Grant Sanderson (3Blue1Brown): Best Way to Learn Math | AI Podcast Clips

Lex Clips
18 Jan 202003:21

TLDRGrant Sanderson from 3Blue1Brown shares insights on the optimal approach to learning math, emphasizing the importance of problem-solving over passive learning. He suggests engaging with well-curated problem sets and recommends resources like Khan Academy for beginners. Sanderson also highlights the value of programming as a gateway to appreciating math and the effectiveness of teaching others as a method for solidifying one's own understanding.


  • πŸ“š The best way to learn math is by focusing on solving specific problems rather than just watching lectures or reading.
  • 🧩 Engage with well-curated lists of problems, such as those found in textbooks at the end of chapters.
  • πŸ” Before reading a chapter, quickly look through the problems at the end to identify what you find intriguing or challenging.
  • πŸ“ˆ Work through exercises after reading a chapter to solidify your understanding and not just consider it done after reading.
  • 🌱 For beginners, Khan Academy is recommended for its comprehensive set of questions and basic introductions to subjects like linear algebra and calculus.
  • πŸ’» Learning to program can be a motivating entry point into math, especially for those who may not have enjoyed math previously.
  • πŸŽ₯ Grant Sanderson, creator of 3Blue1Brown, uses programming to illuminate math concepts in his videos.
  • πŸ—£οΈ Actively teaching or explaining math concepts to others can significantly enhance learning and retention.
  • πŸ“Š The script suggests that teaching or actively interacting with material can lead to higher retention rates, although the exact percentages mentioned might be anecdotal.
  • πŸ” The process of creating educational content, like videos, can itself be a powerful way to learn and understand complex topics.

Q & A

  • What does Grant Sanderson suggest as the best way to learn math for beginners?

    -Grant Sanderson suggests that beginners should focus on solving specific problems and seek out resources with well-curated lists of problems. He recommends trying to work through exercises in textbooks before and after reading chapters to reinforce learning.

  • How does Grant Sanderson view the role of his own educational videos in the learning process?

    -Grant Sanderson views his educational videos as a part of the ecosystem of learning math, acknowledging that they are not a complete learning solution on their own. He suggests that watching videos should be complemented by actively working on problems.

  • What is Grant Sanderson's opinion on the effectiveness of Khan Academy for learning math?

    -Grant Sanderson believes that Khan Academy does a good job for beginners, offering a large set of questions to work through and helping learners get comfortable with basic concepts like linear algebra and calculus.

  • How does programming relate to learning math according to Grant Sanderson?

    -Grant Sanderson suggests that programming can be a great motivator for learning math, as it can introduce mathematical concepts in a practical and engaging way. He notes that many people who didn't initially like math found interest in it through programming.

  • What does Grant Sanderson recommend for someone who is deep into their math education but wants to explore further?

    -For those already deep into their math education, Grant Sanderson recommends seeking out and solving problems that challenge them, possibly by looking at the problems at the end of textbook chapters before reading the content.

  • What is the significance of actively engaging with math problems according to the transcript?

    -Actively engaging with math problems is significant because it helps consolidate knowledge and understanding. Grant Sanderson emphasizes that the focus should be on solving problems rather than just watching lectures or reading.

  • What is the role of teaching or explaining concepts in learning math as per Grant Sanderson's perspective?

    -Grant Sanderson highlights that teaching or actively explaining concepts is a powerful way to consolidate knowledge. He refers to a principle that suggests you remember and understand better when you teach or explain something to others.

  • Why does Grant Sanderson believe that creating videos like his own can be beneficial for learning math?

    -Grant Sanderson believes that creating videos can be beneficial because it forces the creator to actively engage with the material and explain concepts in a way that others can understand, which in turn solidifies their own understanding.

  • How does Grant Sanderson suggest someone should approach a textbook when learning math?

    -Grant Sanderson suggests looking through the problems at the end of a chapter before reading it, to get a sense of what's to come and identify questions that seem intriguing. After reading the chapter, revisiting these problems can help reinforce the learning.

  • What is the importance of not considering oneself done with a chapter until exercises are completed, as mentioned by Grant Sanderson?

    -Grant Sanderson stresses the importance of completing exercises after reading a chapter to ensure that the material is not just passively understood but actively applied, which is crucial for true learning and mastery of the subject.



πŸ“š Best Practices for Learning Math

The speaker discusses effective strategies for learning math, emphasizing the importance of actively engaging with problems rather than passively watching lectures or reading. They suggest previewing textbook problems before reading chapters to identify challenging questions. The speaker also recommends working through exercises at the end of chapters and using resources like Khan Academy for beginners. Additionally, they touch on the idea of learning through programming as a way to appreciate math, and the value of teaching or explaining concepts to solidify understanding.




Mathematics, often referred to simply as 'math,' is the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts (referred to as pure mathematics), or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering (applied mathematics). In the script, Grant Sanderson emphasizes the importance of engaging with math through problem-solving, which is a core aspect of understanding and mastering mathematical concepts.


Problem-solving in the context of learning math involves applying mathematical concepts to find solutions to given problems. Sanderson suggests that learners should focus more on solving problems than just watching lectures or reading, which is a key strategy for internalizing mathematical knowledge. The script mentions that one should work through exercises at the end of textbook chapters to solidify understanding.


A textbook is a comprehensive book used in an educational context to present academic curriculum as well as provide exercises that test students' understanding of the material. In the transcript, Sanderson recommends using textbooks as a resource for finding well-curated lists of problems to solve, which is a traditional and effective method for learning math.

πŸ’‘Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides free online courses, tutorials, and educational resources. Sanderson mentions it as a good starting point for beginners in math, highlighting its large set of questions and exercises that can help build a foundation in basic subjects like linear algebra and calculus.


Programming refers to the process of writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. Sanderson suggests that learning to program can be a motivating factor for understanding math, as it provides a practical application for mathematical concepts. This is supported by his observation that some people who didn't initially like math found interest in it through programming.


Calculus is a branch of mathematics that studies how things change. It has two main branches, differential calculus and integral calculus, which deal with the concepts of derivatives and integrals, respectively. In the script, calculus is mentioned as one of the subjects that learners might have encountered in their mathematical journey.

πŸ’‘linear algebra

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with linear equations, linear transformations, and their representations in vector spaces and through matrices. Sanderson suggests getting comfortable with basic linear algebra as part of the foundational mathematical knowledge.


In the context of learning, an 'ecosystem' refers to the complete system of interactions between different elements, such as educational resources, methods, and communities. Sanderson positions his video content as part of this ecosystem, acknowledging that while his videos are helpful, they should be complemented with other learning activities like problem-solving.

πŸ’‘active learning

Active learning is a teaching method that emphasizes student participation and engagement in the learning process. The script suggests that learners should actively interact with the material, such as by teaching or explaining concepts to others, which can significantly enhance retention and understanding of mathematical concepts.


Retention in learning refers to the ability to remember and recall information over time. The script mentions a common anecdote about the percentages of information retention through different learning methods, suggesting that active engagement and teaching are the most effective ways to retain knowledge.


The best way to learn math is to focus on solving specific problems.

Force yourself to do more problems than you naturally would.

Seek entities with well-curated lists of problems.

Use textbooks with problems at the end of each chapter.

Preview the chapter's questions before reading to identify challenging problems.

Don't consider a chapter complete until you've worked through exercises.

Grant Sanderson admits his videos are a partial part of the learning process.

For beginners, Khan Academy provides a good set of questions to work through.

Programming can motivate learning math for those who didn't like it initially.

Learning math through programming can be a generalizable path for many.

Creating videos to teach concepts can be a powerful learning method.

You remember more of what you teach or actively interact with.

Actively explaining concepts helps consolidate knowledge.

Programming can be a gateway to enjoying math for some people.

The importance of engaging with math problems rather than just passive learning.

The value of teaching others as a method to reinforce your own understanding.

The potential of combining programming with math to enhance learning.

The role of video content in supplementing traditional math education.

The effectiveness of working through textbook exercises for learning math.