Can a chat AI do MATH?

22 Dec 202203:57

TLDRThe video explores the capabilities of AI in mathematics, particularly questioning if it can prove theorems or solve homework. It discusses the impact of AI on the art community and the potential for AI to write essays, as demonstrated by an attempt to write about the mathematician Paul Adish. The main focus, however, is on testing AI's ability to prove the infinitude of prime numbers, referencing Euclid's proof from 350 BC. The AI's attempt, while flawed, shows an understanding of the topic but lacks the necessary logical structure. The video concludes that AI, while impressive, is not yet capable of solving complex math problems for students.


  • 🀖 AI's role in various fields is expanding, including art and mathematics, with projects like Dolly causing controversy in the art community.
  • 📚 Chat GPT is a sophisticated AI capable of complex tasks such as writing essays and scripts, including on topics like mathematician Paul Adish.
  • 🔍 There are concerns about AI's impact on jobs, especially in creative fields, where it can produce work that may be indistinguishable from human creations.
  • 📝 The script discusses the potential for AI to write essays for students, which could be a challenge for educators to detect and evaluate.
  • 🧩 The transcript mentions a specific example of Chat GPT writing about Ramanujan's number theory and Adish numbers, showing a mix of accurate and incorrect information.
  • 📉 The script raises the question of whether AI can perform mathematical proofs or solve homework problems, with a focus on proving the infinity of prime numbers.
  • 📐 It presents a simplified version of Euclid's proof of the infinity of primes, highlighting the process of contradiction and the concept of a prime factor.
  • 🀔 The video script tests Chat GPT's ability to provide a proof of the infinity of primes, comparing it to a student's understanding that is partially correct but lacks full logical structure.
  • 😅 The script humorously requests a 'sarcastic proof' of the infinity of primes, acknowledging the complexity of the task and the limitations of current AI in providing rigorous mathematical proofs.
  • 🛠 While there are automatic theorem provers available, they require significant computer science knowledge to use effectively, unlike the more accessible Chat GPT.
  • 🎓 The takeaway is that current AI, while impressive, is not yet capable of solving complex mathematical problems or homework assignments for students.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is the capability of AI, specifically chat AI like Chat GPT, in performing tasks such as writing essays and solving math problems, with a focus on its ability to prove mathematical theorems.

  • What is the AI project 'Dolly' mentioned in the transcript?

    -The transcript seems to refer to a hypothetical AI project named 'Dolly' that has caused a stir in the art community, leading to protests by artists who fear it could replace human creativity and lead to job losses.

  • What is Chat GPT's performance like when asked to write an essay on the mathematician Paul adish?

    -Chat GPT's performance is convincing when writing an essay on Paul adish. It hits the right notes, mentioning his nomadic lifestyle, large number of publications, Ramanujan's Theory, and even Ramanujan's numbers, although it places Ramanujan's numbers next to number theory, which is a bit strange.

  • What is the basic theorem the transcript author gave Chat GPT to prove?

    -The basic theorem given to Chat GPT to prove is the infinitude of prime numbers, a well-documented solution that dates back over 2,000 years to Euclid's Elements.

  • How does Chat GPT perform in proving the theorem of the infinitude of prime numbers?

    -Chat GPT's performance in proving the theorem is not entirely correct but shows the influence of Euclid's proof. It incorrectly assumes 'P' to be the largest prime and concludes that 'P + 1' is even and divisible by two, which does not lead to a contradiction or prove the existence of a new prime factor.

  • What are the different types of proofs mentioned for the infinitude of prime numbers?

    -The transcript mentions various types of proofs for the infinitude of prime numbers, including those using topology, infinite series, and other methods.

  • What is the transcript author's opinion on Chat GPT's ability to solve homework problems?

    -The author suggests that Chat GPT is not yet capable of effectively solving homework problems, as it lacks the logical structure needed for a rigorous proof.

  • What is the transcript author's view on the use of AI in academic writing?

    -The author expresses concern that AI like Chat GPT could be used by students to have essays written for them, potentially leading to a decrease in academic integrity.

  • What is the transcript author's final verdict on Chat GPT's capability in math?

    -The author concludes that Chat GPT, while showing some understanding, is not yet capable of providing rigorous mathematical proofs or solving complex math problems effectively.

  • What does the transcript suggest about the future of AI in education and academia?

    -The transcript suggests that while AI has made significant strides, it is not yet a substitute for human understanding and logical reasoning in fields like mathematics and academia.



🀖 AI's Impact on Art and Academic Integrity

The script discusses the growing concern over AI's role in various fields, particularly in art and academia. It mentions AI projects like 'Dolly' that have stirred controversy in the art community, leading to artists striking and protesting against AI-generated art, which they believe lacks heart and could lead to job losses. The script also introduces 'Chat GPT,' an advanced chat AI capable of engaging in conversation, writing essays, and even crafting scripts. The example of Chat GPT writing an essay on the mathematician Paul Adish is highlighted, noting that while it hits the right notes, it also contains a peculiar mix-up with 'Heritage numbers' and 'number Theory.' The script raises the question of academic integrity, suggesting that students could use Chat GPT to write essays, potentially undermining the value of original work. It concludes this section by pondering whether AI can perform complex tasks like proving mathematical theorems.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as a rapidly advancing technology that can perform complex tasks such as writing essays and potentially solving mathematical problems. The script discusses the capabilities and limitations of AI, particularly in the realm of mathematics and creative arts.

💡Dolly too

Dolly too seems to be a project or phenomenon that has stirred controversy in the art community, as it is mentioned to have caused artists to go on strike and protest. The script suggests that Dolly too might be an AI-related tool or platform that is perceived as a threat to traditional artistic jobs, implying the impact of AI on creative professions.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is described in the script as a sophisticated chat AI capable of engaging in conversation, writing essays, and scripts. It is used as an example to illustrate the potential and current limitations of AI in tasks that require creativity and complex problem-solving, such as writing and mathematics.

💡Paul adish

Paul adish appears to be a reference to a mathematician, although it seems to be a fictional or misspelled name, as there is no widely recognized mathematician by that name. The script uses this as an example of Chat GPT's ability to generate content on a given subject, even if the subject itself is not well-defined or accurate.

💡Ramsay Theory

Ramsay Theory is mentioned in the script but is not elaborated upon. It could be a theoretical concept related to mathematics or another field, possibly named after a person named Ramsay. However, without further context, its exact meaning or relevance to the video's theme is unclear.


Euclid is a renowned mathematician from ancient Greece, known for his work 'Elements,' which includes the famous proof of the infinitude of prime numbers. The script references Euclid's proof to illustrate the challenge of replicating complex mathematical reasoning using AI, showing the difference between AI's attempt and the original proof.

💡Infinite primes

The concept of infinite primes refers to the mathematical theorem that there are an infinite number of prime numbers. The video script uses this theorem to test the capabilities of AI in understanding and proving mathematical concepts, highlighting the gap between AI's current abilities and human mathematical reasoning.

💡Proof by contradiction

Proof by contradiction is a common mathematical proof technique where one assumes the opposite of what they want to prove and shows that this assumption leads to a contradiction, thereby proving the original statement. The script describes Euclid's use of this method in his proof of the infinitude of primes.

💡Theorem provers

Theorem provers are specialized computer programs designed to assist in the process of proving mathematical theorems. The script mentions these tools to contrast with the capabilities of a more general AI like Chat GPT, emphasizing that while AI can perform certain tasks, it is not yet at the level of professional tools for complex problem-solving.

💡Sarcastic proof

A sarcastic proof is a humorous or mocking attempt at proving something, often used to highlight the absurdity or difficulty of a task. The script uses the concept of a sarcastic proof to illustrate the limitations of AI in understanding and generating valid mathematical proofs, showing that AI's attempts can be far from the mark.


AI's increasing involvement in various fields, including art and mathematics, raises questions about its capabilities and impact on jobs.

AI projects like Dolly have stirred controversy in the art community, with artists protesting against what they see as heartless and potentially job-threatening technology.

Chat GPT is a sophisticated chat AI that can engage in conversation, write essays, and even scripts.

Chat GPT's ability to write about complex topics like the mathematician Paul adish raises concerns for educators about academic integrity.

The juxtaposition of Heritage numbers next to number Theory in Chat GPT's output highlights potential inaccuracies in AI-generated content.

The video discusses the possibility of AI doing real math, specifically proving theorems or doing homework.

Chat GPT was given a basic theorem about the infinity of primes to test its mathematical capabilities.

The proof of the infinity of primes by Euclid, dating back to 350 BC, was referenced in the discussion.

Chat GPT's attempt at proving the theorem was not entirely correct, showing a misunderstanding of the product of primes.

The AI's response to a sarcastic request for a proof was further from the correct answer, indicating limitations in understanding complex mathematical concepts.

The video suggests that AI, while advanced, is not yet capable of replacing professional theorem provers or solving complex homework problems.

The discussion highlights the need for understanding the limitations of AI in generating accurate and logically structured proofs.

The video concludes that AI's current capabilities do not fully threaten the jobs of mathematicians or educators.

The video encourages viewers to consider the implications of AI's growing role in society and to engage with the content by liking and subscribing.

A call to action for viewers to reflect on the video's content and consider the future of AI in various professional fields.

The video ends with a reminder of the holiday season, suggesting a connection between the festive spirit and the joy of learning.