The Simplest Math Problem No One Can Solve - Collatz Conjecture

30 Jul 202122:09

TLDRThe Collatz Conjecture, also known as 3x+1, is a simple yet unsolved mathematical problem where a number is transformed by multiplying by three and adding one if odd, or dividing by two if even. Despite its simplicity, no one has been able to prove or disprove the conjecture that every positive integer will eventually reach the cycle of four, two, one. The video explores various attempts to understand the problem, including statistical analysis, geometric interpretations, and the potential for the conjecture to be undecidable, highlighting the complexity and beauty hidden within seemingly straightforward mathematical operations.


  • 🧮 The Collatz Conjecture, also known as 3n+1, is a simple yet unsolved problem in mathematics where you apply specific rules to a chosen number and observe the sequence.
  • ⚠️ Despite its simplicity, the conjecture remains unproven, with even renowned mathematician Paul Erdos suggesting that mathematics might not yet be ready for such questions.
  • 🔢 The process involves multiplying an odd number by three and adding one, or dividing an even number by two, and repeating until the sequence reaches one.
  • 🌀 The conjecture proposes that any positive integer will eventually enter the 'four, two, one' loop, leading to one.
  • 🎯 Mathematicians have tested the conjecture up to extremely large numbers (two to the power of 68) without finding a counterexample.
  • 📊 The distribution of leading digits in Collatz sequences follows Benford's Law, which is also observed in various natural and financial phenomena.
  • 📉 The conjecture's difficulty might lie in the chaotic and unpredictable paths that numbers take before reaching one, resembling random processes like Brownian motion.
  • 🔍 Attempts to prove the conjecture have shown that almost all numbers will eventually become smaller than their original value, but a definitive proof for all numbers remains elusive.
  • 🔄 The conjecture's potential falsehood could involve a number that leads to an infinite sequence or a loop disconnected from the main sequence.
  • 🤔 The possibility that the Collatz Conjecture might be undecidable, similar to the halting problem in computer science, adds to the mystery and intrigue surrounding it.
  • 🌐 The conjecture's implications extend beyond pure mathematics, highlighting the complexity and unpredictability inherent in seemingly simple numerical operations.

Q & A

  • What is the Collatz Conjecture?

    -The Collatz Conjecture, also known as 3n+1, is a mathematical problem where you start with any positive integer, and if it's odd, you multiply it by three and add one, and if it's even, you divide it by two. The conjecture suggests that no matter which number you start with, you will eventually reach the cycle of four, two, one.

  • Why is the Collatz Conjecture considered dangerous for young mathematicians?

    -The Collatz Conjecture is considered dangerous for young mathematicians because it is a simple problem that has not been solved despite its apparent simplicity, which can lead to wasted time and effort. It has been suggested that young mathematicians should focus on more solvable problems to establish their careers.

  • What is a hailstone number in the context of the Collatz Conjecture?

    -Hailstone numbers are the numbers generated by applying the rules of the Collatz Conjecture. The name comes from the way these numbers 'bounce around' like hailstones in a thundercloud, increasing and decreasing in value as the rules are applied.

  • What is the significance of the number 27 in the Collatz Conjecture?

    -The number 27 is significant in the Collatz Conjecture because it demonstrates the variability in the paths that numbers can take. Starting with 27, the sequence reaches a high of 9,232 before eventually descending to one, illustrating the unpredictable nature of the conjecture's sequences.

  • What is Benford's Law, and how does it relate to the Collatz Conjecture?

    -Benford's Law is a statistical phenomenon that describes the frequency of digits across a wide range of numbers, where the digit '1' is the most common leading digit. In the context of the Collatz Conjecture, the leading digits of hailstone numbers follow a similar pattern, suggesting a deeper mathematical connection.

  • How have mathematicians attempted to prove the Collatz Conjecture?

    -Mathematicians have tried various approaches to prove the Collatz Conjecture, including analyzing the sequences statistically, looking for patterns in the paths taken by hailstone numbers, and using scatterplots to show that most sequences eventually decrease below their initial value. However, a definitive proof or disproof has not yet been found.

  • What is the halting problem, and how might it relate to the Collatz Conjecture?

    -The halting problem is a well-known undecidable problem in the theory of computation, which asks whether it is possible to determine if a given program will finish running or continue to run forever. The Collatz Conjecture might be related to the halting problem if there is a sequence that never reaches the cycle of four, two, one, effectively running indefinitely.

  • What is the largest number that has been tested for the Collatz Conjecture?

    -The largest number tested for the Collatz Conjecture is two to the power of 68, which is approximately 295,147,905,179,352,825,856. All numbers up to this value have been shown to eventually reach the cycle of four, two, one.

  • What is the significance of the number 341 in the Collatz Conjecture?

    -The number 341 is used as an example in the script to illustrate how quickly a number can decrease in the Collatz Conjecture. Starting with 341, the sequence rapidly reaches one through a series of operations, demonstrating the conjecture's potential for sequences to shrink.

  • What does the directed graph visualization of the Collatz Conjecture reveal about the problem?

    -The directed graph visualization shows the paths that numbers take as they are transformed by the rules of the Collatz Conjecture. It reveals a complex network of connections, with all paths theoretically leading to the cycle of four, two, one, suggesting a deep underlying structure to the problem.



🔢 The Enigma of the Collatz Conjecture

The script introduces the Collatz Conjecture, a mathematical problem that has stumped experts despite its simplicity. It's a sequence where any positive integer is transformed by either multiplying by three and adding one (if odd) or dividing by two (if even), with the conjecture suggesting all sequences will eventually reach a loop of 4, 2, 1. The paragraph illustrates the process with the number seven and discusses the conjecture's various names and its elusive proof, highlighting its notoriety among mathematicians.


📈 Patterns and Analysis in 3x+1

This section delves into different analytical approaches to the 3x+1 problem. It discusses the concept of 'hailstone numbers,' which mimic the erratic patterns of hailstones, and the 'total stopping time.' The analysis includes examining the leading digits of numbers in sequences and the discovery that they follow Benford's law, a distribution common in various natural and human-made phenomena. The narrative also touches on the statistical tendency of sequences to shrink due to the mathematical operations involved, despite initial appearances of growth.


🔍 The Quest for Proofs and Counterexamples

The script discusses the extensive efforts to prove or disprove the Collatz Conjecture, including brute-force testing of numbers up to two to the power of 68. It mentions the absence of any discovered infinite sequences or loops outside the known 4, 2, 1 pattern. The paragraph also explores the idea that the conjecture might be undecidable, drawing parallels with the halting problem in computer science. It suggests that the conjecture's proof may be inherently difficult due to the nature of the problem, which could lead to unique, non-repeating behaviors.


🤔 Philosophical and Mathematical Reflections on 3x+1

The final paragraph reflects on the philosophical implications of the Collatz Conjecture, questioning the nature of mathematical proof and the peculiarity of numbers. It contrasts the regularity and predictability often associated with numbers against the complexity and potential unpredictability revealed by the conjecture. The speaker shares a personal realization about the depth and irregularity of mathematical truths, suggesting that the difficulty in solving the conjecture is a testament to the profound challenges inherent in mathematical exploration.


🎓 Educational Resources and Concluding Thoughts

In the last part of the script, the focus shifts to the importance of interactive learning, particularly in understanding mathematical concepts like the Collatz Conjecture. The narrator endorses Brilliant, an educational platform that offers interactive lessons to deepen understanding through problem-solving. The paragraph concludes with a call to join the learning community and a reflection on the value of daily intellectual challenges, encapsulating the spirit of mathematical inquiry and personal growth.



💡Collatz Conjecture

The Collatz Conjecture, also known as the 3n+1 conjecture, is a mathematical problem that involves a sequence defined by simple operations on natural numbers. The conjecture states that no matter what number you start with, if you repeatedly apply the rules of multiplying an odd number by three and adding one, then dividing by two for even numbers, you will eventually reach the number one. This process is often visualized as a 'hailstone sequence' due to the erratic up-and-down pattern of numbers, resembling hailstones in a cloud. The video discusses the conjecture's enduring mystery and the various attempts to prove or disprove it.

💡Hailstone Numbers

Hailstone numbers are the terms in the sequence generated by the Collatz Conjecture operations. The name 'hailstone' comes from the way these numbers fluctuate, sometimes rising to high values and then falling back down, much like hailstones in a thunderstorm. The video uses the term to describe the unpredictable paths that numbers can take before eventually reaching the 'four, two, one' loop, which is believed to be the endpoint for all hailstone sequences.

💡Benford's Law

Benford's Law is a mathematical phenomenon that describes the frequency distribution of the first digits in many naturally occurring collections of numbers. According to this law, numbers beginning with '1' are the most common, with the likelihood decreasing as the leading digit increases. In the context of the video, it is noted that the distribution of leading digits in hailstone numbers follows Benford's Law, suggesting a deep and unexpected connection between the seemingly simple Collatz Conjecture and broader mathematical principles.

💡Geometric Brownian Motion

Geometric Brownian motion is a mathematical model used to describe the erratic, random movements of particles suspended in a fluid, and it is also used in finance to model stock prices. In the video, it is mentioned that the behavior of hailstone numbers, as visualized in their logarithmic plots, resembles geometric Brownian motion, indicating a potential underlying stochastic process in the Collatz sequence.

💡Turing Machine

A Turing machine is a theoretical device that provides a simple abstraction of the logic of computation. It is used to determine whether a sequence of operations can be computed or not. The video suggests that the Collatz Conjecture can be thought of as a simple program run on a Turing machine, where the seed number is the input. This perspective highlights the computational nature of the conjecture and its potential complexity.

💡Halting Problem

The halting problem is a fundamental concept in computer science and logic, which asks whether it is possible to determine, for any given program and input, whether the program will finish running or continue to run forever. The video mentions a connection between the Collatz Conjecture and the halting problem, suggesting that the conjecture's difficulty might stem from a similar undecidability.


A counterexample is a specific instance that disproves a general statement or theory. In the context of the Collatz Conjecture, a counterexample would be a number that does not eventually reach the 'four, two, one' loop. The video discusses the importance of searching for counterexamples as a way to potentially disprove the conjecture, emphasizing the role of counterexamples in mathematical proof.

💡Directed Graph

A directed graph is a mathematical structure used to model relationships where the order of the elements matters. In the video, the concept is used to visualize the paths that numbers take in the Collatz sequence, with each number connecting to the next according to the conjecture's rules. The graph helps to illustrate the interconnectedness of all numbers in the sequence and the potential existence of loops or divergent paths.

💡Riho Terras

Riho Terras is a mathematician known for his work on the Collatz Conjecture. In the video, it is mentioned that Terras was able to show that almost all Collatz sequences reach a point below their initial value, providing significant evidence towards the conjecture's validity. His work is an example of the progress made in understanding the conjecture, even if a complete proof remains elusive.

💡Terry Tao

Terry Tao is a renowned mathematician who has made significant contributions to various fields, including harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and combinatorics. The video highlights his work on the Collatz Conjecture, where he demonstrated that almost all numbers in a sequence will eventually become smaller than any arbitrarily slow-growing function of the original number. This result brings the mathematical community closer to proving the conjecture, although it is not a complete proof.


The Collatz Conjecture is a simple yet unsolved problem in mathematics.

The conjecture involves applying specific rules to any chosen number to see if it eventually reaches the cycle of 4, 2, 1.

Mathematician Paul Erdos suggested that mathematics is not yet ready to solve such questions.

The conjecture is also known by various names like Ulam Conjecture, Kakutani's Problem, and 3N+1.

Numbers generated by the Collatz process are called hailstone numbers due to their erratic behavior.

The conjecture's difficulty lies in the unpredictable paths numbers take before potentially reaching 1.

Jeffrey Lagarias is considered the world authority on the 3x+1 problem.

The pattern of randomness in hailstone numbers is akin to geometric Brownian motion.

Analyzing the leading digits of hailstone numbers reveals a pattern consistent with Benford's law.

Benford's law is used to detect anomalies in data, such as potential fraud in financial records.

On average, sequences in the Collatz Conjecture tend to shrink due to the mathematical operations involved.

Directed graphs can visualize the flow of numbers in the Collatz Conjecture, resembling interconnected streams.

The conjecture could be false if a number or sequence is found that diverges to infinity or forms a closed loop outside the known cycle.

Despite testing, no counterexamples to the conjecture have been found, even for numbers up to two to the power of 68.

Terry Tao's research shows that almost all numbers in the Collatz sequence will become smaller than any arbitrary function of x that goes to infinity.

The difficulty in proving the Collatz Conjecture might be due to it being undecidable, similar to the halting problem in computing.

The Collatz Conjecture exemplifies the complexity and irregularity inherent in numbers despite their seemingly regular nature.

The conjecture challenges the notion that all mathematical problems have solutions, highlighting the limits of current mathematical understanding.