A.I. Expert Answers A.I. Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

21 Mar 202316:32

TLDRAI expert Gary Marcus addresses a range of AI topics from Twitter questions, discussing the potential of AI in education, the significance of 2022 in AI's mainstream emergence, the challenges in creating a trillion-dollar AI company, and the technical aspects of building large language models. He also touches on the limitations of current AI, comparing it to human intelligence and the importance of causal understanding. Marcus concludes with insights on AI's future impact on work, democracy, and the potential for misinformation, emphasizing the need for a paradigm shift towards more reliable and logically consistent AI systems.


  • đź“š ChatGPT can assist in writing college essays, but the quality is generally average and teachers should encourage critical thinking beyond the AI's output.
  • 🚀 AI went mainstream in 2022 due to advances in deep learning, increased data availability, and improved chatbot capabilities.
  • đź’ˇ To build a successful AI company, focus on unique problems, understand AI broadly, and consider the market's willingness to pay for your solution.
  • 🤖 Building large language models involves neural networks, self-supervised learning, and transformer models that use attention mechanisms to understand context.
  • 🧸 Furby was not truly AI; it was pre-programmed to simulate learning and development, unlike current AI which learns from data.
  • đźš— True self-driving cars are not yet a reality due to the complexity of handling outlier cases and the limitations of current AI in specific environments.
  • 🤖 The Turing Test is outdated as it only measures a machine's ability to fool humans and does not accurately reflect true intelligence.
  • 🧠 Human intelligence is multifaceted and flexible, capable of reasoning and adapting to new situations, unlike current AI which is primarily focused on pattern recognition.
  • 👶 The learning style of human babies and primates involves understanding the world's structure, unlike current AI which lacks this causal understanding.
  • đź›  The best case for AI includes revolutionizing science, medicine, climate change solutions, and providing elder care and personalized tutoring.

Q & A

  • Will chatGPT replace the traditional college essay?

    -ChatGPT can assist in writing essays, but it's unlikely to replace them entirely. It tends to produce average essays rather than top-notch ones. Professors and teachers can use it as a tool for students to draft and then refine their work, encouraging critical thinking about writing.

  • What factors contributed to AI going mainstream in 2022?

    -AI went mainstream due to a combination of factors including advances in deep learning, which improved capabilities like image enhancement and chatbots, as well as the availability of more data to train AI models.

  • What advice would you give to someone wanting to build a trillion-dollar AI company?

    -Focus on a unique problem that others are not addressing, learn extensively about AI, and understand why people would pay for your product. Study the history of AI and consider areas beyond just the popular large language models.

  • What are the steps to build a large language model AI from a technical perspective?

    -Start with neural networks that use nodes as inputs and outputs. Implement self-supervised learning to tune the connections between neurons. Use transformer models that include attention mechanisms to understand context and make better predictions.

  • Is Furby an example of AI?

    -Furby was a toy that appeared to learn language but was actually pre-programmed with a set progression of phrases, creating an illusion of learning without genuine AI capabilities.

  • How close are we to achieving truly self-driving cars?

    -While there have been impressive demonstrations, true self-driving cars that can operate in any environment like an Uber are still many years away due to the complexity of handling outlier cases.

  • Is the Turing Test a valid measure of machine intelligence?

    -The Turing Test is outdated and not a reliable measure of intelligence. It only assesses if a machine can fool people into thinking it's human, which doesn't equate to true understanding or intelligence.

  • What is the difference between human intelligence and current machine intelligence?

    -Human intelligence is broad and flexible, capable of reasoning and deliberation. Machine intelligence, on the other hand, is currently focused on pattern recognition and lacks the breadth and depth of human intelligence.

  • What is the major difference in learning styles between human babies, primates, and current AI?

    -Human babies and primates learn about the structure of the world and how objects and people interact, building a model of the world. Current AI systems are primarily about learning correlations without this causal understanding.

  • What are some potential best-case scenarios for AI in the future?

    -AI could revolutionize science and technology, particularly in biological sciences, medicine, climate change solutions, elder care, and personalized tutoring.

  • In what ways will the human mind always excel relative to AI?

    -The human brain, with its vast number of neurons and connections, is unmatched in versatility and energy efficiency by current AI. Its complexity and ability to reason and adapt to new situations will likely always surpass AI capabilities.

  • What is the difference between AI, machine learning, and deep learning?

    -Deep learning is a technique within machine learning that uses neural networks for prediction. Machine learning encompasses various techniques for teaching computers to make decisions or predictions based on data. AI is a broader field that includes machine learning, as well as other areas like search and planning.

  • Is deep learning hitting a wall in terms of progress?

    -Deep learning has made significant progress but faces challenges with truth and reliability. Despite improvements, these issues persist and represent a barrier to further advancement within the current paradigm.

  • How will AI change the way we work and live in the next decade?

    -AI is likely to impact jobs in commercial art and retail, potentially reducing the need for human cashiers. It may also exacerbate the spread of misinformation, affecting trust in society. The exact extent of these changes is hard to predict.

  • Is it stealing when generative AI produces algorithmic art trained on databases of human artists' work?

    -Whether it's considered stealing depends on societal and legal criteria. While AI does not have intentions, its direct use of human art to create new works raises questions about originality and intellectual property.

  • How are large language models a potential threat to democracy?

    -Large language models can be used to generate misinformation on a massive scale, potentially undermining trust in democratic systems and leading to uninformed decision-making.

  • Why do large language models work as well as they do, despite seeming like a 'dumb' way of generating text?

    -Large language models are sophisticated systems that go beyond simple prediction of the next word. They generalize from patterns in data, allowing them to generate text that is both novel and contextually relevant.

  • What would it take to make AI systems more truthful and logically consistent?

    -A paradigm shift towards neuro-symbolic AI is needed, combining neural networks with symbolic reasoning to create systems that understand and reason over facts for greater truth and consistency.

  • How much of AI's success is due to hardware advancements like custom AI chips and new architectures?

    -Hardware plays a significant role in AI's capabilities, but the current reliance on GPUs may not be the path to artificial general intelligence. Future advancements may require different chip designs or approaches.

  • What physical attributes of the human brain are missing in modern deep learning architectures?

    -Deep learning architectures lack the complex structure and variety of neurons found in the human brain. Each connection in the brain has intricate components that are not replicated in current neural networks.



🧠 AI and the Future of Education

Gary Marcus discusses the impact of AI on the college essay, suggesting that while AI like ChatGPT can produce decent essays, they are not yet at the level of excellence. He emphasizes the importance of critical thinking in writing and the need for educators to adapt to these changes. Marcus also addresses the mainstream adoption of AI in 2022, attributing it to advances in deep learning, increased data availability, and improvements in chatbot technology.


đźš— Challenges in Achieving True Self-Driving Cars

The script delves into the complexities of developing fully autonomous vehicles, highlighting the limitations of current AI in handling outlier cases not encountered during training. Marcus predicts that while limited self-driving capabilities may be seen in specific urban areas, the widespread adoption of truly self-driving cars is still many years away due to the vast number of potential outlier situations that AI has yet to effectively manage.


🤖 The Evolution and Limitations of AI

Gary Marcus reflects on the Turing Test's inadequacy as a measure of intelligence and proposes a comprehension challenge as a more accurate test. He differentiates between human and machine intelligence, noting that while machines excel in pattern recognition, human intelligence is broader and more flexible. Marcus also touches on the learning styles of human babies versus AI, pointing out that AI lacks the ability to build a model of the world, which is a fundamental aspect of human learning.


🏆 The Potential and Risks of AI Advancement

The script contemplates the best and worst-case scenarios for AI, with the best being its potential to revolutionize various fields such as medicine, climate change solutions, and elder care. The worst case involves the undermining of trust through misinformation, potentially leading to societal and political instability. Marcus also discusses the need for a paradigm shift in AI to address issues of truthfulness and logical consistency, advocating for neuro-symbolic AI as a way forward.

🛠️ The Role of Hardware in AI Development

The final paragraph explores the influence of hardware on AI's success, referencing Sara Hooker's 'Hardware Lottery' and the idea that current AI capabilities are largely dependent on the chips available. Marcus speculates that future advancements in AI may require different hardware solutions and that the current reliance on GPUs may be seen as a temporary phase in the journey towards artificial general intelligence.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like humans. In the video, AI is the central theme, with discussions ranging from its impact on college essays to its potential to revolutionize various fields. For example, Gary Marcus mentions AI's role in writing essays and its limitations, stating they usually produce 'C essays, not A essays'.


ChatGPT is a specific type of AI chatbot that can generate human-like text based on prompts. In the script, it is brought up in the context of its potential to change the nature of college essays, with Marcus suggesting that while it can assist in writing, it does not replace the need for critical thinking and discussion.

đź’ˇDeep Learning

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with many layers to analyze and learn from data. Marcus explains that advances in deep learning have contributed to AI's recent progress, enabling capabilities like image enhancement and improved chatbots.

đź’ˇData-Hungry AI

The term 'data-hungry AI' describes AI systems that require vast amounts of data to function effectively. Marcus points out that the availability of more data has allowed AI to advance, but also notes the reliance on data as a key characteristic of current AI systems.

đź’ˇTrillion Dollar AI Company

The concept of a 'trillion dollar AI company' refers to the ambition of creating a highly valuable enterprise based on AI technology. Marcus advises that to achieve this, one should focus on a unique problem and understand AI comprehensively, including its history and broader concepts beyond just the popular models.

đź’ˇNeural Networks

Neural networks are a computational model inspired by the human brain that are used in deep learning. Marcus explains that these networks consist of nodes or neurons that are interconnected and adjusted over time to make accurate predictions, which is fundamental to how large language models function.

đź’ˇTransformer Models

Transformer models are a type of neural network architecture that incorporates an 'attention' mechanism, allowing the model to weigh the importance of different parts of the input data. Marcus mentions this as a more advanced aspect of AI, enabling it to consider broader context and make more sensible predictions.


Furby is an example of an AI-like toy that appeared to learn and develop over time. Marcus clarifies that Furby's learning was pre-programmed, creating an illusion of growth and learning without genuine AI capabilities.

đź’ˇSelf-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars represent a significant application of AI, where the technology aims to control vehicles autonomously. Marcus discusses the challenges of outlier cases that current AI systems are not trained to handle, indicating that truly autonomous vehicles are still a long way off.

đź’ˇTuring Test

The Turing Test is a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior that is indistinguishable from that of a human. Marcus considers the test outdated, suggesting that it is a poor measure of intelligence because it relies on the ability to deceive rather than true understanding or comprehension.


In the context of the video, 'intelligence' is discussed in relation to both humans and machines. Marcus describes human intelligence as multifaceted and flexible, capable of reasoning and adapting to new situations, whereas current machine intelligence is primarily focused on pattern recognition.

đź’ˇNeuro-Symbolic AI

Neuro-Symbolic AI is a proposed paradigm shift in AI development that combines neural networks with symbolic reasoning. Marcus argues that this approach could address the current limitations of AI in terms of truthfulness and logical consistency, by integrating factual knowledge and reasoning capabilities.

đź’ˇHardware Lottery

The term 'Hardware Lottery' refers to the idea that the success of AI is heavily influenced by the available hardware, as discussed by Sara Hooker. Marcus suggests that the current reliance on GPUs may not be the optimal path to achieving artificial general intelligence and that future advancements may depend on new types of chips or architectures.


Gary Marcus discusses the potential of AI to change the nature of college essays, suggesting a critical approach to AI-generated content.

AI's mainstream emergence in 2022 was attributed to advances in deep learning, data availability, and improved chatbots.

Marcus advises aspiring AI entrepreneurs to focus on unique problems and understand AI beyond just large language models.

Building a trillion-dollar AI company requires a deep understanding of AI's history and current capabilities.

The technical core of large language models is rooted in neural networks and self-supervised learning.

Transformer models incorporate 'attention' mechanisms to understand sentence relevance for better predictions.

Furby's learning illusion was pre-programmed, not indicative of true AI learning capabilities.

Truly self-driving cars are limited to specific routes and locations due to the unpredictability of outlier cases.

The Turing Test is considered outdated, with Marcus proposing a comprehension challenge as a better measure of intelligence.

Human intelligence is characterized by flexibility and the ability to reason and deliberate, unlike current pattern-recognition AI.

AI's learning style is criticized for lacking a model of the world, unlike human babies and primates.

Preventing AI from going rogue involves careful development and avoiding the pursuit of AI sentience.

AI has the potential to revolutionize various fields, including medicine, climate change solutions, and elder care.

The human mind's complexity and energy efficiency far surpass current AI capabilities.

AI, machine learning, and deep learning are distinct, with deep learning being a subset of machine learning, which is part of AI.

Deep learning's progress is hindered by issues of truth and reliability, which Marcus refers to as 'hitting a wall'.

AI's impact on the future of work and life is uncertain, with potential changes in commercial art and retail sectors.

Generative AI and algorithmic art raise questions of originality and potential infringement on human artists' work.

Large language models can be a threat to democracy by facilitating the spread of misinformation on a massive scale.

Despite their apparent simplicity, large language models are sophisticated in their ability to generalize and predict text.

AI's success is significantly influenced by hardware advancements, including custom AI chips and new architectures.

Modern deep learning architectures lack the physical attributes of the human brain, suggesting a need for more complex models.