Demo - AI-Powered Literature Search

4 Jun 202404:47

TLDRJosh, co-founder of and a cell biologist, introduces Scite's AI-powered literature search tool. Scite revolutionizes research discovery by categorizing citation contexts, enabling users to quickly understand how articles are referenced in literature. With 1.3 billion smart citations extracted, users can efficiently explore topics, authors, and debates without opening multiple documents. Scite Assistant integrates advanced LLMs to provide trustworthy answers, enhancing literature exploration with verified sources.


  • πŸ” is a tool designed to enhance literature search in scientific research.
  • 🧬 Josh, a cell biologist and co-founder of, introduces the platform's capabilities.
  • πŸ“ˆ Traditional citation metrics treat all citations equally, but differentiates between them.
  • πŸ“ extracts exact citation statements from full texts to provide context on how articles are cited.
  • 🎯 The platform classifies citations as 'Smart Citations', offering a nuanced view of how research is referenced.
  • πŸ“š has extracted over 1.3 billion smart citations from open access and subscription-based articles.
  • πŸ”Ž Users can search for keywords to see how a topic has been discussed in literature without opening full articles.
  • πŸ“Š provides filters to view highly supported studies or debates, indicating potential research gaps.
  • πŸ€– Scite Assistant uses advanced language models to answer questions with verifiable sources from scholarly articles.
  • πŸ”— combines the strengths of peer-reviewed literature with the flexibility of AI to offer a powerful research tool.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of as described in the transcript? is designed to help users better discover, understand, and evaluate research literature by providing insights into how articles are cited and discussed in the academic community.

  • How does differentiate citations in its analysis? categorizes citations based on the context in which they are used, such as whether they are used in the introduction, methods section, or as supporting or challenging evidence.

  • What is the term used for the citation classification system developed by

    -The citation classification system is referred to as 'Smart Citation'.

  • How many smart citations has extracted from articles? has extracted 1.3 billion smart citations from open access articles and the majority of subscription-based articles.

  • What feature does offer to quickly see how a topic has been discussed in literature? offers a keyword-based search feature that allows users to see how and why a topic has been discussed in literature without having to open the full article.

  • What is the name of the new feature launched by that helps in developing a search strategy and fact-checking?

    -The new feature is called 'Scite Assistant'.

  • How does Scite Assistant provide trustworthy responses to user queries?

    -Scite Assistant develops a search strategy, runs the search within Scite's access to scholarly articles, and fact-checks the information to provide verifiable sources.

  • What is an example of a question that Scite Assistant can help answer, as mentioned in the transcript?

    -An example question is 'How many rats live in NYC?', where Scite Assistant can provide an estimated population range with verifiable sources.

  • How can help in identifying research gaps or debates in a particular field? allows users to filter citations to see only highly supported studies or where debates are happening, which can help identify potential research gaps.

  • What are some of the levels at which allows users to analyze citations? enables analysis at the organizational level, journal level, and within the article itself before opening or purchasing the full text.

  • How does combine the strengths of peer-reviewed literature with advanced language models? utilizes the data, evidence, analyses, and statistics from peer-reviewed literature and combines it with the flexibility of advanced language models to provide a powerful tool for literature search and understanding.



πŸ”¬ Introduction to Site and Research Evaluation

Josh, the co-founder of Site and a cell biologist, introduces the platform designed to enhance the process of discovering, understanding, and evaluating research. He uses an example of an article from Nature, 2010, to discuss the importance of considering where it's published, the authors, and their affiliations. Josh emphasizes the need to look beyond basic metrics and to understand the context of citations, which can vary significantly. Site aims to make this information digestible by extracting and classifying citation statements from full texts, offering a more nuanced view of how research is referenced.

πŸ“š Smart Citations and Contextual Analysis

Josh explains the concept of 'Smart Citations', which are extracted from both open access and subscription-based articles to provide a comprehensive view of how research is cited. Site has extracted 1.3 billion smart citations, allowing users to quickly see how articles, researchers, or topics have been cited. The platform also allows users to search for specific topics, such as 'usp14 degradation', and view discussions around it in literature, saving time and providing insights without the need to open full articles. The summary also touches on the ability to filter studies based on support or debate, indicating potential research gaps.

πŸ—‚οΈ Advanced Literature Search and Site Assistant

Josh introduces the advanced literature search feature on Site, which allows users to search within articles before accessing the full text. This feature is designed to be user-friendly and powerful, enabling users to find discussions related to their interests of study. Additionally, Josh discusses the launch of 'Site Assistant', which uses large language models (LLMs) to provide trustworthy responses to user queries. Site Assistant not only answers questions but also runs searches on scholarly articles and fact-checks the information, ensuring users receive accurate and verifiable data.



πŸ’‘ is an AI-powered literature search platform designed to assist researchers in discovering, understanding, and evaluating research. In the video, is introduced as a tool that provides insights into how an article has been cited in the literature, offering a more nuanced view than traditional citation indexes.

πŸ’‘Citation Index

A citation index is a database that contains references to articles that have cited a particular work. In the script, it is mentioned that traditional citation indexes do not differentiate between the contexts in which articles are cited, whereas aims to provide a more detailed analysis of citation contexts.

πŸ’‘Smart Citation

Smart Citation is a feature of that extracts and classifies citation statements from full-text articles. The script explains that has extracted 1.3 billion smart citations, allowing users to quickly see how articles, researchers, or topics have been cited in various contexts.

πŸ’‘Open Access

Open Access refers to scholarly articles that are freely available to the public, without financial, legal, or technical barriers. The script mentions that has extracted smart citations from every open access article, emphasizing the platform's comprehensive coverage of freely available research.

πŸ’‘Subscription-based Articles

Subscription-based articles are those that require a subscription or payment to access. The video script notes that also extracts smart citations from the majority of subscription-based articles, indicating the platform's broad reach into both open and paid research literature.

πŸ’‘Contextual Citation

Contextual citation refers to the specific part of a document where a citation is made. The script highlights the importance of understanding the context of citations, such as whether they are in agreement, presenting evidence, or challenging a claim, which aims to make accessible.

πŸ’‘Keyword-based Search

A keyword-based search is a method of searching for literature by entering specific words or phrases related to the topic of interest. The video demonstrates how allows users to perform keyword-based searches to find discussions related to their topic of interest within the literature.

πŸ’‘Research Gaps

Research gaps refer to areas in a field of study where there is a lack of research or understanding. The script suggests that by analyzing citations and discussions in the literature, can help users identify potential research gaps and areas for further investigation.

πŸ’‘LLMs (Large Language Models)

LLMs, or Large Language Models, are AI systems capable of generating human-like text. The video mentions that utilizes advanced LLMs to provide trustworthy responses to user queries, combining the strengths of peer-reviewed literature with the flexibility of AI.

πŸ’‘Scite Assistant

Scite Assistant is a feature that allows users to ask questions and receive responses based on the literature indexed by The script describes how it develops search strategies and fact-checks responses, providing users with verified information from scholarly articles.


Introduction of, an AI-powered literature search platform by co-founder Josh, a cell biologist.

Scite aims to improve the discovery, understanding, and evaluation of research articles.

The platform provides metadata such as article title, authors, affiliations, and citation metrics.

Problems with traditional citation indexes treating all citations as equal, regardless of context.

Scite extracts and categorizes citation statements from full texts to provide context.

Example given of an article cited in different sections with varying agreement or disagreement.

Scite's Smart Citation feature extracts 1.3 billion smart citations from open access and subscription-based articles.

Users can quickly see how articles, researchers, or topics have been cited with Scite.

Scite allows for keyword-based searches to find discussions on specific topics in literature.

The platform saves time by showing how a topic has been discussed without opening full articles.

Scite provides filters for viewing highly supported studies or identifying research gaps and debates.

Scite Assistant uses advanced language models to develop search strategies and fact-check responses.

Scite Assistant provides trustworthy sources and evidence from scholarly articles, not just the web.

Scite represents a powerful tool for analyzing citations at the organizational, journal, and article levels.

Scite combines peer-reviewed literature with the flexibility of advanced language models for research.

Invitation to try Scite at to better discover, understand, and utilize literature.