A tricky problem with a "divine" answer!

17 Apr 202104:38

TLDRIn this video, Presh Talwalkar presents a mathematical problem where the solution leads to a 'divine' result. The problem involves solving for real values of x in an equation with square roots. Through a series of clever substitutions and simplifications, the quadratic equation is solved using the quadratic formula. After eliminating the negative root, the solution is revealed to be the golden ratio, offering a unique and elegant conclusion. This mathematical journey showcases a fascinating connection to a famous constant.


  • 🀔 The problem involves solving for real values of x in a complex equation involving square roots and fractions.
  • 🧮 Clever substitutions are used: the first term is assigned as 'a' and the second term as 'b', simplifying the equation to a + b = x.
  • ✖ Multiplying both sides by (a - b) leads to a difference of squares: a² - b² = x(a - b).
  • 🔄 Simplifying a² and b², we substitute into the equation to get x - 1 = a² - b².
  • 📐 The equation is then manipulated and rearranged, leading to two new expressions, which are further simplified.
  • 📊 By adding these equations together, the b terms cancel out, giving us an equation for 'a'.
  • ⚙ Solving a quadratic equation results in two potential roots: the golden ratio and its negative reciprocal.
  • ❌ The negative reciprocal of the golden ratio is discarded as a solution because the sum of two square roots must be non-negative.
  • ✅ The golden ratio is confirmed to be the correct solution to the original equation.
  • ✹ The golden ratio, known as a 'divine' answer, is the final solution to the problem.

Q & A

  • What is the equation given in the problem?

    -The equation is (x - 1/x)^(1/2) + (1 - 1/x)^(1/2) = x.

  • What are the clever substitutions used to simplify the problem?

    -The first term (x - 1/x)^(1/2) is substituted as 'a' and the second term (1 - 1/x)^(1/2) as 'b', simplifying the equation to a + b = x.

  • How is the equation transformed using a difference of squares?

    -By multiplying both sides of the equation a + b = x by a - b, the equation becomes a^2 - b^2 = x * (a - b).

  • What is the result of simplifying a^2 and b^2?

    -a^2 simplifies to x - 1/x and b^2 simplifies to 1 - 1/x, making a^2 - b^2 = x - 1.

  • How do you simplify the equation further after finding a^2 - b^2?

    -Dividing both sides of the equation by x, we get (x - 1)/x = a - b.

  • What equation do you get after adding the two simplified equations together?

    -After adding, the b terms cancel out, resulting in 2a = x + 1 - 1/x.

  • How is the quadratic equation formed and solved?

    -By recognizing that x - 1/x is a^2, we substitute into 2a = a^2 + 1, leading to the quadratic equation a^2 - 2a + 1 = 0, which gives a double root of a = 1.

  • What is the final equation for x after solving for a?

    -We substitute a = (x - 1/x)^(1/2) = 1, square both sides, and multiply by x, resulting in the quadratic equation x^2 - x - 1 = 0.

  • What are the roots of the quadratic equation?

    -The two roots are the golden ratio (1 + sqrt(5))/2 and its negative reciprocal (1 - sqrt(5))/2.

  • Why is the negative root not a valid solution?

    -The sum of two square roots must be non-negative, but the negative root leads to a negative x, which contradicts this requirement.

  • What is the final solution to the problem?

    -The solution is the golden ratio, (1 + sqrt(5))/2, which satisfies the original equation.



🔢 Introduction to the Problem

In this segment, Presh Talwalkar introduces the problem where the goal is to solve for the real values of x in the given equation. The equation involves two terms raised to the power of one-half. He thanks a viewer for suggesting the problem and encourages viewers to pause the video to attempt solving it before proceeding.

🧠 Strategy for Solving the Problem

Presh begins solving the problem using substitutions. He defines two new variables, a and b, representing the two terms in the original equation. The equation is then transformed into a simpler form: a + b = x. The plan is to multiply both sides of the equation by a - b, resulting in a difference of squares for further simplification.

✏ Simplifying the Equation

The simplification process continues by applying the difference of squares formula. Presh expresses a² and b² in terms of x, which leads to a new equation where a² - b² is equal to x - 1. The equation is then divided by x, and the expression is flipped for convenience. This allows the equation to become simpler and more manageable.

➕ Adding and Simplifying

The process moves forward as the two equations are added together, which causes the b terms to cancel out. The result is 2a = x + 1 - 1/x. Presh simplifies the right-hand side and substitutes x - 1/x back as a², yielding a quadratic equation in terms of a.

🧮 Solving the Quadratic Equation

Presh solves the quadratic equation by factoring and obtaining a double root, where a is equal to 1. With a solved, he recalls that a represents the expression (x - 1/x) raised to the power of one-half. He squares both sides and multiplies through to arrive at a standard quadratic equation: x² - 1 = x.

✹ The Golden Ratio Solution

The quadratic equation yields two roots: one is the golden ratio (1 + √5)/2, and the other is its negative reciprocal (1 - √5)/2. Presh tests these roots in the original equation and finds that the negative root is not valid, as it results in a contradiction. The golden ratio is confirmed as the correct solution.

🎉 Conclusion and Reflection

Presh concludes by emphasizing that the golden ratio is the solution to the equation and describes it as a 'divine answer.' He thanks the community for their support and wraps up the episode, inviting viewers to return for more problem-solving videos.




Substitution is a mathematical technique where one variable or expression is replaced by another. In the video, substitutions are used to simplify the given equation by letting 'a' represent the first term and 'b' the second term, making it easier to manipulate the equation.

💡Difference of squares

The difference of squares is a common algebraic technique used to simplify expressions. It refers to the identity a² - b² = (a - b)(a + b). In the video, this concept is applied to simplify the left-hand side of the equation after multiplication.

💡Quadratic equation

A quadratic equation is a second-degree polynomial equation of the form ax² + bx + c = 0. In the video, the final steps involve solving a quadratic equation derived from the original problem, which has the golden ratio as a solution.

💡Golden ratio

The golden ratio is an irrational number approximately equal to 1.618, often denoted by the Greek letter φ. It has significant properties in mathematics, art, and nature. In the video, one of the solutions to the quadratic equation is the golden ratio, described as a 'divine' answer.


A reciprocal is the inverse of a number. For a non-zero number x, its reciprocal is 1/x. In the video, the negative reciprocal of the golden ratio is mentioned as one of the potential solutions to the quadratic equation.


Simplification in mathematics refers to reducing an expression or equation to a more manageable form. Throughout the video, various algebraic simplifications are performed to solve the given equation, including the use of substitution, factoring, and canceling terms.

💡Square root

The square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. In the video, the problem involves terms raised to the power of one-half, which refers to taking square roots of expressions.


Factoring is a mathematical process of breaking down an expression into simpler terms (factors) that, when multiplied together, produce the original expression. In the video, factoring is used to solve the quadratic equation.

💡Negative solution

In mathematics, negative solutions arise when solving equations, but they are not always valid in all contexts. In the video, the negative reciprocal of the golden ratio is found to be an invalid solution because it doesn't satisfy the condition of non-negative sums.

💡Real values

Real values refer to numbers that can be found on the number line, excluding imaginary numbers. The video specifically asks to solve for real values of x, meaning the solution should not involve imaginary or complex numbers.


Solve for real values of x in a tricky equation involving square roots.

The equation is simplified using substitutions for clever problem-solving.

The original equation is transformed into a sum of terms involving square roots.

By multiplying both sides by the difference of terms, the equation becomes a difference of squares.

Substitution leads to the expression x - 1 being equal to another simplified form.

The right-hand side is further simplified, revealing a key relationship between terms.

After some algebraic manipulation, the problem reduces to a solvable quadratic equation.

Solving the quadratic equation yields two possible roots.

The golden ratio appears as one of the solutions to this mathematical problem.

We dismiss the negative root as it leads to an impossible solution.

Verification shows that the golden ratio is the correct solution to the original equation.

The golden ratio provides a 'divine' answer to the tricky equation.

This example showcases a blend of algebraic techniques and the elegance of mathematical solutions.

The problem-solving strategy involves both intuitive and formal methods of simplification.

The episode highlights a mathematical approach that combines creativity with rigor.