

    -The question was about the next year when two species of cicadas, one with a 13-year cycle and another with a 17-year cycle, both emerging in 2017, would emerge together and how many times they would do so during the millennium. The answer was that they would next emerge together in 2238, and there would be three such occurrences in the millennium.

  • How does Wolfram Alpha provide detailed statistics on the population of Australia?

    -Wolfram Alpha provides detailed statistics on the population of Australia by offering current population figures for every city, including demographics and other relevant data, which can be accessed through the plugin.

  • What is the importance of real-time statistical analysis in the context of the transcript?

    -Real-time statistical analysis is important as it allows for up-to-date and accurate information that can be used to make informed decisions, draw conclusions, and gain insights in various fields such as career planning, academic assignments, and demographic studies.

  • How does the integration of Wolfram Alpha with ChatGPT impact educational assignments?

    -The integration of Wolfram Alpha with ChatGPT impacts educational assignments by enabling students to access a wealth of information and perform complex calculations, which can lead to more in-depth analysis and higher-quality work that exceeds expectations.

  • What is the potential of combining ChatGPT with Wolfram Alpha for job seekers?

    -The potential for job seekers is significant as it allows them to gain insights into job market trends, salary expectations, and qualifications required for various roles, which can help them make informed career decisions and tailor their job search strategies.



🚀 Wolfram Alpha Plugin as a Game Changer

In this section, the speaker discusses how the Wolfram Alpha plugin significantly enhances ChatGPT's capabilities, particularly for tasks like retrieving verified statistics and performing calculations. They contrast ChatGPT's limitations, such as its outdated knowledge base (GPT-4 up to September 2021, GPT-3 up to June 2020), with Wolfram Alpha's ability to handle real-time statistical data and complex queries. The speaker shares an example where they used the plugin to analyze career options based on their resume, and how Wolfram Alpha provided more reliable salary data than ChatGPT. The combination of ChatGPT's reasoning with Wolfram Alpha's data is presented as a powerful tool, especially for tasks requiring real-time data analysis.


💻 Using ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha for Educational Purposes

This section highlights the use of ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha in teaching Python, Linux, and cybersecurity to high school students. The speaker recounts an example where a student introduced the Collatz Conjecture, a mathematical problem. By using both ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha, the speaker was able to visualize the concept and generate Python code for further exploration. They also touch on a Victorian coding challenge involving cicadas, where the plugin was used to calculate the next emergence year based on prime number cycles (13 and 17 years) and how many times this would occur in the current millennium. The section emphasizes the educational value of using ChatGPT with Wolfram Alpha to solve complex mathematical problems and visualize abstract concepts.




ChatGPT refers to a type of AI chatbot that can engage in conversation with users, providing information and answering questions. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is mentioned as a tool with limitations, particularly in accessing up-to-date data beyond its last training data in September 2021. It is contrasted with Wolfram Alpha, highlighting how the two can complement each other, with ChatGPT providing general information and Wolfram Alpha offering more current data and complex calculations.

💡Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can answer factual queries by computing the answer from curated, structured data. In the video, it is described as a 'game changer' that excels in providing up-to-date statistics and performing complex calculations, which are areas where ChatGPT falls short due to its data limitations. The script illustrates how Wolfram Alpha can be used to analyze resumes, provide career advice, and even visualize mathematical concepts.

💡Game Changer

The term 'game changer' is used colloquially to describe something that significantly alters the dynamics of a situation or industry. In the video, it is applied to the Wolfram Alpha plugin for ChatGPT, suggesting that the integration of these two tools has the potential to revolutionize how users access and process information.


Statistics in this context refers to numerical data collected and analyzed to represent facts about a group or situation. The video emphasizes that while ChatGPT can provide information available on the internet up to 2021, it lacks the capability to look up current statistics. Wolfram Alpha fills this gap by offering access to verified, up-to-date statistical data, which is crucial for making informed decisions or analyses.


Calculations in the video script pertain to mathematical operations or computations. It is mentioned that Wolfram Alpha is particularly strong in performing calculations, which is a feature that complements ChatGPT's text-based responses. The script gives an example of using Wolfram Alpha to calculate average salaries for job titles, demonstrating its utility in real-world applications.


A resume is a document used by individuals to present their skills, experiences, and education to potential employers. In the video, the speaker uses a plugin to analyze their resume and receive career advice based on the data extracted. This showcases how AI tools can be utilized to provide personalized insights and recommendations.

💡Career Advice

Career advice in the video is depicted as guidance or suggestions given to individuals regarding their professional development. The integration of AI tools like ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha allows for the provision of dynamic and data-driven career advice, such as identifying the top job titles one is qualified for based on their resume and providing average salary figures for those positions.


Inflation refers to the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, purchasing power is falling. The video script includes an example where the speaker asks Wolfram Alpha to calculate how their salary growth compares to inflation over time, which is a practical application of economic data in personal financial planning.

💡Collatz Conjecture

The Collatz Conjecture, also known as the 3n + 1 problem, is a mathematical conjecture that involves a sequence of operations on natural numbers. In the video, the speaker inquires about this conjecture after encountering it in a class, and receives an explanation and visualization from Wolfram Alpha. This demonstrates the ability of AI tools to elucidate complex mathematical concepts.


Cicadas are insects that are the subject of a problem presented in the video. They are noted for their prime-numbered life cycles, emerging either every 13 or 17 years. The video discusses a problem involving the synchronization of these cycles, which requires mathematical reasoning and calculation. This example illustrates the capacity of AI tools to handle complex, real-world problems involving patterns and cycles.


ChatGPT and Wolfram Alpha can be transformative tools in various fields.

ChatGPT's data is up to September 2021, limiting its ability to provide real-time statistics.

Wolfram Alpha is a valuable resource for verified statistics and calculations.

The strengths of Wolfram Alpha complement the weaknesses of ChatGPT.

Wolfram Alpha can provide career advice based on an uploaded resume.

The top five best paid job titles based on a resume include cybersecurity analyst, software developer, project manager, data scientist, and IT consultant.

Software developer is noted as the highest paid job among the suggested titles.

Wolfram Alpha can fetch average salaries for job titles and provide detailed workforce statistics.

Real-time statistical analysis combined with ChatGPT offers powerful insights.

Wolfram Alpha can answer complex mathematical problems and provide visualizations.

The Collatz conjecture was explained and visualized using Wolfram Alpha.

Python code for visualizing mathematical concepts can be generated through Wolfram Alpha.

Cicada emergence patterns and their relation to prime numbers were analyzed.

Wolfram Alpha calculated the next simultaneous emergence of 13 and 17-year cicadas.

Detailed demographic statistics of Australian cities are available through Wolfram Alpha.

Wolfram Alpha provides a reliable plugin for real-time data and analysis.