Future of Product Management From the Era of AI | Linear Karri Saarinen

17 Nov 202313:47

TLDRIn this talk, Karri Saarinen, CEO and co-founder of Linear, shares insights on building products with a focus on customer needs and efficiency. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing tasks that directly impact product development, avoiding distractions like legal and accounting matters that can be deferred. Saarinen discusses Linear's growth journey, highlighting the company's success in product management and issue tracking. He reflects on lessons from previous startups and experiences at Coinbase and Airbnb, underscoring the significance of clear vision, user experience, and iterative feedback in creating successful software products.


  • 💡 Focus on what truly matters for product development, especially in the beginning. Almost nothing else is as important as building something people want.
  • 🛠️ Linear aims to streamline the product management process by making software more user-friendly and eliminating unnecessary complexity.
  • 🚀 The early focus should be on creating a solid MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that solves real problems and is usable by the team before expanding to external users.
  • 🌱 Linear grew quickly with organic marketing, spending less than $35,000. Word of mouth played a key role in their growth.
  • 🏗️ Building software involves multiple stages, from understanding the problem, to planning, and finally execution. Linear primarily focuses on the execution phase but aims to expand to the discovery and planning stages.
  • 💼 During the early stages, Karri emphasizes that distractions such as legal or accounting concerns can often wait, focusing on core product development is key.
  • 🔄 Linear's architecture is built on a local-first approach, meaning actions occur on the user’s device before syncing to the cloud, offering a seamless experience.
  • 📊 The brand and customer experience were emphasized as crucial, as evidenced by Karri's learnings from working at Airbnb.
  • 👥 Linear spent a year in private beta, refining their product based on feedback from a selective group of early users.
  • 🎯 Clear vision and focus are essential in startups. Karri's previous company struggled due to a lack of clear business goals and focus.

Q & A

  • Who is Karri Saarinen and what is his role at Linear?

    -Karri Saarinen is the CEO and co-founder of Linear, a company focused on helping software companies with product management and issue tracking.

  • What is the main focus of Linear as a company?

    -Linear focuses on streamlining product management and issue tracking for software companies, aiming to make the process of building software faster and more efficient.

  • What challenge did Karri face with his first startup, Kippt?

    -Karri's first startup, Kippt, lacked a clear vision and business model, which made it difficult to sustain. Although they tried different strategies, they didn’t succeed in monetizing it.

  • What did Karri learn from working at Coinbase and Airbnb?

    -At Coinbase, Karri learned about simplifying complex products for users, while at Airbnb, he learned the importance of branding, storytelling, and focusing on the end-user experience.

  • How did the founders of Linear approach the development of their product?

    -The founders focused on understanding user frustrations with existing tools, interviewed potential customers, and prototyped their own system based on a local-first architecture to improve speed and efficiency.

  • What is the significance of Linear's local-first architecture?

    -Linear's local-first architecture ensures that actions are processed on the user's device first, making the experience seamless and instant, with no noticeable lag.

  • How did Linear gain its first users and initial feedback?

    -Linear gained its first users through a waitlist on Product Hunt, inviting batches of users to test the product, collecting feedback, and iterating based on that feedback during a private beta period.

  • What role did design play in the early development of Linear?

    -Having a designer as one of the founders allowed Linear to prioritize design early on, ensuring that even their MVP had an appealing and user-friendly interface that drew attention.

  • What is Karri's view on distractions when building a startup?

    -Karri believes that distractions, such as over-focusing on legal, accounting, or other non-core aspects early on, should be avoided. Instead, the primary focus should be on building something users want.

  • What is Linear's future goal, according to Karri Saarinen?

    -Linear aims to expand its services to assist companies in the planning and discovery stages of product development, in addition to its current focus on execution and building features.



👨‍💻 Karri's Startup Journey and Vision

Karri shares insights into his entrepreneurial journey, starting from his passion for design at a young age to founding his startup Linear. He reflects on the challenges of early-stage startups, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what people want and why a clear vision is essential. After working with companies like Coinbase and Airbnb, Karri realized the need for a better tool to help software teams manage their projects more effectively. This led to the founding of Linear, a tool built with a focus on speed, user experience, and professional-grade features.


🚀 Streamlining Product Development

Karri discusses Linear's mission to simplify and streamline the product development process for teams. He explains how the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) was developed, with a focus on creating basic functionality like task management. Early beta users provided valuable feedback, which helped shape the product's evolution. The design-focused approach from the beginning was key to capturing users' attention, and the gradual rollout of features helped the company learn and improve. Linear's early success was driven by word-of-mouth and a focus on solving real problems for users.


🌍 Scaling Linear and Reaching New Markets

As Linear grew, Karri shifted focus to expanding the company's reach and building a go-to-market strategy to attract more customers worldwide. He highlights the importance of understanding customer needs, planning features, and maintaining product simplicity. Karri also reflects on the company’s internal structure, which minimizes managerial layers to empower designers and engineers to take ownership of the product. He stresses the need for startups to focus on what matters most—building something people want—while avoiding distractions like fundraising or networking events early on.



💡Product Management

Product management is the process of overseeing the lifecycle of a product, from ideation through development, to launch and post-launch iterations. In the video, Karri Saarinen highlights the importance of clear product vision and focus on customer needs as critical aspects of successful product management.


Focus refers to prioritizing key tasks and avoiding distractions that do not directly contribute to product success. Karri emphasizes the importance of staying focused on building something that people want, especially in the early stages, rather than getting caught up in non-essential tasks like legal or accounting matters.

💡User Experience

User experience (UX) is the overall experience a person has when interacting with a product or service. In the video, Karri explains how making the user experience as frictionless as possible, especially for engineers, is crucial for encouraging frequent use of the product.


A startup is a company in the early stages of operations, often characterized by innovation and growth potential. Karri shares his personal journey of founding startups like Kippt and Linear, discussing challenges such as focus, product development, and customer acquisition.

💡MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

An MVP is the simplest version of a product that can be released to gather feedback from users. Karri describes how Linear's first MVP focused on basic functionalities, such as putting tasks into the application and moving them around, before expanding to more complex features.

💡Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is the information gathered from users about their experience with a product. Karri discusses the iterative process of improving Linear based on feedback from private beta users, which helped identify problems and enhance the product's performance.

💡Product-Led Growth

Product-led growth is a business strategy where the product itself drives customer acquisition and retention. Karri highlights how Linear’s growth has been primarily organic, driven by word-of-mouth and the product's usability rather than extensive marketing.


Burnout refers to a state of physical and emotional exhaustion often caused by prolonged stress. Karri reflects on feeling burned out after his first company and taking time to recover by working on design at Coinbase.


Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a company or product. Karri discusses how his time at Airbnb taught him the importance of a strong brand, and how storytelling can play a crucial role in defining and communicating that brand to customers.

💡Private Beta

Private beta is a testing phase where a product is released to a select group of users for feedback before it is made available to the general public. Karri describes how Linear spent a year in private beta, refining the product based on feedback before launching it to a wider audience.


Karri emphasizes the importance of focusing on building something people want, especially in the early stages.

Distractions like legal or accounting issues should be deferred unless absolutely necessary.

Karri co-founded Linear to improve product management and issue tracking, primarily helping software companies build products efficiently.

Linear's focus is on simplifying and streamlining workflows, especially for engineers.

Karri stresses the importance of early focus and vision when building a startup, as his previous venture lacked a clear business model.

Linear has raised $52 million in funding and serves companies like Vercel and Remote.

Karri shares his journey from Finland, starting in web design at 16 and moving to startups like Kippt and Coinbase.

He highlights the challenges in crypto design at Coinbase and the importance of simplifying user interfaces.

At Airbnb, Karri learned the significance of brand storytelling from Brian Chesky.

Linear's 'local-first' architecture ensures fast, seamless user experience by processing actions on the user's device first.

Karri describes how Linear's UI design prioritizes professional tools over website-like interfaces, making it dense and information-rich.

The MVP approach at Linear started with basic functionality, evolving through private beta feedback before public launch.

Karri highlights how organic growth, driven by word of mouth, played a key role in Linear's success.

Linear focuses on improving planning and discovery stages in product development, expanding beyond just execution.

Karri believes that giving autonomy to teams, particularly designers and engineers, leads to better product outcomes.