Synthesis AI Tutor

LAT EdTech
12 Sept 202328:10

TLDRThe video showcases 'Synthesis,' an online school leveraging AI for personalized tutoring. After a quick sign-up, users can add a student profile and begin interactive lessons. The AI tutor engages with a 12-year-old student, Billy, introducing the concept of 'change' through an interactive machine that models cause and effect. The tutor explains terms like 'dynamics,' 'state,' 'recursion,' and 'trajectory,' using the machine to demonstrate these ideas in a simple, understandable way. The lesson aims to make abstract scientific concepts tangible and relatable, hinting at the potential of AI in revolutionizing education.


  • 😀 The online platform 'Synthesis' offers AI tutoring services, allowing users to sign up and add students for personalized learning experiences.
  • 🔍 Users can interact with the AI tutor by selecting lessons and engaging in dialogues that simulate a learning environment.
  • 🧠 The AI introduces philosophical concepts, such as the idea that 'the only thing that stays the same is change,' to provoke thought and discussion.
  • 📚 An interactive machine within the platform is used to demonstrate the concept of cause and effect, where users can input objects and observe transformations based on predefined rules.
  • 🔄 The script highlights the importance of understanding 'functions' and 'maps' in the context of how inputs and outputs relate to each other within a system.
  • 📈 The AI tutor guides users through lessons on 'Dynamics,' which is the study of how things change over time, using interactive elements to reinforce learning.
  • 🔧 Users are encouraged to manipulate a visual map to understand the relationships between inputs and outputs, which is key to grasping the concept of functions.
  • 📝 The platform uses recursion, where outputs are fed back into the system as inputs, to create sequences or 'trajectories' that demonstrate how systems evolve.
  • 🌐 The AI tutor connects the learning to broader scientific ideas, such as the laws of nature, determinism, and randomness, to provide a deeper understanding of the world.
  • 📖 The script suggests that AI tutoring can be an effective tool for personalized education, adapting to the learner's pace and understanding.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the Synthesis AI Tutor?

    -The main focus of the Synthesis AI Tutor is to provide personalized tutoring in mathematics and science using AI technology.

  • How does the user interact with the Synthesis AI Tutor?

    -The user interacts with the Synthesis AI Tutor by signing up, adding a student profile, and then engaging with the AI tutor through a series of lessons and interactive activities.

  • What is the significance of the ancient philosopher Heraclitus mentioned in the script?

    -Heraclitus is mentioned to introduce the concept that 'the only thing that stays the same is change,' which serves as a philosophical foundation for the study of dynamics and the science of change.

  • What is the purpose of the machine that the AI tutor introduces in the lesson?

    -The purpose of the machine is to demonstrate the concept of input and output, and how certain inputs lead to specific outputs, which is a fundamental concept in the study of dynamics.

  • What does the AI tutor mean by 'domain' and 'range' in the context of the machine?

    -In the context of the machine, 'domain' refers to the set of possible inputs, and 'range' refers to the set of possible outputs. These terms help to define the functionality of the machine.

  • How does the AI tutor incorporate the concept of 'recursion' in the lesson?

    -The AI tutor incorporates the concept of 'recursion' by having the user take the output from the machine and put it back into the input, which demonstrates how systems can be self-generating and self-sustaining.

  • What is the term used for the sequence of states generated by the machine?

    -The term used for the sequence of states generated by the machine is 'trajectory', which represents the path or progression of states over time.

  • How does the AI tutor adapt the lesson based on the user's actions?

    -The AI tutor adapts the lesson by responding to the user's choices and actions, such as the elements the user drags into the machine, and by providing feedback and explanations tailored to the user's interactions.

  • What is the role of the 'dynamical law' in the lessons provided by the AI tutor?

    -The 'dynamical law' in the lessons represents the rules that govern how the system changes over time. It is likened to the laws of nature in science and is used to predict the trajectory of the system based on its current state.

  • How does the AI tutor use the concept of 'state' to explain changes in the system?

    -The AI tutor uses the concept of 'state' to explain how things in a system can be in different conditions at different times, and how these states change from one to another according to the dynamical law.

  • What feedback does the AI tutor provide to reinforce the concepts taught?

    -The AI tutor provides feedback by reviewing the concepts learned, correcting misunderstandings, and asking the user to repeat or apply the concepts in different scenarios to reinforce learning.



đŸ€– Introduction to AI Tutoring with Synthesis

The speaker explores an online school named Synthesis that employs AI for tutoring purposes. They sign up on the website, create a student profile for 'Billy', and engage in an interactive session with the AI tutor. The AI introduces itself and offers to teach mathematics, specifically an introduction to Dynamics, the science of change. The speaker, role-playing as a 12-year-old, expresses interest in learning about change. The AI tutor references the ancient philosopher Heraclitus, who noted that the only constant is change, and uses this as a springboard to discuss how things change in the world around us, from the growth of children to the revolution of planets.


🔄 Interactive Learning with Cause and Effect

The speaker interacts with a simple machine within the AI tutoring platform, learning about cause and effect through the machine's inputs and outputs. They experiment with dragging shapes into the machine and observe the corresponding outputs as dictated by a provided map. The AI tutor guides the speaker to understand the concept of a function through this interactive activity, highlighting the importance of domain and range in mapping inputs to outputs. The session also touches on the idea that the machine becomes confused when presented with an input not defined on the map, illustrating the importance of clear rules and definitions in functions.


🌐 Building a Simple Model World with Dynamics

The AI tutor introduces the concept of modeling a simple world using a machine and a map that dictates the rules of that world. The speaker is encouraged to use the machine to create a sequence of states, or a 'trajectory', by dragging an initial condition into the machine and then recursively applying the map to generate subsequent states. The AI explains the concept of 'recursion' and how it allows for the continuous evolution of the model world. The session also covers the idea of a 'state', describing it as the condition of the system at a particular moment in time, and how these states change according to the dynamical law provided by the map.


🔁 Understanding Recursion and Trajectory

The speaker continues to engage with the AI tutor, focusing on the concepts of recursion and trajectory within the context of the model world. They learn that by repeatedly applying the map (recursion) to the output of the machine, a sequence of states or a trajectory is generated. The AI tutor corrects a misunderstanding the speaker has about the process, emphasizing the importance of the map in determining the output rather than the user's request. The session reinforces the idea that the initial condition is necessary to start the trajectory, and that the map, acting as a dynamical law, governs how the world changes from one state to the next.


🏁 Reviewing Key Concepts in Dynamics

In the final paragraph, the AI tutor leads the speaker in a review of the key concepts learned during the session, such as recursion, trajectory, dynamical law, and state. The speaker reflects on the effectiveness of the interactive learning method and the AI tutor's ability to adapt to the user's pace and understanding. There is a sense of accomplishment in grasping the new vocabulary and concepts, but also a question of long-term retention. The AI tutor concludes by inviting the speaker to continue exploring Dynamics, hinting at deeper explorations in future sessions.


🧠 Reflecting on Learning and the Nature of Change

The speaker concludes the AI tutoring session with a reflection on the philosophical aspect of change, pondering the quote by Heraclitus and its relevance to the model world they've been exploring. They consider whether anything remains constant, even in a simple, rule-based system. The AI tutor's approach is appreciated for its personalization and interactivity, but the speaker is left with questions about the broader applications and purposes of the lessons learned. The session ends on a note of potential continuation, with the AI tutor expressing hope to engage further and delve deeper into the study of Dynamics.




Synthesis refers to the process of combining various elements to form a coherent whole. In the context of the video, 'Synthesis' is the name of an online school that utilizes AI for tutoring purposes. The AI tutor combines different teaching methods and interactive elements to create a personalized learning experience for the student.

💡AI Tutor

An AI Tutor is an artificial intelligence application designed to educate or assist students in learning. The script describes an AI tutor that introduces itself, presents lessons, and interacts with the student named Billy, demonstrating how AI can simulate personalized tutoring experiences.


In the video script, 'Dynamics' is introduced as the science of change, focusing on how things change over time. It is used to describe the central theme of the tutorial, which is to understand the patterns and laws governing change in various systems.


Heraclitus is an ancient Greek philosopher mentioned in the script who is known for his assertion that change is the only constant in life. His philosophy is used to introduce the concept of dynamics and to provoke thought about the nature of change.


Recursion in the script refers to the process of defining a sequence of elements by repeating a certain operation or process. In the tutorial, recursion is used to describe how the AI tutor generates a sequence of states in the machine by repeatedly applying a rule or map.


In the context of the video, 'domain' is part of a map that shows the inputs or starting points for a function or process. The script uses the domain to explain how certain inputs (like shapes) are expected by the machine to produce outputs.


The 'range' in the script is the set of possible outputs for a function or process. It is used to illustrate what the machine can produce based on the inputs provided, complementing the concept of the domain.


A 'map' in the script is a diagram or set of rules that defines the relationship between inputs and outputs of a system. It is used to guide the student on how the machine operates and how to predict what will happen when certain inputs are provided.


Trajectory in the script refers to the path or sequence of states that result from applying a dynamical law or map to an initial condition. It illustrates how the state of a system evolves over time based on the rules defined by the map.

💡Initial Condition

The 'initial condition' is the starting state of a system from which subsequent states are determined through recursion or the application of a dynamical law. In the script, the initial condition sets the first element in the trajectory for the AI tutor's machine.


In the video, 'state' refers to the condition or situation of a system at a particular time. The concept is used to describe different moments or stages in the operation of the machine, such as when the lizard is eating or sleeping.


Synthesis is an online school utilizing AI for tutoring purposes.

The platform allows users to sign up and add students for personalized learning.

Interactive AI tutor introduces itself and offers to teach mathematics.

Students can choose from various lessons, such as 'The Science of Change'.

The AI discusses philosophical views on change with the student.

The AI tutor explores concepts of change through interactive lessons.

Students engage with a virtual machine to understand cause and effect.

The AI explains the concept of a map and its importance in determining outcomes.

Students learn about the domain and range in the context of input and output.

The AI introduces the concept of recursion through the machine's operations.

Students manipulate a map to control the behavior of a virtual terrarium.

The AI tutor discusses the idea of 'state' in various scientific contexts.

Students experience the concept of trajectory through the machine's sequence generation.

The AI explains the significance of dynamical laws in governing system behavior.

Students reflect on the constancy of change in the system they interacted with.

The AI tutor concludes the lesson with a review of key terms and concepts.

The platform offers a personalized learning experience tailored to student interactions.