Calculator Techniques FOR BOARD EXAM - Evaluating Functions and Simplifying Expressions 10 EXAMPLES

Yu Jei Abat
7 Jan 202147:21

TLDRThis video tutorial introduces calculator techniques essential for students preparing for engineering board exams, covering various fields. The presenter shares methods to evaluate functions and simplify expressions using a calculator, demonstrating with algebraic examples. The video emphasizes the importance of these techniques in passing the math section of board exams, especially for multiple-choice questions, and guides viewers through step-by-step calculations using a scientific calculator, solving problems from basic algebra to more complex expressions involving multiple variables.


  • 📚 The video is aimed at engineering students preparing for board exams, emphasizing the importance of calculator techniques for success.
  • 🔢 The tutorial covers algebra, specifically evaluating functions and simplifying expressions, which are fundamental to mastering calculator techniques.
  • 💡 The presenter demonstrates how to use a calculator to evaluate functions like f(x) = 2x^2 - 5x + 1 at given points, showcasing a practical approach to solving problems.
  • 📈 The video explains the application of the Remainder Theorem using a calculator to find the remainder of a polynomial division, a valuable skill for exams.
  • 🔍 Factor theorem is discussed, with examples on how to determine factors of polynomials using calculator techniques, which is especially useful for multiple-choice questions.
  • 📉 The presenter advises on using calculators to simplify complex expressions involving multiple variables, a technique that saves time during exams.
  • 📝 Storing calculated values in the calculator for future reference is highlighted as an efficient method to check answers against multiple-choice options.
  • 🔑 The video provides a step-by-step guide on solving equations involving exponents and logarithms, a common topic in engineering board exams.
  • 👚‍🏫 The presenter shares personal experiences and weaknesses, making the tutorial relatable and encouraging for students who might struggle with similar concepts.
  • 📢 The video concludes with an encouragement to practice and share the knowledge of calculator techniques, emphasizing community and support among exam takers.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video 'Calculator Techniques FOR BOARD EXAM - Evaluating Functions and Simplifying Expressions'?

    -The main focus of the video is to teach calculator techniques that are useful for students preparing for board exams, particularly in engineering fields. It covers topics like evaluating functions and simplifying expressions using a calculator.

  • Why are calculator techniques important for the board exam as mentioned in the video?

    -Calculator techniques are important for the board exam because they can significantly aid in solving mathematical problems efficiently and accurately, which is crucial for passing the math category of such exams.

  • What type of calculator is mentioned in the video as suitable for use in board exams?

    -The video mentions the Casio fx 570 ES PLUS calculator as a suitable model for use in board exams, noting its lack of solar power as a feature that complies with exam regulations.

  • How does the video demonstrate evaluating functions using a calculator?

    -The video demonstrates evaluating functions by showing step-by-step how to input algebraic expressions into the calculator and then substituting values for variables to compute the function's value at specific points.

  • What is the Remainder Theorem as explained in the video?

    -The Remainder Theorem, as explained in the video, states that if a polynomial is divided by a linear factor of the form (x - k), the remainder is the value of the polynomial when x is substituted with k.

  • How can one determine if a given factor is a factor of a polynomial using a calculator, according to the video?

    -To determine if a factor is a factor of a polynomial using a calculator, one should input the polynomial and the factor, then evaluate the polynomial at the root of the factor. If the result is zero, the factor is a divisor of the polynomial.

  • What is the significance of using different values for x in evaluating functions as discussed in the video?

    -Using different values for x in evaluating functions helps to ensure accuracy and avoid errors that might occur if a singular value is used. It also allows for verification of the function's behavior across a range of inputs.

  • How does the video suggest simplifying algebraic expressions using a calculator?

    -The video suggests simplifying algebraic expressions by assigning values to variables, inputting the expression into the calculator, and then evaluating it. The resulting value can then be compared to multiple-choice answers to find the simplified form.

  • What is the Factor Theorem and how is it applied in the video to solve problems?

    -The Factor Theorem states that if a polynomial f(x) has a factor (x - k), then f(k) equals zero. In the video, this theorem is applied by inputting the polynomial and evaluating it at the potential root 'k' to check if it results in zero, thereby confirming the factor.

  • How does the video handle multiple variables in functions when using a calculator?

    -The video handles multiple variables in functions by assigning each variable a unique key on the calculator (like x, y, z, or a, b, c) and then inputting the function with these variables. It demonstrates how to evaluate the function by substituting values for these variables.



📚 Introduction to Calculator Techniques for Engineering Exams

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on calculator techniques essential for students preparing for various engineering board exams. The speaker emphasizes the importance of these techniques in passing the math section, particularly for mechanical, electrical, and electronics engineering students. The video will cover a range of mathematical topics where calculator skills can be applied, starting with algebra and moving on to more advanced topics like derivatives, integrals, differential equations, and analytic geometry. The tutorial is designed for multiple-choice questions, which are typical in board exams, and the speaker mentions using a specific calculator model, the fx-570ES PLUS, which is allowed in exams.


🔢 Demonstrating Function Evaluation Using a Calculator

The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to evaluate functions using a calculator, using the function f(x) = 2x^2 - 5x + 3 as an example. They explain the process of turning on the calculator, inputting the equation correctly by using the alpha function for the variable x, and then evaluating the function for specific values of x (in this case, x = 2 and x = 4). The method simplifies the calculation process and ensures accuracy, which is crucial for exam settings. The speaker also clarifies that calculator techniques are particularly useful for multiple-choice questions.


📈 Applying the Remainder Theorem with a Calculator

In this section, the speaker discusses the application of the Remainder Theorem to find the remainder of a polynomial function when divided by a linear factor. The example given is to find the remainder of the function 2x^3 + 3x^2 - 2x + 25 when divided by x + 3. The speaker demonstrates how to use the calculator to input the function and then evaluate it at x = -3, as per the theorem. The result is a remainder of 4, which matches one of the multiple-choice answers provided, illustrating the calculator's utility in efficiently solving such problems.


🔍 Utilizing Calculator Techniques for Factorization

The speaker addresses a common challenge among students: factorization. They present a method to determine if a given expression is a factor of a polynomial using calculator techniques, applicable when the problem is presented as a multiple-choice question. By inputting the polynomial and the potential factors into the calculator, the speaker shows how to test each option by evaluating the function at specific values of x. The example demonstrates that x - 2 is a factor of the polynomial 3x^3 + 2x^2 - 32, as the remainder is zero when the function is evaluated at x = 2.


📘 Calculating Differences of Function Values

This paragraph covers the calculation of the difference between function values, specifically for the function f(x) = 10^(x+1). The speaker explains how to use a calculator to find the value of f(x+1) - f(x) for any given x, using x = 2 as an example. They detail the process of inputting the function into the calculator, evaluating it for the chosen x value, and then calculating the difference. The result obtained is used to match one of the multiple-choice answers, which in this case is 900, corresponding to option D.


📊 Evaluating Multivariable Functions with a Calculator

The speaker introduces the process of evaluating functions with two variables using a calculator. They provide an example function f(x, y) = 4x^3 + 3x^2y - 5xy^2 + y^3 and demonstrate how to input this function into the calculator. The values for x and y are then entered, and the calculator is used to evaluate the function for these specific values, resulting in -2. The speaker emphasizes the efficiency of using a calculator for such evaluations, especially when dealing with multiple variables.


🧩 Simplifying Rational Expressions Using a Calculator

In this section, the speaker tackles the simplification of rational expressions, which can be challenging without a calculator. They present an example problem involving the expression (x^4 - y^4) / (x^4 - 2x^2y^2 + y^4) and explain how to input both the numerator and the denominator into the calculator. After assigning values to x and y, the speaker shows how to evaluate the expression and match the result with the correct multiple-choice answer, which in this case is option B, corresponding to the simplified form of the expression.


🔢 Assigning Values to Variables for Complex Expressions

The speaker discusses a method for dealing with complex expressions involving multiple variables, such as x, y, and z, by assigning values to each variable to simplify the calculation process. They recommend using different letters (a, b, c) to avoid confusion when inputting values into the calculator. The example provided involves an expression with variables raised to various powers, and the speaker demonstrates how to input and evaluate this expression using the calculator, resulting in a specific numerical answer.


🔍 Solving for Variables in Exponential Equations

This paragraph focuses on solving for a variable within an exponential equation using a calculator. The speaker presents an equation involving the variable n and shows how to manipulate the equation to solve for x by assigning values to n. They demonstrate the process of inputting the equation into the calculator and evaluating it for different values of x to find the correct solution, which in this case is x = 1/4.


📝 Simplifying Expressions with Variables Using a Calculator

The speaker provides a method for simplifying expressions involving variables a and b, using the calculator to compute the value of the expression for given values of a and b. They present an example expression and show how to input it into the calculator, using the values 2 and 3 for a and b, respectively. The result is a simplified form of the expression, which matches one of the multiple-choice answers provided.

🔑 Conclusion and Encouragement for Board Exam Preparation

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker summarizes the importance of mastering calculator techniques for success in board exams. They encourage viewers to share the video with others who may benefit from these techniques, especially those preparing for their board exams. The speaker expresses gratitude for the audience's attention and offers well-wishes for their exam preparation.



💡Calculator Techniques

Calculator techniques refer to the methods and strategies used to effectively utilize a calculator for mathematical computations. In the context of the video, these techniques are crucial for solving mathematical problems that appear in engineering board exams. The script demonstrates how to apply these techniques to evaluate functions and simplify expressions, which is a fundamental skill for passing the math section of such exams.

💡Engineering Board Exam

An engineering board exam is a professional licensing examination that assesses the competency of engineers in various disciplines. In the script, the presenter mentions that the calculator techniques discussed are particularly useful for students preparing for this type of exam, regardless of their specific engineering field, such as mechanical, electrical, or electronics engineering.


Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols. It is a fundamental concept in the script, as the first topic discussed is evaluating functions and simplifying expressions within the realm of algebra. The video aims to help students apply calculator techniques to algebraic problems, which is essential for solving board exam questions.

💡Evaluating Functions

Evaluating functions means substituting specific values into the function to determine the output or result. In the script, the presenter demonstrates how to use a calculator to evaluate functions for given values of the variable, such as finding f(2) and f(4) for a quadratic function, which is a common task in board exam math sections.

💡Simplifying Expressions

Simplifying expressions involves reducing complex mathematical expressions to their simplest form. The script provides examples of how to simplify algebraic expressions using a calculator, which is a key skill for quickly and accurately solving problems on a timed exam.

💡Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple choice questions are a type of question that provides a set of possible answers from which the examinee must select the correct one. The script clarifies that calculator techniques are particularly useful for solving multiple choice math problems on the board exam, as they can expedite the process of finding the correct answer.

💡Remainder Theorem

The remainder theorem is a principle in algebra that states the remainder of a polynomial divided by a linear factor is the value of the polynomial evaluated at the root of that factor. In the script, the presenter uses the remainder theorem to find the remainder when a polynomial is divided by x+3, demonstrating its application in solving exam problems.

💡Factor Theorem

The factor theorem is a corollary of the remainder theorem and is used to determine whether a given expression is a factor of a polynomial. The script illustrates how to use the factor theorem to identify a factor of a cubic polynomial by evaluating the polynomial at specific values, which is a technique that can be performed using a calculator.

💡Rational Expressions

Rational expressions are mathematical expressions that involve the division of two polynomials. The script includes an example of simplifying a rational expression using a calculator, which is a common type of problem in algebra that can be encountered in board exams.


Exponents are a way of indicating the number of times a base number is multiplied by itself. In the script, the presenter shows how to handle expressions with exponents when using a calculator, such as calculating 4 raised to the power of x, which is a basic operation in many algebraic problems.

💡Solving for Variables

Solving for variables involves finding the value of an unknown in an equation. The script demonstrates how to use a calculator to solve equations for specific variables, such as finding the value of 'n' in a given equation, which is a fundamental skill in algebra and essential for exam preparation.


Introduction to calculator techniques for engineering board exams.

The importance of calculator techniques in passing the math category of board exams.

Starting with algebraic functions and expressions as the first topic.

Demonstration of evaluating functions using a calculator for f(x) = 2x^2 - 5x + 1.

Using the calculator to find f(2) and f(4) efficiently.

Explanation of the Remainder Theorem and its application.

How to find the remainder when a polynomial is divided by x+3.

Utilizing the Factor Theorem to identify factors of a polynomial.

Method to determine if x+2 is a factor of 3x^3 + 2x^2 - 32.

Evaluating the expression f(x+1) - f(x) for a given function.

Using calculator techniques to simplify expressions with multiple variables.

Solving for x in an equation involving powers of 4.

Simplification of complex rational expressions using a calculator.

Assigning values to variables a, b, and c for simplification problems.

Storing intermediate results in calculator memory for later use.

Solving for a in an equation with powers of 64 and 4.

Final problem summary and the correct answer identification using calculator techniques.

Encouragement to share the video for those preparing for board exams.