The GED Calculator How to Use it

Weiss Videos
7 Aug 202143:28

TLDRThis video tutorial demonstrates how to use the Texas Instruments TI-30XS calculator for the GED Math test, highlighting its features and benefits. It covers topics like setting calculator modes, working with fractions, converting between fractions and decimals, and performing operations with mixed numbers. The video also shows how to calculate percentages, square roots, and scientific notation, as well as finding averages and medians, rounding numbers, and using memory functions, offering a comprehensive guide to boost math test scores.


  • 🧭 The video demonstrates the use of the Texas Instruments TI-30XS calculator for the GED Math test.
  • 🛒 The TI-30XS calculator can be purchased new or used from various stores and online platforms like Amazon and eBay.
  • 📈 Familiarity with the TI-30XS calculator can potentially increase GED Math test scores by one to three points.
  • ⚙️ The calculator has specific mode settings: Norm (normal), Degree, Float, and Math Print, which should be correctly set before use.
  • 🔢 The calculator can handle fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers, providing simplified or reduced forms of fractions.
  • 🔄 Two methods are shown for converting fractions to decimals on the calculator, using the double arrow toggle button or a specific notation in green.
  • 📉 The calculator automatically reduces fractions when entered and can convert them to decimals or vice versa.
  • 🔠 To access functions or symbols in green, the '2nd' button must be pressed first, followed by the corresponding button.
  • 🔄 Mixed fractions can be converted to improper fractions, and vice versa, using specific calculator functions.
  • 📊 The calculator can compute percentages, square roots, and powers, including operations with negative numbers.
  • 📈 It also provides functionality to calculate mean, median, and can switch between standard and scientific notation for very large or small numbers.

Q & A

  • What type of calculator is recommended for the GED Math test?

    -The Texas Instruments TI-30XS is the recommended calculator for the GED Math test.

  • Where can one purchase the Texas Instruments TI-30XS calculator?

    -You can purchase the Texas Instruments TI-30XS calculator at many stores, on Amazon, or eBay, either new or used.

  • How can familiarity with the TI-30XS calculator potentially impact one's GED Math score?

    -Becoming familiar with the TI-30XS calculator and being proficient with it can boost one's GED Math score by one to three points.

  • How many questions are on the GED Math test, and when is a calculator allowed to be used?

    -There are 46 questions on the GED Math test, and a calculator can be used for all but five of them.

  • What are the default settings on the TI-30XS calculator that should be highlighted before starting the GED Math test?

    -The default settings that should be highlighted are 'NORM' for normal mode, 'FLOAT' for floating point entry, and 'MATH PRINT' for mathematical notation.

  • How do you access the functions or symbols in green on the TI-30XS calculator?

    -To access the functions or symbols in green, you must first press the '2ND' button and then press the corresponding button for the function or symbol.

  • What is the correct procedure for adding a fraction on the TI-30XS calculator?

    -To add a fraction, press the fraction button, enter the numerator, use the down arrow to move to the denominator, enter the denominator, and then press the right arrow and the plus sign to add the fractions.

  • How can you convert a fraction to a decimal on the TI-30XS calculator?

    -There are two methods: 1) Enter the fraction, press the right arrow, and then press 'ENTER' or 'PUNCH' followed by the double arrow toggle button. 2) Enter the fraction, press the '2ND' button, then press the table button to convert the fraction to a decimal.

  • What does the calculator do when you enter an improper fraction and press 'ENTER'?

    -The calculator automatically reduces the improper fraction to its simplest form.

  • How can you convert a decimal to a fraction using the TI-30XS calculator?

    -Enter the decimal number, press the right arrow, and then press the toggle button to convert the decimal to a fraction.

  • What is the process for calculating the mean and median of a data set using the TI-30XS calculator?

    -Enter the data set into list one using the data button. Then, press '2ND' and the data button to access the stat function, select L1 for list one, ensure frequency is one, scroll down to 'CALC' and press 'ENTER' to calculate the mean. To find the median, scroll down to 'MED' and press 'ENTER'.



📱 Calculator Basics for GED Math Test

This paragraph introduces the Texas Instruments TI-30XS calculator, which is the official calculator for the GED Math test. It emphasizes the importance of familiarity with the calculator for potentially increasing the test score by one to three points. The script explains that while a calculator is not allowed for five questions, it is essential for the remaining 41. It also outlines the default settings for the calculator and how to access the 'math print' mode for proper display of mathematical expressions. Additionally, it covers the basics of navigating the calculator's interface, including using the 'second' button to access additional functions and the 'quit' button to return to the home screen.


🔢 Mastering Fractions and Decimals on the Calculator

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of working with fractions and decimals on the calculator. It demonstrates how to add fractions, convert fractions to decimals, and vice versa. The video script provides step-by-step instructions on using the fraction button, toggling between fraction and decimal forms, and simplifying fractions. It also covers mixed fractions and improper fractions, showing how to convert them to decimals and back to mixed fractions. The paragraph highlights the calculator's ability to automatically reduce fractions and perform operations with mixed numbers.


🔄 Converting Fractions and Mixed Numbers Efficiently

This section focuses on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and decimals using the calculator. It explains the process of reducing fractions and changing them into mixed fractions with the help of specific calculator functions. The script also demonstrates how to convert these fractions back to decimals for a quick understanding of their values. Additionally, it provides examples of how to revert to original improper fractions if needed, showcasing the calculator's flexibility in handling different types of numerical expressions.


📊 Solving Percent and Story Problems with the Calculator

The fourth paragraph discusses the use of the calculator for solving percent-related and story problems. It shows how to convert fractions and decimals to percentages and perform percentage-based calculations, such as finding what three percent of a number is. The script also addresses how to determine what percentage one number represents of another, using an example with students in a class. Furthermore, it touches on the calculator's capability to handle square operations and square roots, both of which are useful for a variety of mathematical problems.


🔍 Exploring Square Roots and Scientific Notation

This paragraph explores the calculator's functions for square roots and scientific notation. It explains how to calculate square roots of both perfect and non-perfect numbers, highlighting the difference between entering a negative number inside a square root function and receiving an error versus simplifying square roots to their most basic form. The script also introduces the concept of scientific notation, demonstrating how to convert large and small numbers into this format for easier representation and manipulation.


📘 Understanding Negative Operations and Mean/Median Calculations

The sixth paragraph covers the handling of negative numbers in subtraction and introduces the calculator's capability to find the mean and median of a data set. It explains the process of entering a series of numbers into the calculator's data function and then using the statistical features to calculate the average (mean) and middle value (median) of the data. The script emphasizes the importance of entering data accurately and provides a method to double-check the entries before performing calculations.


🔢 Switching Between Scientific and Standard Notation

This section explains how to toggle between scientific and standard notation on the calculator. It provides examples of entering numbers in scientific notation and converting them back to standard notation. The script also discusses what happens when the calculator automatically switches to scientific notation due to the size of the numbers involved in calculations, even when the mode is set to standard notation. Additionally, it touches on the calculator's rounding feature, which allows for rounding numbers to the nearest whole number, tenths, hundredths, or thousandths place.


🔃 Resetting Calculator Settings After Rounding

The final paragraph emphasizes the importance of resetting the calculator to its default settings after using the rounding feature. It outlines two methods to achieve this: one是通过 returning to the 'float' setting in the calculator's mode menu and ensuring no numbers are highlighted, indicating the default state; the other是通过 using the 'reset' function, which clears the memory and restores all settings to their defaults. The script ensures that the calculator is ready for the next problem by presenting these steps.



💡GED Calculator

The GED Calculator refers to the Texas Instruments TI-30XS, which is the official calculator permitted for use in the GED Math test. The video emphasizes the importance of familiarity with this calculator for test-takers, as it can potentially increase their scores. The calculator is available for purchase through various retail platforms and is highlighted as a tool that can be used for 41 out of 46 questions on the test.

💡Mode Button

The 'Mode Button' on the calculator is crucial for setting the correct operational settings. In the script, it is mentioned that the default settings should include 'norm', 'degree', 'float', and 'math print'. These settings are essential for ensuring the calculator functions properly for mathematical operations, especially for the GED Math test.


Fractions are a fundamental part of the mathematical operations covered in the video. The script provides a tutorial on how to input and manipulate fractions on the calculator, including addition and multiplication. For instance, adding '2 7/7' plus '1/2' is demonstrated, showcasing the calculator's ability to perform fraction arithmetic and express results in their simplest form.

💡Second Button

The 'Second Button' on the calculator is used to access additional functions and symbols that are not directly available on the main keypad. This button is essential for using advanced mathematical features, such as changing a fraction to a decimal or accessing square root and power functions. The video script illustrates its use by pressing 'Second' followed by another button to activate these additional features.

💡Mixed Fractions

Mixed fractions, also known as mixed numbers, are numbers that combine a whole number and a proper fraction. The video explains how to input and convert mixed fractions on the calculator. For example, converting '4 3/7' to a decimal or an improper fraction is demonstrated. This feature is particularly useful for GED Math test-takers who need to perform complex arithmetic operations.

💡Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a way to express very large or very small numbers and is covered in the video. The script guides viewers on how to switch the calculator to 'sci' mode to input and display numbers in scientific notation. This is important for GED Math test-takers as it can simplify complex calculations and is a common format in scientific and mathematical contexts.

💡Square Root

The square root function is demonstrated in the script, showing how to calculate the square root of a number using the calculator. For example, finding the square root of '81' results in '9'. This function is essential for various mathematical operations and is likely to appear in the GED Math test.


Percents are discussed in the context of converting fractions and decimals to percentage form. The video script shows how to use the calculator to convert '3/8' to '37.5%' and '2.75' to '275%'. Understanding percentages is critical for the GED Math test, as they are commonly used in real-life mathematical applications.

💡Mean and Median

The video explains how to calculate the mean (average) and median using the calculator. These statistical measures are essential for understanding data sets and are part of the GED Math test curriculum. The script provides a step-by-step guide on entering data into the calculator and using the 'stat' function to find the mean and median.


Rounding numbers is a mathematical skill demonstrated in the video, showing how to round a number to the nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth using the calculator's 'float' setting. This skill is important for GED Math test-takers as it helps in approximating values to a desired precision.


Introduction to the official calculator for the GED Math test, the Texas Instruments TI-30XS.

Availability of the TI-30XS calculator on various platforms like Amazon and eBay.

Potential score improvement by familiarizing with the TI-30XS calculator for the GED Math test.

Explanation of the GED Math test structure, allowing calculator use for most questions.

Demonstration of setting the calculator to the correct mode for the test.

How to use the calculator for fraction operations and simplifying results.

Conversion of fractions to decimals using two different methods on the calculator.

Entering and simplifying mixed fractions on the TI-30XS.

Converting improper fractions to mixed fractions and decimals using the calculator.

Performing operations with mixed fractions and finding equivalent expressions.

Changing fractions to percentages and solving percentage-based story problems.

Entering and interpreting square roots, including negative values and simplification.

Demonstrating the calculator's ability to handle square roots and powers differently.

Using the calculator to find the mean and median of a data set.

Switching between standard and scientific notation on the calculator.

Rounding numbers to various decimal places using the calculator's float settings.

Resetting calculator settings to default after using special functions.