Can A.I. With ChatGPT Solve My Math Problems?

Brian McLogan
29 Dec 202207:33

TLDRThe video explores whether AI, specifically ChatGPT, can replace a math teacher by solving math problems and providing equations for educational content. The host tests AI's ability to generate and solve logarithmic equations, finding mixed results. While AI offers some correct solutions, it also struggles with extraneous solutions and understanding complex problems. The conclusion is that AI is a useful tool but not yet reliable enough to fully replace human instruction or serve as a sole study aid.


  • 😲 The video explores whether AI can replace a math teacher or the creator of math videos.
  • πŸ€” The creator tests AI's ability to generate and solve logarithmic equations for educational content.
  • πŸ“ AI provided five logarithmic equations, but the process was not without issues.
  • πŸ” The creator sought equations with solutions and worked-out solutions to verify AI's accuracy.
  • 🚫 Initial attempts to get worked-out solutions resulted in an impasse due to the app's popularity.
  • πŸ”„ After several tries, the creator found discrepancies between AI's solutions and their own.
  • πŸ€“ More specific instructions to AI improved the accuracy of the solutions provided.
  • πŸ“‰ The AI struggled with identifying extraneous solutions in logarithmic equations.
  • πŸ’‘ The creator emphasizes the importance of checking work and understanding when using AI for math problems.
  • 🚫 The video concludes that AI is not yet a reliable replacement for a math teacher or for homework and exams.
  • 🌟 The creator acknowledges AI as a powerful tool with potential for future improvement.

Q & A

  • Can an AI with ChatGPT create math equations for educational purposes?

    -Yes, ChatGPT can generate math equations that can be used in educational content such as math videos. However, the quality and accuracy of the equations and solutions provided may vary and should be verified by the user.

  • Is it possible for AI to replace a math teacher or an educator in math instruction?

    -While AI can assist in creating educational content and providing solutions to math problems, it is not yet capable of fully replacing a human teacher. Human educators provide personalized instruction, adapt to students' needs, and offer a level of interaction and understanding that AI currently cannot match.

  • What was the initial purpose of the user when they started testing ChatGPT for math-related applications?

    -The user initially wanted to test if ChatGPT could help create math videos, and they were curious about the potential applications of AI in assisting with math education.

  • What type of math problems did the user request from ChatGPT in the transcript?

    -The user requested five logarithmic equations to solve, both with and without answers, and also asked for equations with worked-out solutions.

  • Why did the user encounter difficulties with the solutions provided by ChatGPT for the logarithmic equations?

    -The user found that some of the solutions provided by ChatGPT were incorrect or incomplete, possibly due to the AI's misunderstanding of the equations or the lack of specificity in the user's initial requests.

  • What did the user do when they were not satisfied with the initial solutions provided by ChatGPT?

    -The user retyped the equations more specifically and asked ChatGPT to solve them again, which in some cases led to correct solutions.

  • How did the user address the issue of extraneous solutions in the context of logarithmic equations?

    -The user checked the solutions against the original equations to determine if they were extraneous or valid, using properties like the zero product property and considering the domain restrictions of logarithmic functions.

  • What was the user's final assessment of ChatGPT's performance in solving the math problems?

    -The user concluded that ChatGPT did not perform consistently well in providing correct solutions and that it was not yet ready to be fully relied upon as a replacement for a math teacher or for homework and exam preparation.

  • What advice did the user give regarding the use of AI like ChatGPT in learning and teaching math?

    -The user advised to use AI as a supplementary tool but to always check the work and understanding, emphasizing the importance of not solely relying on AI for educational purposes.

  • What is the user's perspective on the future potential of AI in enhancing math education?

    -The user believes that AI is a powerful tool with the potential to improve over time, and while it should not be the sole source of education, it can be a valuable resource in the educational process.



πŸ€– Testing AI for Math Video Creation

The speaker begins by expressing curiosity about using AI to generate math equations for educational videos, pondering if it could replace a math teacher or the speaker themselves. They decide to test an AI chatbot, GPT, by asking for five logarithmic equations to solve. The AI provides equations but fails to give correct solutions initially. The speaker then attempts to get worked-out solutions and finds discrepancies, prompting a deeper analysis and correction of the AI's responses. They conclude that while the AI has potential, it currently lacks the ability to fully replace human instruction in math.


πŸ” Evaluating AI's Math Problem-Solving Abilities

Continuing the experiment, the speaker tries to use the AI for more complex logarithmic problems, seeking to verify the solutions and understand the process. They encounter issues with extraneous solutions and incorrect answers provided by the AI. Despite the AI's occasional failure to recognize correct solutions, the speaker appreciates the variety of problems generated. They emphasize that while the AI is a useful tool, it is not yet reliable enough to be solely depended upon for educational purposes. The speaker advises viewers to use AI as a supplementary resource but to always verify their work and understanding.




A.I. stands for Artificial Intelligence, which refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, A.I. is used to explore its capabilities in solving math problems and creating educational content, challenging the traditional role of a math teacher.


ChatGPT is a reference to a specific AI chatbot developed by OpenAI, which is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the video, the creator is testing ChatGPT's ability to generate and solve mathematical equations, indicating its potential as an educational tool.

πŸ’‘Math Videos

Math videos are educational content created to teach mathematical concepts or solve problems in a visual and engaging format. The script discusses the possibility of using AI to create such content, questioning whether it could replace the role of a math teacher or the creator themselves in making instructional videos.


Logarithms are a mathematical concept where a logarithm of a number is the exponent to which another fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number. In the video, logarithms are the subject of the math problems that the AI is tested on, showcasing its ability to generate and solve logarithmic equations.


An equation in mathematics is a statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. The video script involves the AI generating logarithmic equations and providing solutions to them, which is central to the exploration of AI's capability in mathematical problem-solving.


In mathematics, a solution to an equation is the value(s) of the variable(s) that make the equation true. The video discusses the AI's ability to provide solutions to the generated equations and the importance of verifying these solutions for accuracy.

πŸ’‘Worked Out Solutions

Worked out solutions refer to the step-by-step process of solving a mathematical problem, showing the logic and calculations involved. The script mentions the desire for the AI to provide not just solutions, but also the methodology behind them, to aid understanding.

πŸ’‘Extraneous Solutions

Extraneous solutions are values that may satisfy an intermediate step of an equation but not the original equation itself. The video highlights the AI's struggle with identifying extraneous solutions in logarithmic equations, indicating a limitation in its problem-solving process.

πŸ’‘Zero Product Property

The zero product property states that if the product of two numbers is zero, then at least one of the numbers must be zero. In the script, this property is used to find potential solutions to logarithmic equations, demonstrating a specific mathematical strategy.

πŸ’‘One-to-One Property

The one-to-one property in the context of logarithms refers to the fact that for any positive number, there is a unique logarithmic value and vice versa. The video mentions using this property to simplify logarithmic equations, showing a fundamental concept in understanding logarithms.

πŸ’‘Homework Killer

A 'homework killer' is a colloquial term for a tool or method that makes completing homework significantly easier, potentially to the point of replacing the need for understanding the material. The video questions whether AI could be considered a 'homework killer' due to its problem-solving capabilities.


The AI's potential to create math equations and provide answers for educational purposes is explored.

Testing the AI's ability to replace a math teacher or math instruction is considered.

The process of generating five logarithmic equations using AI is demonstrated.

AI's capacity to provide equations with worked-out solutions is examined.

The AI's limitations in providing correct solutions for logarithmic equations are highlighted.

The importance of verifying AI's solutions with manual calculations is emphasized.

AI's struggle with identifying extraneous solutions in logarithmic equations is noted.

The AI's initial failure to provide correct solutions is contrasted with its later success when given more specific instructions.

The AI's inconsistent performance in solving different logarithmic equations is discussed.

The AI's difficulty in recognizing the variety of solutions for logarithmic equations is pointed out.

The AI's potential as a resource for creating math video content is acknowledged.

The AI is not recommended as a sole homework or exam aid due to its inaccuracies.

The AI's role as a supplementary tool for learning and content creation is suggested.

The video creator's experience with the AI's varying success rates in solving equations is shared.

The need for AI to improve in understanding and solving complex mathematical problems is expressed.

The video concludes with a reminder to utilize AI as a tool but not to rely on it exclusively for learning.

The video creator looks forward to further exploring AI's capabilities in future videos.