How to become a Math Genius.✔️ How do genius people See a math problem! by mathOgenius

3 Jun 201715:23

TLDRIn this video, the speaker explains how to change your mindset to improve your math skills. They emphasize that believing 'math is easy' is essential for overcoming fear and excelling in math. The video discusses the importance of understanding formulas, reading problems carefully, and avoiding cramming. Instead, the focus should be on learning and problem-solving using a strategic approach. A simple method is demonstrated using a cylinder volume problem to show how to apply formulas and critical thinking. The video encourages persistence, emphasizing that success in math comes from mindset and practice.


  • 😀 Believe that math is easy for you to change your mindset and improve.
  • 🔑 Avoid cramming solutions; focus on understanding the concepts behind each problem.
  • 🧠 The key to success is developing a learning and solution-oriented mindset.
  • 📋 Make a list of all formulas for each math chapter before starting to solve problems.
  • 👀 Read math problems carefully to understand which formulas to apply.
  • 🧩 Treat math problems like puzzles; think through the steps needed to solve them.
  • 🚫 Don’t be discouraged by wrong answers; keep trying, as persistence leads to success.
  • ✔️ Always learn from mistakes to sharpen your math skills and improve.
  • 🔄 Use trial and error to solve problems, and you'll naturally memorize formulas over time.
  • 🎮 Make math fun by viewing it as a challenging game or puzzle to solve.

Q & A

  • Why is it important to change your mindset about math?

    -Changing your mindset is crucial because it helps remove negative thoughts and programming about math, replacing them with positivity and belief that math is easy to solve.

  • What is the 'learning + solution-oriented mindset' mentioned in the video?

    -This mindset focuses on learning from math problems and seeking solutions by understanding the problem first, rather than cramming or copying solutions.

  • What is the first step in solving any math problem according to the video?

    -The first step is to read the problem carefully. By doing so, you'll better understand what the question is asking and what formulas or methods to use.

  • Why should you avoid cramming math solutions?

    -Cramming math solutions doesn't help you truly understand the problem or learn the underlying concepts, making it more difficult to solve similar problems in the future.

  • What does Einstein's quote 'I am not intelligent, I just stay with the problem longer than other people' imply?

    -It implies that persistence is key to solving math problems. The more time you spend trying to understand and solve a problem, the more likely you are to succeed.

  • How can making a list of formulas before starting a chapter help with solving math problems?

    -Having a list of formulas handy makes it easier to identify the right formula when solving a problem, streamlining the problem-solving process.

  • What method does the video suggest for memorizing formulas?

    -The video suggests that practicing solving math problems will automatically help you memorize formulas because you're repeatedly applying them in different contexts.

  • Why is it important to think before solving a math problem?

    -Thinking before solving helps you plan the steps required to reach the solution, making the process more like solving a puzzle, which makes math more engaging.

  • How does solving a math problem on your own benefit your brain?

    -Solving math problems independently creates billions of connections in your brain, sharpening your thinking and problem-solving abilities.

  • Why should you verify your solution after solving a problem?

    -Verifying your solution helps you learn from any mistakes and strengthens your understanding of the correct method, ensuring continuous improvement.



🧠 Transform Your Math Mindset

This paragraph sets the stage for overcoming fear and anxiety about math. It emphasizes that by watching the video and adopting the right mindset, students can transform their math skills. The speaker shares their own success in scoring 97 out of 100 in a math exam and assures viewers they can achieve similar results by shifting their beliefs. The first key step is committing to the idea that 'math is easy' and repeating this affirmation aloud to reprogram the mind and eliminate negative thinking.


📖 Avoid the Pitfalls of Cramming

This section highlights the most common mistakes students make when trying to solve math problems, such as cramming solutions or copying from help books without understanding. It stresses that cramming is counterproductive and leads to confusion. Instead, the speaker advises focusing on learning and developing a 'learning + solution-oriented mindset,' which involves actively solving problems and understanding the underlying concepts. A key tip is to create a list of formulas for each chapter before starting to solve problems.


🧩 The Power of Reading Carefully

Here, the speaker explains the importance of reading math problems carefully before attempting to solve them. Many students rush to apply formulas without fully understanding the problem, which leads to mistakes. The paragraph also introduces a process of thinking through the problem and applying the right formulas based on a clear understanding of the values and steps needed. Persistence is encouraged, using Einstein’s famous quote about staying with problems longer to achieve success.


📏 Applying the Formula to a Cylinder Problem

In this paragraph, the speaker provides a practical demonstration of the mindset and methods described earlier by solving a simple volume problem involving a cylinder. They walk through the process of identifying relevant formulas, calculating the volume, and explaining the steps in detail. This example serves as a model for how students can apply the mindset to more complex problems by breaking them down into manageable steps and thinking critically.

🎯 Stay Consistent for Math Success

The final section encourages students to remain consistent in their efforts and stick to the methods presented in the video. It reinforces that slow and steady progress leads to success, and the speaker suggests even small habits, like listing formulas, can lead to significant improvements. The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe and stay tuned for future math tips and tricks, emphasizing that mastering math is possible with the right approach.




The video emphasizes the importance of having the right mindset to succeed in math. A positive mindset, where math is seen as easy, is crucial to overcoming challenges. The script advises viewers to believe that 'math is easy' in order to reprogram their thinking.


Cramming is described as one of the worst strategies for learning math. Instead of memorizing solutions, the video encourages a deeper understanding of math problems through problem-solving and learning from mistakes.

💡Learning + Solution Oriented Mindset

This is the suggested approach for solving math problems. It involves focusing on learning from each problem and finding solutions step by step, rather than simply copying or cramming answers.


Formulas are essential tools in math, and the video advises making a list of all formulas relevant to a chapter. This helps in solving problems efficiently, as having the right formulas on hand makes math easier to approach.

💡Reading the Problem

Carefully reading and understanding a math problem is emphasized as the most important step. Many students fail to fully grasp the problem before attempting to solve it, leading to mistakes.

💡Trial and Error

The video encourages using the trial and error method when solving math problems. If a solution is incorrect, one should try again and learn from the mistakes, which helps in sharpening problem-solving skills.


Albert Einstein's quote about imagination being more important than knowledge is referenced. Imagination allows students to visualize the steps needed to solve a problem, helping them arrive at the solution even without memorizing every formula.

💡Math as a Puzzle

The video suggests viewing math problems as puzzles or games that can be solved using available patterns (formulas). This approach makes math more engaging and fun, reducing anxiety around difficult problems.

💡Making Mistakes

Learning from mistakes is a key theme. The video advises students to review their errors after solving problems, as this process strengthens understanding and builds better problem-solving abilities.


The video emphasizes persistence in solving math problems. It mentions Einstein's approach of staying with a problem longer, suggesting that perseverance increases the likelihood of finding the correct solution.


The video promises to change the viewer's approach to math, making it easy like a 'piece of cake'.

The speaker shares a personal achievement of scoring 97 out of 100 in a 12th-grade math exam, inspiring the audience.

Mindset is emphasized as the key to solving math problems; changing negative thoughts into positive ones.

Students are encouraged to commit to believing math is easy and to say it aloud.

The most common toxic mindset is fear and self-doubt when faced with a difficult math problem.

The speaker warns against cramming math solutions from help books, which prevents real learning.

Instead of cramming, the focus should be on learning and understanding concepts.

A method to solve math problems is shared: make a list of all formulas used in a chapter.

Memorizing formulas becomes easier when applying them in real problems instead of rote learning.

The importance of reading math problems carefully before jumping to conclusions is emphasized.

Math should be approached like solving a puzzle, applying logic step by step to find the answer.

The speaker cites Einstein, emphasizing persistence in solving problems rather than instant success.

The trial-and-error method is encouraged, as it builds neural connections and sharpens the mind.

By following this method, math becomes more interesting and even fun, like playing a video game.

A practical example is given by solving a 7th-grade volume of a cylinder problem, demonstrating the mindset in action.