How to Think Computationally About AI, the Universe and Everything | Stephen Wolfram | TED

31 Oct 202318:01

TLDRIn his TED Talk, Stephen Wolfram explores the idea that computation is the fundamental process underlying the universe. He discusses the discovery of a universal machine code and how space and matter are composed of discrete elements. Wolfram also delves into the concept of the 'rulial', a space of all possible computational processes, and the implications for physics, mathematics, and AI. He emphasizes the importance of computational language in harnessing the power of the rulial and the potential for AI to explore it, suggesting a future where computational thinking is integral to human progress.


  • 🧠 Human language, mathematics, and logic are ways to formalize the world, but computation is a more powerful method.
  • 🌟 Stephen Wolfram's decades of work have culminated in a theory that computation underlies the universe.
  • 🌌 The universe's structure is based on discrete elements of space, forming a network of relations.
  • 🔄 Space and everything within it can emerge from the application of simple computational rules.
  • 🖥️ Computation isn't just a formalization; it's the ultimate one for our universe, as demonstrated by Wolfram's work.
  • 🕸️ The universe's complexity, including black holes and gravitational radiation, arises from pure computation.
  • 🌐 Quantum mechanics emerges from the branching structure of the universe, which is perceived by branching observers.
  • 🔄 The history of science has seen four paradigms, with the latest being multi-computational, involving multiple timelines.
  • 🌐 The ruliad, a concept by Wolfram, represents the entangled limit of all possible computational processes.
  • 🤖 AIs can explore the ruliad, but their actions without human alignment may not connect with human interests.
  • 🔗 The Wolfram Language is a computational language that encapsulates intellectual achievements, allowing for the expression and operationalization of ideas.

Q & A

  • What does Stephen Wolfram suggest is the most powerful way to formalize the world?

    -Stephen Wolfram suggests that computation is the most powerful way to formalize the world, building upon ideas such as human language, mathematics, and logic.

  • What was the main question Stephen Wolfram posed at the end of his TED Talk in 2010?

    -The main question posed by Stephen Wolfram at the end of his TED Talk in 2010 was whether computation is ultimately what's underneath everything in our universe.

  • What significant announcement did Stephen Wolfram make in April 2020?

    -In April 2020, Stephen Wolfram announced what seems to be the ultimate machine code of the universe, which is computational.

  • What is the 'rulial' that Stephen Wolfram refers to in his talk?

    -The 'rulial' is a term coined by Stephen Wolfram to describe the entangled limit of all possible computational processes, representing everything computationally possible.

  • How does Wolfram describe the universe's emergence according to his model?

    -According to Wolfram's model, the universe emerges by the successive application of very simple computational rules, starting from the idea that space is made of discrete elements.

  • What does Stephen Wolfram believe quantum mechanics emerges as in his model?

    -In Stephen Wolfram's model, quantum mechanics emerges as the story of how branching minds perceive a branching universe.

  • What are the four broad paradigms for making models of the world that Stephen Wolfram discusses?

    -The four broad paradigms discussed by Stephen Wolfram are: 1) Modeling with no consideration of time, 2) Modeling with time as a coordinate value, 3) Models based on simple computational rules, and 4) Multi-computational models with many threads of time.

  • What does Stephen Wolfram believe is the key to harnessing the power of the rulial?

    -Stephen Wolfram believes that computational language is the key to harnessing the power of the rulial, allowing humans to define goals and chart their path within it.

  • How does Wolfram's view on AI's role in exploring the rulial differ from human exploration?

    -According to Wolfram, AIs can explore the rulial independently, but without alignment with human understanding, their explorations would mostly be disconnected from what humans care about.

  • What is the significance of the Wolfram Language in Stephen Wolfram's work?

    -The Wolfram Language is significant as it provides a full-scale computational language that encapsulates intellectual achievements in computational terms, enabling the operationalization of ideas and the creation of new things.



🌌 Computation: The Foundation of the Universe

The speaker begins by discussing the significance of computation as a formalization tool, comparing it to human language, mathematics, and logic. They recount their 50-year journey in building a scientific and technological edifice on the concept of computation. The speaker briefly mentions their previous TED talk and the question they posed about computation being the underlying fabric of the universe. They announce the discovery of what seems to be the ultimate machine code of the universe, which is computational in nature. The idea is that space and everything within it are made of discrete elements, and the structure of space is defined by a network of relations between these elements, which the speaker refers to as 'atoms of space.' The paragraph ends with a visualization of the universe's beginning, illustrating how space and everything in it emerge from the application of simple computational rules.


🧠 The Ruliad: A Universe of Computational Possibilities

The speaker introduces the concept of the 'rulial space,' which encompasses all possible computational processes. They explain that as observers, we are part of this ruliad and that our perceptions are limited to specific slices of it. The speaker highlights two key characteristics of human observers: our computational limitations and our persistence in time. They then reveal that the laws perceived by such observers are the three key theories of 20th-century physics: general relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics. The speaker suggests that different types of minds can be imagined as existing in different regions of rulial space, with human minds being close to one another and alien minds being further away. They propose using generative AI to explore the ruliad by sampling possible rules and expanding our concepts and paradigms, likening it to physical exploration but in the space of computational possibilities.


💡 Computational Language: A Superpower for Creation

The speaker discusses the development of a computational language, which they argue is a significant advancement beyond traditional programming languages. They describe how this language allows for the operationalization of any concept in computational terms, effectively providing a 'computational X' for all fields. The speaker shares their personal experience with the Wolfram Language, expressing how it has given them a 'superpower' to realize computational ideas and their consequences. They note that this language is not just for programmers but for anyone who wants to think in computational terms, and it has been used by a wide range of individuals to advance their fields. The speaker also touches on the integration of AI with computational language, suggesting that AI can use this language to compute new facts and enhance its capabilities.


🌟 The Future with AI: Embracing Computational Irreducibility

In the final paragraph, the speaker contemplates the future of AI and computation. They discuss the concept of computational irreducibility, which implies that to understand a system's behavior, one must go through the same computational steps as the system itself. This idea challenges the traditional scientific belief in predictability and highlights the significance of the passage of time. The speaker suggests that as AI and computation become more integrated into society, we will face dilemmas about predictability versus potential. They propose that AI might operate within a 'constitution' set by society, but there will always be unpredictable consequences. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of computational language in defining what we want from AI and in navigating the vast 'rulial space.' They suggest that as automation opens up new directions in the ruliad, it is up to humans to decide where we want to go, and computational language is the tool to chart that path.




Computation refers to the process of performing calculations or processing data. In the context of the video, computation is presented as a fundamental aspect of the universe, underlying all phenomena. The speaker suggests that the universe's structure is based on simple computational rules that give rise to complex outcomes, such as the formation of space and matter. Computation is the core concept that the speaker uses to explain how the universe operates and how it can be understood and modeled.

💡Discrete Elements

Discrete elements are individual, separate components that make up a whole. The video script mentions that space and matter are composed of these discrete elements, which are the basic building blocks of the universe. This concept is crucial for understanding the computational nature of the universe, as it implies that the universe's complexity arises from the interactions of these simple, discrete components.


Space-time is a four-dimensional continuum that combines the three dimensions of space with the one dimension of time. In the video, space-time emerges from the application of computational rules to the discrete elements that make up the universe. This concept is integral to the discussion of how gravity and the laws of physics are derived from the computational framework of the universe.

💡Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels. In the video, quantum mechanics is described as emerging from the computational framework of the universe, particularly in relation to the branching of time and the perception of observers. The speaker suggests that the same computational rules that give rise to gravity in physical space also give rise to quantum mechanics in what he calls 'branchial space'.

💡Branchial Space

Branchial space, as introduced in the video, refers to the space of quantum branches, which is a way to conceptualize the multiple possible outcomes and paths in a quantum system. The speaker uses this term to explain how quantum mechanics arises from the computational rules of the universe, with each branch representing a different possible history or future.

💡Computational Irreducibility

Computational irreducibility is the idea that to understand the outcome of a complex computational process, one must run the computation itself, as there is no simpler way to predict the result. This concept is central to the video's argument that the universe is computational at its core, and that the passage of time is associated with the necessity of running these computations to see how things unfold.


The ruliad, as coined by the speaker, is a concept that represents the space of all possible computational processes. It is a vast, abstract space where every computationally possible outcome exists. The ruliad encompasses all possible universes and outcomes, and the speaker discusses how observers within the universe sample specific slices of the ruliad, which are influenced by their computational limitations and perception of time.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can create new content, such as images, text, or music, based on existing data. In the video, the speaker mentions using generative AI to explore the ruliad by generating images aligned with human concepts. This technique allows for a glimpse into the vast space of computational possibilities and helps in understanding the potential of AI to explore and create within the computational framework of the universe.

💡Computational Language

Computational language, as discussed in the video, is a language designed for expressing and manipulating computational concepts. The speaker has developed the Wolfram Language as a full-scale computational language that encapsulates various facets of human knowledge in computational terms. This language is presented as a tool for harnessing computational superpowers, allowing users to conceptualize and create new things by defining what they want in computational terms.

💡Computational Superpowers

Computational superpowers, as mentioned in the video, refer to the enhanced capabilities that individuals or AI systems gain through the use of computational language and tools. These superpowers enable the creation and understanding of complex systems, the automation of tasks, and the exploration of the ruliad. The speaker emphasizes that with computational language, humans and AI can define their goals and harness the vast computational resources available to achieve them.


Computation is a powerful way to formalize the world, alongside human language, mathematics, and logic.

Stephen Wolfram has spent nearly 50 years building a tower of science and technology based on computation.

After a decade, Wolfram announced what seems to be the ultimate machine code of the universe, which is computational.

Space and everything in it are made of discrete elements, forming a network of relations called 'atoms of space'.

The universe emerges from the successive application of simple computational rules.

Gravitational radiation and phenomena like black holes can be understood as results of pure computation.

Quantum mechanics emerges from the story of how branching minds perceive a branching universe.

There are four broad paradigms for making models of the world, distinguished by how they deal with time.

The ruliad, a concept by Wolfram, represents the entangled limit of all possible computational processes.

Observers like us are computationally bounded and perceive the laws of physics due to our specific position in the ruliad.

Generative AI can be used to explore the ruliad and generate content aligned with human concepts.

AIs can explore rulial space, but their explorations may not connect with human understanding without guidance.

The Wolfram Language is a computational language that encapsulates facets of human intellectual achievements.

Computational irreducibility shows that not all systems can be simply predicted or explained.

The future may involve AIs with full computational potential, which could lead to unpredictability.

As automation advances, it opens up new directions in the ruliad for human exploration and definition.

Computational language is essential for humans to define goals and chart their path in the vastness of the ruliad.